CS : Source Clan =UM= Signup thread

Sorry, I forgot to add an "if" in my question there.

They're not, nor have they been, at all specific with this monthly subscription plan but I've heard mostly that it's assumed it would be needed to have any use of Steam.

Can you play CS: Source without Steam? Can you find servers without it?
Thanatopsis123 said:
Sorry, I forgot to add an "if" in my question there.

They're not, nor have they been, at all specific with this monthly subscription plan but I've heard mostly that it's assumed it would be needed to have any use of Steam.

Can you play CS: Source without Steam? Can you find servers without it?
Heh if they start charging.. hmm.. well i guess i'd have to find out just how much it would be. More than likely i'd say screw them :) Nope you cannot run Source without Steam :/ unless of course you have a cracked version or something like that.
Fuck I always try to find you guys online, we really need to get up an official UM server, that way we can always play on it (since there aren't many maps anyway) and we'll always meet up there. Is anyone capable of providing this?!? THat would just be great. ANyway, my friends name is Arsenal11, sorry, don't have time right now to fill out the other info, oh, and my msn is kirill02@msn.com.
I seriously doubt Valve would make Steam a subscription service. It would be a MASSIVELY unpopular decision and one which would probably see a very large decline in users.
Tanith said:
I seriously doubt Valve would make Steam a subscription service. It would be a MASSIVELY unpopular decision and one which would probably see a very large decline in users.
Definitely and Leper, heh i still can't seem to add you :confused: Look for me on Cain's Lair ... IP:

Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Yeah, stupid friends is teh ghey...I will just add Cain's Lair to my favs and will always check in there....
Ok good but be warned it's a 40 player server. I like a lot of people on a server but i know some people don't. Hopefully i'll catch you in there some time :)
Crap, I haven't seen you guys on at all, and Cain's always seems to be empty, well anyway Im ALWAYS on this server, which is great if you don't mind FF. IP:
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Crap, I haven't seen you guys on at all, and Cain's always seems to be empty, well anyway Im ALWAYS on this server, which is great if you don't mind FF. IP:
ehh i tried it out for a bit, didn't see you though. btw if TKing, whining and childlike behaviour is indicative of what normally happens there then count me out brother. I like to have fun, not dodge and ignore morons :D
Ok, i've been away for the weekend so I missed quite alot, but i'm back now, so i'll try and get in a game with you guys at some point soon.
So, I finally caved and ordered over Steam yesterday... a whole two days before HL2 is released. My name on the friends list is Arsis, if anyone is still playing.
I'm still playing, just not very often since these open betas won't be around forever heh. So unless a miracle occurs and i am able to play WoW after beta ends i'll be there quite a bit i think but will play more Source also since i won't feel as though i have to play WoW as much as possible because i won't get to play again.
Let's not forget that HL2 is playable tonight/tomorrow. That oughta draw some attention away from WoW.