Clan UM Roster

Okay, so that's:

=UM= Biznatch

That's 28 members :hypno: cool (except I put names I'd seen before in-game/active on buddy list in bold and that comes to under 10.)
Until a couple of days ago I was online every night, more or less. And I've seen Pancakes in my buddy list, though the server he was on had a truly frightening ping count so I didn't bother joining.
Of course more people play than the ones in bold, since I'm not playing all the time (but still, a lot don't I think). Pancakes is in Canada so finding a server with a good ping for both is going to be tricky (and someone from Australia just joined the clan I think which will be even harder)
Yeah, Aus :) I am not too fussed about having a bad ping, I'm still on 56k at the moment so I my best pings to servers that I have found have been about 170's range (I only just started playing online, had 2 sort of runs online so far, had the game maybe 2-3 weeks), but I have played on servers regularly with original UT where I was 480's, which is alright, it is when you start getting packetloss that makes it unplayable. So I don't mind joining servers that I am going to get bigger pings on, but the time zones difference will probably mean that I am online at different times to lots of people.

Once I get sorted out a little, like add the buddy list thing and see how it works, I will see if I can join a few games wherever you guys are (if I catch anyone online). I am still familiarising with 2004 and am a little bit lost.
Kanyon said:
Yeah, Aus :) I am not too fussed about having a bad ping, I'm still on 56k at the moment so I my best pings to servers that I have found have been about 170's range (I only just started playing online, had 2 sort of runs online so far, had the game maybe 2-3 weeks), but I have played on servers regularly with original UT where I was 480's, which is alright, it is when you start getting packetloss that makes it unplayable. So I don't mind joining servers that I am going to get bigger pings on, but the time zones difference will probably mean that I am online at different times to lots of people.

Once I get sorted out a little, like add the buddy list thing and see how it works, I will see if I can join a few games wherever you guys are (if I catch anyone online). I am still familiarising with 2004 and am a little bit lost.
Well, I've played with you a few times now and you're good for someone new to 2k4, especially since you usually had a ping of 400+. You saw how much of a kicking I got on that DM server near (?) you (well your ping was still ~200 :(), having to lead your shots by over a second is not nice, I don't know how you cope actually, it's practically impossible :p. Are you going to be getting cable/DSL anytime soon?
Sunlapse said:
you've seen hopkins in a game? :eek:
Once, for 1 minute before I had to leave due to my 0-5 fps (before I had a good pc) on ONS-Torlan. It was in the demo I think.
Int said:
=UM= Biznatch

Sorry, I went through the thread and copied/pasted everyone's names. Yours wasn't there because you wanted out information as you were making the website. =)

Int said:
Well, I've played with you a few times now and you're good for someone new to 2k4, especially since you usually had a ping of 400+. You saw how much of a kicking I got on that DM server near (?) you (well your ping was still ~200 :(), having to lead your shots by over a second is not nice, I don't know how you cope actually, it's practically impossible :p. Are you going to be getting cable/DSL anytime soon?

Sorry, I must have missed this post completely :err:

Yeah, the Onslaught matches really suck because some things dont seem to load correctly. For instance, I usually see Goliaths without turrets or people "lying down" when they are really in those things that dont move with the twin guns on them. :confused:

I guess that you get used to it though, for me it is all that I know, so I have become fairly used to having to lead shots by a fair margin and guessing where someone is heading to shortly.

And no, 56k isn't cool at all for UT2k4, I have been meaning to get some sort of broadband for ages. I have been planing to get something since the start of this year.

Actually thats the other thing that I was going to ask, whether to get ADSL or Cable? I mean, I know that cable is better really, but it is quite a rip off for prices in my area. I could get a true unlimited ADSL plan at 256K for about AU$60-$70 a month I think it was.

But which would get a better ping? Or would they both be pretty much the same?
Here in Canada, Cable and ADSL are pretty much the same. In fact, we take the cheaper cause the difference between the two is really small
Int said:
That's 28 members :hypno: cool (except I put names I'd seen before in-game/active on buddy list in bold and that comes to under 10.)
I've seen Hypocrisy and NAD in a few games a while ago, and some others you didn't list I think, I just had a quick match with Kanyon too :)
Sorry to necro-bump threads now and all.

But I was going to actually ask xenophobe if it is still possible to get one of the (official) sig pics with my name on it?

Do you still have the source image? Or is it gone? Gone I say! Gone!

(If you can do this, I am talking whenever you feel like it, in a few weeks, months, I am not fussed)
I quit UT2k4 a while back, I might get back into playing soon, but a friend has the disk and I play Diablo II a lot now. Leave me on the list if you want more members :P