Cubase 5 sync

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
I think I have a problem with the sync of my firepod and cubase 5. Is it normal that whenever I play or stop when there's audio playing, I hear ''pop''? I also had the glitches I posted in another thread, which I'm pretty sure are due to bad synchronization.

In cubase transport bar, I have the word ''offline'' just under the tempo ( I think there should be nothing, lie in this pic : sync transport bar/ilterocktive/Tuts/07.gif)

Thanks for your help

I just tried my toneport in cubase and I still hear the ''pops'' when I start or stop audio, so it isn't my firepod after all.

It also happens in VLC media player. 0_o

I read stuff about IRQ, and I have 6 things on the same IRQ, including my firewire port. There's also my graphics card, IDE driver double channel PCI,etc.. Could it be the cause for these pops?

EDIT: I just tried my firepod on another computer and it still does ''pops'' when I play or stop the audio. COuld it be just a normal thing? :goggly: