Cubase 6.0.3 update, Transparent events etc

Yeah, it is the third since the release date. But I wouldnt say .03 is really menor, they're fixing a lot of crap people are complaining since the beginning. In reality, .03 should've been the real release version.

There are some bugs they still need to fix, tho', like the delete overlap stuff that is still NOT erasing what's underneath the event on the top. Sometimes, randomly it delete what's on the top and keeps the bottom events. I am having also a LOT of trouble with automation - auto latch isn't working at all and even though I posted at the forum about it, got zero answer. Still a massive improvement over Cubendo 4 I was using before and I wouldnt switch back.
Can't wait for this update! Finally get to actually fucking use 6 for something other than an icon in my dock :lol:

I'm using my box as a paperweight still :muahaha:

I'm not really terribly bummed that it has taken them so long to come out with the update; Cubase 5 has been treating me like gold since I installed it on my mac. Upgrading is going to be pretty awesome, though!
Still just "end of July," so I'd guess the last two weeks of July at least, if not the last week.
Did anybody install the 6.02 update? I had a lot of trouble with it. On exports the whole PC crashed like crazy. I really had to reset my computer all the time, so I uninstalled it again. 6.00 works far better for me.
I hope 6.03 won't be so fucked up