Iguana Hell
Razorjack said:we both prefer Nuendo!! Can't we just leave it at that?

i am out...
Razorjack said:we both prefer Nuendo!! Can't we just leave it at that?
black sugar said:On the subject of DAW's, I'm pretty close to moving to SawStudio, which there was a thread on about a month ago. It ain't pretty, but it sounds great!
Moonlapse said:Maybe someone can shed some light on this for me... I've never understood why alot of engineers have a very condescending outlook on Cubase, or Steinberg products in general. Is there anything quantifiably inferior about them, most particularily in comparison to 'tools?
DracWell said:Sends is the best way to go.
I usually have a long rev, short rev and a multitap delay on FX channels and send what I want to have the effect there
But as far eating CPU, The C4 on my guitar group eats _alot_ of power for some reason. Btw. A quick question, you who use the C4 setting for guitars, do you smack it on a group channel or on the induvidual guitars?
Moonlapse said:Just another question guys.
Sometimes I notice that the fade-ins on Cubase don't seem to work... when you actually visually drag that little blue arrow toward the center. On a project I'm working on at the moment, fading out seem to work fine but fading in doesn't.... is there some weird parameter overriding the fade-ins or something?
Help appreciated, because I'm really stumped here.