Current musical addictions/recent discoveries

It's like a tribute to a character from a literal shitpost movie from like 10 years ago.

But none of you knows what it's about, still a good music

Below one of the anime fights from the movie, Acrobatic Daniel vs Concrete Lukas, starting from 1:05!

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One Winged Angel but instead of angel it's ayaya.

I listened to the one hour version of this masterpiece and I wasnt tired. Ominous classic one winged angel metal edition paired with some random anime cancer created a perfect mix. Brb, listening to it again.

laughing at myself
saw the title and thought this was a repeat of one of those old threads about drug usage

Interesting to hear the vocals only, can kinda see how it was mixed. And you can hear thats where his growls (lower growls) started to get worse. Highs were still solid as fuck, its surpsising they sound so good without music, lots of raspiness.
Growls are awkward without the music to accompany. I have heard a couple of these now, and it breaks the illusion a little. His cleans impress me, but the growls sound kind of weak without the music. All the comments seem to indicate people find them amazing but I think they need the music to work. I will say though that his voice is very easy to slip into a mix because of his tone.

I got asked a while back to upload a vocals only or reduced instrumental by a guy trying to learn to growl. I tried to avoid the topic going any further, I was way too nervous to do that for the reasons I stated above. I did actually render a (nearly) vocals only track but couldn't bring myself to share with random dude. I might be open to sharing it with our retarded bloodbath crew though... :lol:
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Haha yeah, every question of "Heard you can growl, can you growl for me now"?


Not only because I dont want to fucking scream for no reason, my throat is not warmed up, but it might fucking suck without music.
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I fucking hate that. Grrs need to be reserved for a proper setting, or while drunk as fuck with fellow metalheads. You can't just break into a death metal song on command while at work. It's not fucking Doo Wop.

I prefer the family doesn't even bring my music up at a gathering. Between asking "how do you do that?", and then wanting to put on a song for a bunch of people that definitely don't get it, I just try to change the subject. There are few things as awkward as feigned interest. Just let me be metal and you guys do what you like.
Well, I had one response for that.

I can bark like a dog. I can even fool other dogs (it's always hilarious to see them freak out looking for the source).

And since my barking and growling technique is almost identical I used to just bark on them and say "and now do the same thing with different pitch, more strength and actual words".

They thought I was crazy. Good. Try to embarass me Ill just move the embarassment onto you