Current musical addictions/recent discoveries


Discovered these guys. Found out they are close to being local. Some of the best funeral doom Ive heard
Fuck putting actual dead people on cover art. Except for when it's Mayhem.
Becoming a weeb opened the gates to tons of quality music, mostly from 70s-90s.

And I just keep discovering more, watching new chinese shit and this opening comes up:

I was like "It has 80's vibes". Wasnt wrong, dude created in 80s and got brought back to make this opening. So another 10~~ albums for me to listen to.

I have yet to find a good japanese metal though. I guess it doesnt exist.

I always had hard on for Hietala's vocals. And now not only a solo project (but whatever happened to Tarot?) but also in finnish?

Cant wait to see whats going to come of this.
New Opeth album is supposedly to be something band never tried before.

INB4 Jpop or opera death metal, which would clearly be stealing ideas from me
"This is our fastest and heaviest album to date! You will be blown away!" - every band releasing an album
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Holy shit, did I just find good japanese metal?
I always thought japs could do great soundtracks, jazz, folk, pop, but metal, nah.

Bunch of old geezers proved me wrong. It's not top tier, but it's definitely a good listen.

Huh, and to add to that name of the band references old creepy japanese tale Human Chair that was later drawn by horror master Junji Iro. I knew that name rang a bell. Im moist.
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Still not as gay as that dwarf metal song. Makes sense though, dwarf women don't exist, they all gay
If were going for gay stuff:

This calms me AF, perfect ending for 20 minutes of comedy shouting.

Overall this chinese cartoon is perfect parody of all these fantasy shows