Currently Drinking Thread (Resurrected)

Excess said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA sorry can't stop laughing. "skogen måne and gatan" was the best thing this morgning. Thank you. :lol:
Hey its what Im on this earth for, to help other people laugh at my expense :)

but if you want to teach me swedish ill do your work for you :P
I had these last night...


COBabe said:
hm, a bottle of bitburger beer
I tasted this beer last week at a dinner - it was pretty good. Easy to drink when eating. The name is just disturbing for French speaking people (bit = cock).
Currently drinking Cofee, wish I could have a Black Velvet.. but they don't have that a the coffee machines I have at work. Weird... :err:
ND24/7 said:
I tasted this beer last week at a dinner - it was pretty good. Easy to drink when eating. The name is just disturbing for French speaking people (bit = cock).
Currently drinking Cofee, wish I could have a Black Velvet.. but they don't have that a the coffee machines I have at work. Weird... :err:

yeah, i like this beer, too.
wtf? bit = cock? :lol: