Currently Drinking Thread (Resurrected)

Ooohh Oreos or Chips Ahoy with hot chocolate......damn i want cookies......:(
DAMN! I just wanted to enjoy my last CIDER, but i'm still ill and so I rarely taste anything. only thing is that my head is aching like hell so i guess i have to take a pill then and the CIDER won't get any better... uargh! :cry:
Aww sorry Missery I hope you feel better soon....drinks lots of clear fluids...;)
thanks! I know one shouldn't drink alcohol while being ill, but i've been sober for too long already and i just HAD to get sth with alcohol in it...well, fuckin' addicts ;)
Lanterns said:
Get well soon Missery! And is that Finnish cider? GoldenCap and Hartwall UpCider rule!:)

thank you too! yeah, it's finnish cider (From our trip to spinefeast :Spin: ). perry upcider... HEAVEN!
Alexis Eugenesken Araujo said:
Not either one, my mom made cookies for me :D
Tell your mom that i want some too.....send them first class mail....:lol:
COBabe said:
mixed with orangejuice. so i´m getting some vitamins, too :lol:

missery, get well soon!

well, thanx!!!!! hehe, that's the spirit ;) used to drink vodka with orangejuice, too. but it got me so tired and fucked up. now i changed to vokda red bull. never liked the taste of that gummybear-stuff, but it keeps you awake and gets you drunk in the right way, if ya know what i mean. hehe, anyways, enjoy your drink(s) :grin: