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God of all things
Jan 25, 2006
Augusta, Georgia
This thread is to confess what album you can't get out of your cd lately, off of your ipod, or out of your head.

For me it's Novembre-Materia.

It's just completely entrancing. I've listened to nothing but it the last few days.
Edge of Sanity - Crimson II

Just have been loving this album. Can't stop playing "Incantation III" that has the catchy breakdown with added keys in it.
nile - in their darkened shrines

seriously close your eyes, lie down somewhere and listen to the song "Unas Slayer of The Gods", you will feel as if you are in the middle of some ancient egyptian ritual. Its fucking awesome
Nevermore- This Godless Endeavor. The titular song is particulatly awesome.

As for what's on the iPod, I downloaded some songs from Suffocation's Pierced from Within that I can't seem to quit listening to. I ordered the CD and it should be arriving this week.
Nevermore- This Godless Endeavor. The titular song is particulatly awesome.

As for what's on the iPod, I downloaded some songs from Suffocation's Pierced from Within that I can't seem to quit listening to. I ordered the CD and it should be arriving this week.

welcome to the dark side my friend :lol: :lol: no more complaining of death metal vocals being animal grunts I see? :kickass:
Speaking of animal grunts, I just can't get into Nile.

The name sounds good, the guitar sounds good, everything.

But that vocal style is just too much for me =(
this is a strange choice for me but I absolutely cannot get enough of dying fetus "blunt force trauma" lately. It's so freaking br00tal, and the vocals are great ranging from super low to low to high to super high