Currently spamming?

Nile is one of my favourite death metal bands, and I think they are very talented on for Meshuggah, I've only heard "Catch 33" and that's just not my thing. I understand its not exactly like their old material, I've been told but I just can't get into anything like that - or anything with too much technical wankery like Psyopus...
satanica - behemoth, it has to be my most preferred behemoth album for sure :)
Bumping this thread because Sonata Arcitca's Silence is a pretty great album and I've been listening to it quite a bit.

Omg same here. False News Travels Fast and Wolf & Raven are really amazing songs I love them. Silence wins the reward for metal album with the best lyrics imo.
Anything by Lunar Aurora. I have to force myself not to listen to them. Every time I listen to one of their albums I feel impulsed to buy everything from them and continue listening.