Cutest member of DT?


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2001
Espoo, Finland
Well, I guess every subject deserves a poll...
So, if you can overcome your homophobia, vote for the cutest member of DT :D

Mikael Stanne, I like his hair, and hes got such a manly voice ;)

EDIT: I was supposed to post a poll but for some reason it didn't appear... Well, at least you can't vote anonymously this way.
A crowd of people are talking loudly in a bar, most of their discussion centered around Dark Tranquillity. Suddenly, one of the people speaks up;

Ormir: So, which member of DT do you fancy? I rather like that Stanne, he's got a nice ass. And what about that Jivarp, he sure is a hotty. And...
*All of the conversation in the room end*
Ormir: What? Come on, I know you have sexual fantasies about them. Don't try lying to me.
Ormir: Come on guys, its not like I dream about Sundin and Stanne every night. Its not like I touch myself either...
*deeper silence*
Ormir (nervous): Ok, fine maybe I do, but at least I keep their instruments out of it!
*people start leaving*
Ormir (alone): What did I say?
@ormir: haaaaaahahahhahhahahhaaha
still laughing my "not_so_hotty_as_jivarp's_ ass off!!!
If I was a chick (word that I normaly hate to name a woman, but sounds nice used directly to me ;P) I think that I wuold love to have something with Henriksson, so tall, so big, guess if he has everything so_big! :p
Originally posted by Ormir

Ormir (nervous): Ok, fine maybe I do, but at least I keep their instruments out of it!

Ormir, you scare the shit out of me! :tickled:

I think you should check out Thales - the gayest band on earth! :heh:

Yep, I found it from one of the interviews linked on that new DT fan-page. It touched me so closely that I had to choose it as my signature. :rolleyes:

I wrote something about this to Opeth board once. I think Stanne, with his red beard and a tight black, a bit too small shirt is the sexiest man on earth. Being heterosexual I still almost found myself drooling when watching their gig. Though without the beard he looks a bit...err....well...not that good.
I have to be original.... my fave is Martin Henriksson.
Pure viking 100%, or _really_ close at least to the way I can figure it out:)
If I was Mikael "love machine" Stanne, I'd be a bit worried about the fact that I seem to attract mostly men :p
I hope it works the other way around too for your sake Mikael ;)
Originally posted by atlantis
I have to be original.... my fave is Martin Henriksson.
Pure viking 100%, or _really_ close at least to the way I can figure it out:)

hehe, i was original before you! Look up there, i wrote he was cuuuute before ;)
originality is when a manowar fan pops up on the forum, reads this thread and subsequently posts:
1. not-so-humorous remarks concerning our homosexuality.
2. even worse comments about dt's genetic lack in machismo (but he's going to call it 'being posers')
3. that he's definitely going to 'play it louder', whatever that means.
