Cynic, Devin, BTBAM, and Scale The Summit '10 Tour

Oh man, I wonder how many opening acts Behemoth is gonna have (assuming their headlining) - it would be so fucking cool if I could see Cynic and Devin, then jet over and catch Behemoth :rock: (can't stand BtBaM, never heard StS though)
Oh man, I wonder how many opening acts Behemoth is gonna have (assuming their headlining) - it would be so fucking cool if I could see Cynic and Devin, then jet over and catch Behemoth :rock: (can't stand BtBaM, never heard StS though)

Good band. Instrumental guitar stuff in the vein of Cynic and the like. Way melodic. The studio I'm probably gonna intern at recorded/mixed/produced their album.

Good band. Instrumental guitar stuff in the vein of Cynic and the like. Way melodic. The studio I'm probably gonna intern at recorded/mixed/produced their album.


I agree Scale the Summit is a good band, but they don't really sound anything like Cynic... More like the melodic riffing of Dream Theater, without the cheesy vocals...

P.S. The hate you guys have for certain bands here is pretty funny, considering the bands themselves are all probably fans of each other...
We like the bands for the music they make, not for the music they like. I tried to like BTBAM, but when I listen to it all I can think of is Cynic wannabes who replaced innovation with scene bullshit and thought that nobody would notice. I don't care who likes them, and even their best fans would have a hard time making the case for Cynic and Devin getting short sets.

We like the bands for the music they make, not for the music they like. I tried to like BTBAM, but when I listen to it all I can think of is Cynic wannabes who replaced innovation with scene bullshit and thought that nobody would notice. I don't care who likes them, and even their best fans would have a hard time making the case for Cynic and Devin getting short sets.


I hear way more Dream Theater and Opeth influence in BTBAM than I do Cynic influence. Sounds more like you don't like them because of their age and the type of fans they have than the music they write.
I hear way more Dream Theater and Opeth influence in BTBAM than I do Cynic influence.

The Cynic-like tendency that stands out is the attempt at jazzy clean sections. When Dream Theater drops the distortion, it's for big singalongs and Zippos to the sky; when Opeth does cleaner things it's usually quite a bit moodier. They try to do technical heavy things and then throw in clean things, and the way that they do it just seems forced... like someone who was hoping to copy-and-paste but left out something important.

Sounds more like you don't like them because of their age and the type of fans they have than the music they write.

It sounds to me like you're making stupid presumptions about people instead of looking at the real reasons behind opinions that shouldn't matter that much to you anyway.

Further, you're assuming that I know how old they (or the bulk of their fans) are - and that I'm putting blanket fuck-yous down for anyone teenagers listen to, rather than buying a few of their albums, listening, trying to enjoy them, and coming to the conclusion that I should just be listening to Cynic instead.

It sounds like you're trying to pretend that there's some reason other than 'listened to BTBAM and didn't care for it' rather than look at what's actually said. I gave them a chance - more than I would have, after all of the nice things said about the band here - and I couldn't stand the silly-sounding 'aggressive' vocals, stay interested in the other instruments, figure out why random clean sections were sprinkled about with no apparent motive or connection, or, to be blunt, think highly of anything other than the mix and master.

The answer to a suspicion of dumb blanket statements is *not* another dumb blanket statement - if you tend to think that about many people who don't care for BTBAM, you're guilty of the same dumb move, and if the suspicion is based entirely around what you think of me then it looks like everything you know is wrong.

Cynic use an Axe-Fx direct live?

Wonder what kinda amp and impulse they use on the patch.

If Paul knows it off the top of his head (or even Tymon), he'll probably tell you because he's one of the most down to earth musicians I've ever met and loves to share info and stories.

Their entire live rig (guitars/bass/samples) are all completely direct from a single rack. Paul said they like it that way because all they have to cart around are the drums, guitars and 1 rack. All in-ear monitoring as well.
A local guitarist I met a while ago once told me the time he wrote Paul a letter asking for information on the Focus-era gear... Paul told him as much as he could, and even sent a few old Cynic shirts he had lying around because they weren't going anywhere else.

I'm going to make a quick review of the show.

Scale: Missed them! The line was too long, and by the time we got in, they were done. I heard them from the outside though, and their songs sounded pretty spot on.

Devin: As much as I love Devin, I think he had a really bad set. First of all, it's his first time touring in forever, and he seemed really nervous. The soundcheck took 30 minutes because of problems hearing the click and the vocals in his monitors. All the samples were way too loud, and covered up every other instrument. The songs he choose to play weren't too good either, minus Ziltoid. The crowd didn't give him much to want to play for, just generally felt bad for the guy, he really cleaned up his whole pissed off/drug act, and it's a bad way to start.

Cynic: Amazing. Everything sounded clear, they played great songs, had a cool intro, and no more growl samples! The ex-Death guitar player just did it all, and it sounded great.

BTBAM: Hm. I was never really a big fan, but I honestly liked them more before I saw them live. I've heard good songs like Prequel to the Sequel, mostly slower cool progressive songs, and they skipped all those. It seemed like they were trying their hardest to be "br00tal" and heavier/faster than all the other bands. Wasn't into it, but they play very clean live.

I'd say if you have 15(!) dollars, go ahead and go see Cynic. It's well worth it.
Yeah, I think Tymon is usually just too busy with Cynic tours and everything to be on here anymore. He'd give some insight on how things were going with the band and his own project, Exivious. His handle is/was Tymon-X or something like that.

I don't know if I posted it before, but when I met Paul...I asked him about old school shit and what it was like to be in Death. He said he actually missed his high school graduation ceremony because he went on tour with Death to fill the spot James had recently vacated. Told me about how him and Sean relocated to California after their rehearsal studio was destroyed in a hurricane, etc etc... He was definitely the most down to earth, laid back musician I've ever met, is very willing to answer questions and just exudes humility.

Somewhat off topic, but on the other end of the spectrum...the worst encounters I've had with anyone were Billy Graziadei from Biohazard and Peter Steele from Type O (the second time I got to meet him, specifically)...both from Brooklyn, NY; go figure!
Forgive me if I'm totally misinformed about this, but I thought I remembered reading that the Death song "The Philosopher" was written as a jab at Paul? I'm just gonna assume I'm completely wrong about this and apologize in advance, but I figured I'd ask all the same
Forgive me if I'm totally misinformed about this, but I thought I remembered reading that the Death song "The Philosopher" was written as a jab at Paul? I'm just gonna assume I'm completely wrong about this and apologize in advance, but I figured I'd ask all the same

FWIR they had a conflit and Chuck wrote this song afterwards.