D.S.O! WOW!!!

I knew nothing about them coming in, and almost walked out after the first song. That being said, I'm glad I stuck around. It was a great performance, although not really something I would normally listen too. They set the stage nicely for Sabaton though, as the crowd seemed to be lacking enthusiasm after Cage and Mindflow.
At least you gave them a chance, instead of just blowing them off entirely. :kickass:

I always try to give every band a couple of songs. I've been pleasantly surprised on more than one occasion. My first PP was IV and the only bands I was familiar with were Circle II Circle and Symphony X. A friend played me a couple of Nightwish songs but they were more the earlier songs with really operatic vocals. I figured I'd hate them, but then I saw them live and they blew me away:OMG: Every year I always come back from PP a fan of more bands than when I left. I've also found that there are some bands that really don't do it for me on CD, but are so talented or fun to watch that I enjoy watching them live. I love discovering new bands.
I'm not into their music much, but I liked their show. The did what they do great, and that's always a good thing in my book. I thought the vocals fit everything perfectly. My opinion of them was, "If there were electric guitars in 1939 Germany, the music would be like DSO."
This was the band that I was at ProgPower for, and I was absolutely blown away by the set. I really went crazy dancing and headbanging, and I left feeling drunk off endorphins. My love for DSO knows no bounds, especially after hanging out with them after the set and seeing how nice they all were.
New fan here as well. Very impressed by their set.
Actually, I met them at the airport when I was on my way home. I saw them behind me waiting to clear security, so as soon as I cleared, I grabbed my DSO disc I bought the night before and got them to sign it for me. They were very cool (as all the bands were).
I think I was on the verge of eargasm during the entire set. Awesome, awesome awesome!
This is the one and only band from the entire weekend that I could've done without. I watched a few songs and went into the vendor area. DSO reminds me a bit of the ska craze back in the 90's and I didn't care for that either. With that said, with the proper backing, I can totoally see this band making way in the states.

I thoroughly enjoyed their set. It was energetic, fun, and full of personality. Their music, although dissimilar to most of what I listen to, is very musically interesting and a lot of fun to experience. They were definitely one of my favorite acts from this years ProgPower.
This was the band that I was at ProgPower for, and I was absolutely blown away by the set. I really went crazy dancing and headbanging, and I left feeling drunk off endorphins. My love for DSO knows no bounds, especially after hanging out with them after the set and seeing how nice they all were.

We wandered into the lobby dancing. People were giving us some very odd looks. :lol:

And I was there when Ms. Dagny here had to sit her ass down on the sidewalk out front of Center Stage because she was so damned happy. :D

I REALLY liked DSO's set. I figured I would enjoy it, but I didn't think I'd dig it nearly as much as I did. I would definitely see them again! They were the highlight of the weekend for me. The last time I had that much fun was when Freak Kitchen played two years ago.
I hadn't heard of them until the announcement last year, and after listening to Balrog Boogie, I immediately bought their CD and played it non-stop. So I went in really looking forward to them -- I'm the odd one who plunked down the $120 with DSO as a main reason.

This was exactly the case for me. DSO was my main draw, Orphaned Land was my other reason, even after having seen them at their previous visit to PP.
I already knew I probably would like them before their set, since I had already picked up their CD in the dealers room. I did the same with Mustache last year and didn't regret either decision. I'm not sure what's in the water in Sweden, between this band and Movits!, who are along similar lines (swing crossed with hip-hop. They were on the Colbert Report a few weeks ago.), but it is fun stuff.

I got to say that they were probably the most gratious folks I've met performing here. They seemed really blown away by the response they got, and they were always friendly when I kept running into them. (They were staying at my hotel.)
These guys were fantastic ! This is what I love about Progpower-getting to see bands like this that you would never see otherwise ! The best of Friday by a mile.
They said it was their first time on stage in a year, and that they were "rusty". If that amazing show was them rusty... shit...
At least you gave them a chance, instead of just blowing them off entirely. :kickass:

I was definitely in the "If I see the, great, if not, oh well" camp at the time, but after my experience with them, I was very impressed did become one of the "converts". Also, those guys were just so cool from a personality point of view that I could not help but give them my support, both in the form of buying their CD as well as giving them words of praise and encouragement to continue with what they are doing.

This was actually the same thing with Stolen Babies when I saw them play at Jaxx. Was not really my cup of tea, but the band members were just so cool that I ended up buying their CD anyway.
I really wanted to get into DSO. I really truly did, but alas, it just never happened. (I know some of you will probably find this shocking as I am typically the female-fronted fangirl on here.)

I repeatedly tried to give DSO a chance by checking out their material online. I heard some stuff I liked well enough, but nothing made me really jump up and want to buy their albums or even listen to those tracks over and over again. I figured I'd give them another try at ProgPower and hoped that their live show might sway me. There have been plenty of bands I've had trouble getting into and then once I see them live it totally changes my opinion and I fall in love with them. After hearing so many people's positive reactions to DSO on the forum, I really wanted this to be the case. Unfortunately it was not. I watched probably the first 3 songs of their set and while I found them talented and the performance entertaining, ultimately I just couldn't get into it. The music didn't do it for me, the vocals didn't do it for me, and the combination of the two didn't make a difference. I even still thought about picking up their newest CD, as I've heard so much good about it, but I figured if I hadn't gotten more into them by now, listening to the CD at home was probably not going to change that.

In all fairness, music on the avante-garde end of the spectrum generally isn't my thing, so that probably has a bit to do with it. But given that I'm really into swing and big band and like a lot of metal bands with operatic female vocalists, I really thought/hoped my reaction to DSO would have been different. I'd even give them another chance/listen/viewing if they were invited back to ProgPower.

Do I respect DSO for their talent and for the appreciation they have garnered through the ProgPower festival? Absolutely!

Does that mean I'm going to jump on the bandwagon, become a fan, and declare them amazing just because I typically like metal bands with female singers and they are one of the choice few bands under that classification that have been selected to play at ProgPower? As much as I know what I gravitate towards, I'm not going to say I like something just because that's what's expected of me.

Sorry this post is kind of long. I'm not trying to shit on DSO and hope it hasn't come across that way. I guess I just had my hopes up that I would really get into them and I'm truly disappointed that never happened.

Now, Stolen Babies on the other hand ... I really enjoyed them on the HCIM tour and I'd love to see them live again, especially at ProgPower! :rock: *wishful thinking*