How was Raintime?

I was really looking forward to seeing Raintime play. Sadly, I couldn't attend this year due to financial problems. I really felt they could be a diamond in hiding, and could've been like Mercenary, whom I wouldn't know and be so "close" with had it not been for Progpower. Glad to hear they really went all out and destroyed the crowd. Good job guys! :)
I'm really good friends with Raintime and was really excited to hear they were going to ProgPower. How were they? Did the audience enjoy them? Reactions from the audience/you?

Raintime kicked ass. Before their set, Claudio and I talked a few times. He came off as a soft-spoken, very polite guy. Very down to earth. Nothing at all like his aggressive stage persona. He was worried that the audience might not be into the band that early in the day.

Not into? Ha! Raintime rocked like a grandmother on the front porch.

My wife, my friend, and I thought Raintime did a remarkable job as the opening band. They had fantastic presence and a boatload of energy. And a nice selection of songs from which to choose.

I'd easily see them again.
They were my favorite on Friday. Communic did well too, but Raintime took the show as far as I'm concerned.
Raintime kicked ass. Before their set, Claudio and I talked a few times. He came off as a soft-spoken, very polite guy. Very down to earth. Nothing at all like his aggressive stage persona. He was worried that the audience might not be into the band that early in the day.

Not into? Ha! Raintime rocked like a grandmother on the front porch.

My wife, my friend, and I thought Raintime did a remarkable job as the opening band. They had fantastic presence and a boatload of energy. And a nice selection of songs from which to choose.

I'd easily see them again.

Haha, that's Claudio! Always the cute and cuddly guy, friends with everyone, and nothing like his badass stage persona. The entire band is very humble and grateful to their fans and friends. I'm really glad all of you enjoyed them and support them because they're not just a good band, they're really good people too.

You all should come to Italy and see Raintime whenever they play here because there's always a local concert between friends!
Haha, that's Claudio! Always the cute and cuddly guy, friends with everyone, and nothing like his badass stage persona. The entire band is very humble and grateful to their fans and friends. I'm really glad all of you enjoyed them and support them because they're not just a good band, they're really good people too.

You all should come to Italy and see Raintime whenever they play here because there's always a local concert between friends!

Yeah. I got the impression that the guys in Raintime were very cool. Claudio is a very nice guy. Talented and creative, for sure. But not stuck on himself. Sort of like Lance King, a vocal god who's also a contender for Nicest Man in Metal.

I think Raintime is an exceptional band with a huge future ahead of them.

And I think many of us would love to visit Italy to see Raintime. Or to just wander around to experience one of the world's most remarkable countries.

I'm looking forward to Raintime's next album!
I think the best thing Raintime did over the fest is when Luca ran into a van after the showcase rofl, he was so trashed

Do me a favor. If you guys are at the festival and see them again, walk up to him and say, "NON E VERO!!!!!!!!"

Watch the laughter.
Raintime was SOO good. I was most looking forward to seeing them going in to this weekend and they did NOT disappoint (me)! :) I would love to see them again very soon.......:saint:
Great set, one of my favorites over the weekend. Claudio was extremely cool, very humble and the sort of person I would not hesitate to support in the future.

Incidentally, I am glad that apparently other people think his "clean" vocals are reminiscent of Sebastian Bach's. ;) That is the first thing I thought of the first time I heard Raintime over at Pellaz's place.
Chiming in.... Great set, very cool guys to talk to, and a very warm reception when they finished. They were a great opener for the fest. Considering the earlier start for the day's music, and the fact that they were competing with the vendors' room for people's attention (it always gets mobbed early on Friday), they kicked butt!
I guess I have to start with the sob story of my weekend.... While Raintime is a band I was really looking forward to, top three in fact, my drive from Charlotte to Atlanta stopped in Greenville, SC as I realized that I had forgotten my tickets! ARGH! It was a race to get back to Atlanta in time, forgoing lunch, checking into the hotel, (and the speed limit!) in hopes of seeing at least the last 20 minutes of their set. Time was perfect, until I hit the exit for our venue. Suddenly, the Atlanta rush hour traffic was there in full force. I had to miss the performance entirely. Not a good start. I'm very happy to see the positive comments! I have loved this band since Glenn posted the first clips on the PP website. I even tried to frequent their original message board before it was taken over by spammers.
Raintime, I wish you continued success and I hope for a US tour in the future! ( I promise to remember my tickets!) GRRR!
WOW! Thanks bro. I felt that they definitely kicked off the night right! It was an amazing set!

Raintime, IMO, is right up there with Stride as far as best opener of the fest. Their set was killer and just left me wanting more, like another hour more. They were tight as hell and just absolutely fit the bill of ProgPower to a tee. Matrioska was an amazing way to close their set. I didn't expect that.

And...with such a short set, there was no room for Beat It. I want the originals.
Raintime was just as whup-ass as I predicted! That was excellent! I'm sorry that I missed the first three songs or so, but I got to hear my favorites at the end of the set, and I'm glad to see they got the reaction they did. I knew this was gonna be an impressive band.

Raintime did an excellent job as a very powerful opener!
Nearly everybody that i talked to was surprised by their great performance.
I talked to the guys themselves couple of tomes over the weekend and they loved everything about the festival!
Hope to see them soon again live...Frank!
I thought they were awesome. Though I would have loved to have heard "Beat It". Just for clarification that was the second "on stage" recognition the Biffle got since when Claudio said, "No beat it this time" or something to that effect was due to me yelling really fucking loud for it.
I told Claudio that their time would come, and it seems like it has. Great news.

Yes it has!! I was looking forward to their set for months and they didn't disappoint! I was so impressed with their set and didn't want it to end! I was bummed out that I didn't get a chance to meet them and tell them what a great performance they put on, but I bet they heard it from plenty of others. All the bands were terrific this year and will be talked about a lot, but Raintime won't be forgotten! I hope to see them again at the Showcase next year! =D
Raintime were great!!! I really enjoyed their set and I think most of the crowd did too. Plus, meeting them after their set I can say they were very nice guys and were genuinely thrilled to have been given a chance to perform here. Plus they're good sports and had fun when I called up my wife and let her talk to a couple of them since she speaks some Italian as well -- that was fun to watch! I hope they return very soon to the States because I know I'll go see them if they do! :headbang: