Opinions on Raintime?

I have a feeling that Raintime are going to be absolutely floored when they see the ProgPower crowd.

Yep, they'll have that "Oh my God" look on their faces....yes, just like that female violinist in the String Quartet-String Quartet-String Quartet-String Quartet-String Quartet-String Quartet did when the curtains opened. :lol:

Damnit, I was hoping my copy would be rarer because it's this freaky digipack and it came unglued. I guess THAT evil plan fell apart. :heh:
I have a feeling that Raintime are going to be absolutely floored when they see the ProgPower crowd.

I know they will. The biggest crowd they've ever played for was probably no more than a couple of hundred people. There are a lot of bands in this area; SlowMotion Apocalypse, Revoltons, Raintime, Elvenking, etc., and we're all really good friends and we all support each other at our concerts, no matter how small or big the venue. In fact, all those bands I just mentioned live within a 20 km radius of each other, and we all support each other. Claudio and Raintime came to almost all of my old band's shows, and we were just a crappy death metal bar band. Fortunately, I've moved on to bigger endeavors since then, but there is no hiearchy here...everyone's equal. A few months ago I saw Raintime supporting another band and there were no more than 50 people for the entire show. We play where we can, when we can, and 90% of the time we're playing for free. They feed us and let us drink all night, so we don't worry about money because we're all great friends and it's just one big happy metal gathering.

Claudio is one of the nicest guys I've ever met and very humble and grounded. He started off playing keyboards and singing at the same time, but then he recruited Andrea from Revoltons to play keyboards for him. Claudio lives in Maniago, a small town of about 5-10,000 people, and I live in a town even smaller than that about 10 km away. There are no big cities around here, unless you count Venice which is an hour and a half away, Udine, which is an hour away, or Trieste, which is 2 and a half hours away...Rhapsody is from Trieste. But there is a gigantic metal scene here, and it's always been here. Claudio was telling me one time that he feels that this region doesn't have enough metal culture, and I almost passed out! That was one of the reasons that I wanted to stay in Italy was because of the culture of heavy music here. I told him that where I'm from in the US, and where most Americans are from, heavy metal is a joke to people. There are no local metal scenes, and if there are, it's no more than a handful of bands. In the US, we didn't have a huge name metal band concert every month, sometimes twice a month like we do here in Italy. We would've given our right arm to be able to see half the bands that I see now in Italy. In the past three years, I've seen well over 200 metal concerts...Wacken type of bands. In the US, we had Ozzfest, which is a joke and ProgPower, which is once a year. Americans are chomping at the bit to get a piece of the action going on over here. When I told him all of this, he couldn't believe it...everyone has this misconception that everyone in the US is a metalhead because the biggest names came from there. I told Claudio that it's perfect right where we are, and that one day he will see just how hungry people in the US are. I think now he will finally see what I'm talking about.

If you want to hear one of their new songs, go to their website at Raintime.com and it automatically plays in the player. It's called Flies and Lies, and it's awesome. The clean vocals are so much more powerful on this album...just as powerful as the growls. Claudio told me that he had to layer each clean vocal track three times to get that sound....not an easy task. Also, I believe the singer for Blind Guardian sings in a choir chorus part on a couple of songs. Actually, I know he does because you can hear his voice and because Claudio told me. Also, the singer for Hatesphere sings on the second track of the album...brutal. You are all in for a real treat.
Heya Chris!!!
Nice to see ya here!!!!
Thanks for your posts....amazing great friend!!!!

P.s. we do not have the singer from Blind Guardian....
Lars from Manticora (...our manager ) made the choir in n.4...he he he....
OOPS!!! Dude, I coulda sworn you told me he sang on the record! Oh well, he sounds just like him!

In any case, I hope my credibility isn't ruined with the forum now, haha!

I've been here for a while trying to explain to everyone just how awesome the new album is, but you just have to hear it to believe it. Now that you're here, you can do the talking!

Ciao Panetta!!
That was one of the reasons that I wanted to stay in Italy was because of the culture of heavy music here. I told him that where I'm from in the US, and where most Americans are from, heavy metal is a joke to people. There are no local metal scenes, and if there are, it's no more than a handful of bands. In the US, we didn't have a huge name metal band concert every month, sometimes twice a month like we do here in Italy. We would've given our right arm to be able to see half the bands that I see now in Italy. In the past three years, I've seen well over 200 metal concerts...Wacken type of bands. In the US, we had Ozzfest, which is a joke and ProgPower, which is once a year. Americans are chomping at the bit to get a piece of the action going on over here. When I told him all of this, he couldn't believe it...everyone has this misconception that everyone in the US is a metalhead because the biggest names came from there. I told Claudio that it's perfect right where we are, and that one day he will see just how hungry people in the US are. I think now he will finally see what I'm talking about.
You've been away awhile. The metal scene has definitely re-established itself, especially in places like the New York City area. Five years ago, you would never see a metal show in B.B. Kings Blues Club. Now I've seen dozens of metal bands I never thought I'd see in the US. And it's spread out into little clubs in Jersey, Pennsy, Connecticut and Mass. Metal is definitely having a resurgence. Don't know if we'll ever have any "true" metal fests like they have in Europe, but we certainly have a large number of metal shows in the clubs and it just keeps growing. In addition, I'm being introduced to more and more US based metal bands each month. There's hope for us all yet! :headbang:
That said, ProgPower remains the premiere metal event in the US. The Raintime guys are in for an unbelievable experience. :kickass:
You've been away awhile. The metal scene has definitely re-established itself, especially in places like the New York City area. Five years ago, you would never see a metal show in B.B. Kings Blues Club. Now I've seen dozens of metal bands I never thought I'd see in the US. And it's spread out into little clubs in Jersey, Pennsy, Connecticut and Mass. Metal is definitely having a resurgence. Don't know if we'll ever have any "true" metal fests like they have in Europe, but we certainly have a large number of metal shows in the clubs and it just keeps growing. In addition, I'm being introduced to more and more US based metal bands each month. There's hope for us all yet! :headbang:
That said, ProgPower remains the premiere metal event in the US. The Raintime guys are in for an unbelievable experience. :kickass:

That is a most excellent thing to hear! But what I was talking about was more of the rural areas...of course in NYC and Jersey and Philly and Boston there are going to be lots of concerts because they are huge and influential cities that will bring large crowds. In my small hometown in Louisiana, there are a number of metalheads, but not nearly the number there are here. Again, I live in a town of about 5000 ppl and the metalheads are everywhere, and they always have been. There is no resurgence here; it never went away. I'm not talking about metalcore, either. I'm talking about every single kind of metal...from glam to brutal death. In every big city there are a lot of metalheads, but not in every small town like here.

In any case, it's fuckin' great to hear that my countrymen back home all have stood up in the fight to save metal!!!:headbang:
Dead Winter, mind bringing me an autograph from Elvenking? =D Now if we have Elveking show too... that would be awesome. One of my favorite bands.

So umm... how is the label search going anyhow? I want the new disc. So hurry it up! ;)
Dead Winter, mind bringing me an autograph from Elvenking? =D Now if we have Elveking show too... that would be awesome. One of my favorite bands.

So umm... how is the label search going anyhow? I want the new disc. So hurry it up! ;)

Well, you'd have to ask Claudio about the label search. The last I heard was that they had several labels offer but hadn't agreed to anything yet. I really don't know anything...label searching is kind of a touchy subject with bands and labels...it's like hostage negotiations, :lol:
Well, you'd have to ask Claudio about the label search. The last I heard was that they had several labels offer but hadn't agreed to anything yet. I really don't know anything...label searching is kind of a touchy subject with bands and labels...it's like hostage negotiations, :lol:

The label search is going very well - but that's all we can say on that subject matter until contracts have been signed.

Intromental Management
The label search is going very well - but that's all we can say on that subject matter until contracts have been signed.

Intromental Management

That's excellent!!! From the beginning I knew this project was going to go nowhere but straight up. As you say, label searching is a very hush hush deal, and the last thing Raintime needs is internet speculation to start false rumors. The fact is, forums like this are breeding grounds for rumors, and it's best to just wait and see. :) Even if it's unintentional, it can cause damage. Let's just hope that Raintime gets the best label they can secure because they deserve it!
I know they will. The biggest crowd they've ever played for was probably no more than a couple of hundred people. There are a lot of bands in this area; SlowMotion Apocalypse, Revoltons, Raintime, Elvenking, etc., and we're all really good friends and we all support each other at our concerts, no matter how small or big the venue. In fact, all those bands I just mentioned live within a 20 km radius of each other, and we all support each other.

:worship: Elvenking :worship: is one of my favorite bands. Heathenreel is definitely in my top 10 favorite albums of all time; if there could be some way to get them at ProgPower VIII also, I would go absolutely nuts.

But I'll be happy with Raintime nonetheless; I can't wait to hear the new album that has owned Glenn.
I know they will. The biggest crowd they've ever played for was probably no more than a couple of hundred people. There are a lot of bands in this area; SlowMotion Apocalypse, Revoltons, Raintime, Elvenking, etc., and we're all really good friends and we all support each other at our concerts, no matter how small or big the venue. In fact, all those bands I just mentioned live within a 20 km radius of each other, and we all support each other.

:worship: Elvenking :worship: is one of my favorite bands. Heathenreel is definitely in my top 10 favorite albums of all time; if there could be some way to get them at ProgPower VIII also, I would go absolutely nuts.

But I'll be happy with Raintime nonetheless; I can't wait to hear the new album that has owned Glenn.
Their new album struck me as being pretty average, but the samples from the new one sound much better than the material on the debut. And being a Manticora fanboy I was sold as soon as I heard Lars did guest vocals. :lol:
:worship: Elvenking :worship: is one of my favorite bands. Heathenreel is definitely in my top 10 favorite albums of all time; if there could be some way to get them at ProgPower VIII also, I would go absolutely nuts.

But I'll be happy with Raintime nonetheless; I can't wait to hear the new album that has owned Glenn.

Umm, I saw a couple of the guys from Elvenking in McDonald's the other day, LOL! You guys should come to a festival close to here like MetalCamp in Slovenia or something. Although that festival is about like Summer Breeze, I think you'd appreciate the local talent in this part of Italy, since we're so close. Italians have always been big power and prog fans, and there are lots of great bands around here. There are some shit ones too, but there are definitely more good bands than sucky.
Claudio, why don't you move your official website forum to ultimatemetal.com like many bands like Nevermore and a few others have done in the past? You wouldn't have to change anything on your forum, just move the code here and pay ultimatemetal.com a yearly fee for it and put a link from your homepage to the forum here on ultimatemetal. You'd get a lot more visibility and exposure because there's TONS of users on here. This site is really popular. And obviously, you have enough fans here to warrant it. Just a suggestion...

the coolest pic of all time...most of the members of raintime are on the far left, with Claudio and his hair blowing in the wind like a friggin' rock star, LOL! Thought you guys might get a kick outta that...