How was Raintime?

I've got to agree with everyone here, RAINTIME was awesome!!!!! Here's my vote for Showcase!! Thanks to Glenn for putting them on the bill right away. I may of never known who they were if it wasn't for Glenn putting them on the bill. I hope I can find another band in next years bunch that I never heard of that I like as much.
Kick. Ass.

Well Claudio, you heard it from them. I TOLD you that you guys had something special, and that you were destined for something bigger than Velvet in Aviano or Rock Club in Ronchi, or even Royal Hunt. I also told you that the American crowd would welcome you with open arms because Raintime is like a breath of fresh air in a genre quickly becoming stale with the latest artists.

It's hard to believe that my buddy Claudio, whom I see every week or two just hanging out shooting the shit, has made such an impact on so many people he's never met. He always was gifted musically and a great songwriter with a knack for melodies. But he'll always be "Panetta" to us, :lol:. We call him Panetta because his family owns a series of bakeries in the local area, and "panetta" is like "little bread" in Italian.

For all you fans: I'm American and have been living in Italy for the past 5 years or so. I urge you to visit our beautiful home here in the northeast of Italy. There are tons of metal bands who do not discriminate between big or small; we are all friends and we all love each other. Well, most of us do, anyway. Raintime is one of those bands who will play with anyone doesn't matter who, as long as they have an opportunity to play. Claudio was actually surprised that the album and band has done so well, but I'm not. I told him from the very first day he showed me the master copy of Flies n' Lies that they were gonna be great and do great things. I don't think you'll have to worry about Raintime becoming too big for their britches because they are good people first, then good musicians.

So please, if you ever have the chance, come visit us! There's a reason I moved here from the states.
Here's a pic of the metalheads at my wedding a couple of years ago. Recognize anyone?

Note Andrea (keyboardist) before he cut his hair! And of course Claudio with the beautiful locks blowing in the wind, :lol:!!!! I think Luca was drunk even in that pic, haha!!
