
Nov 3, 2004
Hey everybody!!

Yes....it's that time again!! I know I haven't posted here for a loooong time (sorry guys :() but I feel the need to talk about our boys in blue and orange!

Bears win against the Colts 29 to 13!!:kickass::rock:

Preseason wasn't looking too good, but they really pulled it off on Sunday.
This rookie Forte...sheesh...good pick for us eh? And of course the defense rocked as usual hehehehe.....
So what does everyone think about Orton being our starting quarterback this year? I think it was a good move on Lovie's part, but we will see....heck he got us a win against the Colts so maybe it will be a great thing!! I have to say though, watching Hanie in preseason, if given the opportunity, he could be a great starting QB if Orton gets hurt....as for Grossman, well, I hate to say it, but I'm kinda glad he isn't the starter.....opinions?
Hey Annie!

A great win indeed, I was thoroughly surprised and
quite impressed too! However, I'm not jumping the
gun yet....if the defense stays strong, Orton
continues to manage the game well and Forte (wow,
this kid is GOOD) continues to eat up yards on
the ground, this could be a very good season! Big
test this week in Carolina as we just don't seem to
handle the Panthers very well.....GO BEARS!
Panthers 20 Bears 17

Sheesh....a nailbiter of a game, especially in the 4th quarter.
Two turnovers by Olson (you would think that with his height and weight he would be able to hold the ball over everyones head and just run with it hehehehe), Hester out with a rib injury, 12 penalties....I thought we had it in the bag going into the second half, but with the Bears I should know by now that I can't count my chickens before they hatch ;)
On the upside, Forte is looking good, Brown had a good day with a sack.... and Lloyd with the touchdown in the beginning of the game, and the guy was EVERYWHERE!! Every tackle, there was #80....I saw him more than good ole #54 which is wierd:lol:
Anyway.....on to our home opener against the Buccaneers!!

And....GO BEARS!!!:kickass::notworthy:rock:
Heya Guys and Gals!!

Sorry no updates from yours truly, but our internet has been on the "fritz" for the last few weeks.....it truly sucked big monkey balls!! That's right I said it....MONKEY BALLS!!!:mad:

Anyway....Bears win over the Vikings 48 to 41!!

Sheesh! What a game....I was on the edge of my seat for, well, all of it.
Minus the two "bobbles" by Booker, and ex Bears Peterson and Berrian showing their talent, our rookie offense seemed to step up to the plate and get it done! Special teams had a huge hand in this win too. And our "little" rookie Olson was looking great....finally holding on to the ball hehehe....I don't know why I'm keeping my eye on him, but I think he is gonna be a HUGE asset to the offense this year.

Anyway...we're now tied at 4-3 in first place with, well, Green Bay :rolleyes: go figure LOL (guess it wasn't all Favre after all eh?)

Bye week next week...so see ya in two!!

GO BEARS!!!!:rock::kickass::notworthy
OK.....a little late but better than nothing eh?
(Darn Halloween and Presidential election!! hehehehe)

Bears beat Lions 27 to 23:worship:

I think the missed field goal was what clinched it for us. That last effort by the lions in the 4th quarter to get them downfield for that missed "hail Mary" toss by Orlovsky was crazy! They were definitely in field goal position and if they didn't miss that extra point, well, who knows what could have happened?
Forte put on a great show...this kid is gonna be a huge asset to this team. All I can say is....Thomas Jones who? lol
Orton out with an ankle sprain, so I guess we get Wrex for the next two to three weeks.....he didn't look TOO bad out there when he took over, got us a TD. Maybe he will step up to the plate this time and actually DO something this coming weekend.:err:

Anyway....we're off to play the Titans (8-0) (eep:eek:)

GO BEARS!!!:worship::kickass::rock:
OK...OK...I know, when we win, I'm quick to post, when we lose it takes me til Thursday to get up the strength to say anything lol

Bears lose to the Titans 24 - 14

The first quarter TD had me thinking that maybe Wrex was gonna pull it off, but bad field position, and the fact that they couldn't get a 1st down to save their souls (OR the game) just killed it. The defense held their own well into the 2nd half, but with the Titans almost always starting in Bears Territory, it was a helluva fight.
Forte still looking good, and of course I'm still keeping my eye on Olson.
That's no consolation for the loss though......
reading up on unjuries, it looks like we MAY get Orton back for Green Bay, but who knows? And if he does come back, will the offensive line be able to keep him from being sacked and getting hurt again?
I always say (even though Wrex doesn't know where he's throwing half the time) It's not always the QB's fault that passes don't get caught, or TD's don't get made, our offensive line just couldn't hack it, and crumbled giving Wrex absolutely no time to throw where he needed to. With the small amount of practice he had after Orton was named starting QB, is it a wonder that the offensive line is a little uncomfortable with Wrex behind them making the calls?
My opinion is.....we need 2 QB's, BOTH have to get in enough practice, and BOTH should be comfortable in that pocket, I don't think Wrex is a good match for our offense. It's too late this season, but I say let Wrex go, he may be an asset to another team, and bring in Hanie. He's young and can develop well with this offense. He's not "set in his ways" and he has a powerfeul arm. This is just my two cents, but I'll be upset if they release him next year. This kid has huge potential, and I hope that Lovie can see this. I also think that if they put Hanie in instead of Wrex we might have won the game LOL!! He couldn't have thrown any worse!!

Anyway....off to Green Bay

GO BEARS!!!:worship::rock::kickass:
Let's see....I actually was at the Titans game....played 'em decently
but just couldn't do enough.....Green Bay game....WOW, what an
absolutely embarASSment!!!!! I figured that was the beginning of the
end, although we had the lowly Rams this week and a pretty weak
schedule here on out so who knows....at least they figured our how
to do something on defense and were able to generate some offense
but nothing in the 2nd half disturbs me....gonna be really shaky the
rest of the way but in the lowly NFC North, 9-7 could win the division. :erk:
OK.....Green Bay....Ummmm
Bears Lose 37 to 3 Ummmm......that's all I can say 'bout that:Smug:
Well....hold on....I think Orton should have sat this one out so he could have been fully rested for the Rams....OK, now I'm done lol

But on a brighter note:
Bears beat the Rams 27 to 3 :kickass:
Five sacks, four interceptions, two TD's by Forte, and I gotta say Urlacher is starting to look like he did before his injury.....ummm that's all I gotta say about this game too.

Now.....The Vikings....What the Hell happened here?
Bears lose to the Vikings 34 to 14
Orton came out looking great!! He looked like his ankle wasn't giving him any problems, and we came out with a bang! Two TD's, one to Hester, one to Forte (sheesh, this kid is G-O-O-D!!)
Good things: Forte hit 1,000 rushing yards, congrats to him! A couple of sacks on Frerotte....ummmm....Urlacher still looking good, I'm happy he seems to have his name back on everyones tongue after a pretty quiet last season.
Bad things: Orton threw 3 interceptions, was sacked 3 times, and we couldn't get the damn ball into the end zone from the one yard line to save our a$$es! What the hell happened there?
Seems like going into half time, we could have pulled it off, but that just didn't happen.
Not sure I have too much more to say about this debacle either lol...

Well off to play the Jaguars! Let's hope we can pull it together next week!

GO BEARS!!:kickass::rock::notworthy

BTW....Chris....you stink!! I've only ever been to one Bears game in my life!! LOL:p
OK.....so I'm not sure exactly what I saw on that site....but if it's what I THINK it is, all I can say is......that's just wrooooong M'Kay? :lol::lol:

So.....I missed the Jaguars game, mix up for me as to when they were playing, and I guess I just had a brain fart that day (or I was a little too hung over hehehehe.....)

The Bears beat the Jaguars 23 to 10 :rock::kickass:

I DID however watch the Bears - Saints game....so here we go

Bears beat the Saints in OT 27 to 24 :kickass::rock::notworthy

The first kickoff and return for a TD by Manning had me off the chair clapping and yelling!! Great way to start a game, and it's great that Manning is showing what he can do.....Hester has been quiet in that respect all season so far. I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that he always seems to be covered thoroughly on kickoff returns? After last year, our opponents would be stupid if they WEREN'T covering him.....

First half kicked a$$.....we left the field with a 21 -7 lead over New Orleans. Now, what happened in the second half?
Don't get me wrong, the defense was definitely doing their job with 2 interceptions, one by Brown, the other by Ogunleye (did I spell that right?), and just some good ole fashioned hitting where it counted.
As for the offense.....sheesh....Orton did OK....that's all I can say about that, a few interceptions, a fumble at the Bears 2 yard line (!!!) which was recovered by the Saints for a 2 yard TD :rolleyes: Forte was hurt...hopefully he will be back for next weeks game. He has a while to heal since we play on Monday night next week. The only saving grace for us was the field goals by Gould. One to tie the game and send it into OT, and one to win the game in OT.
We have to do better than this boys!! The Vikings won on Sunday, so we're still a 1/2 game out of first place.
So now.....off to play the Packers!!
BTW, congrats to Briggs for making the Pro-Bowl again this year!!

GO BEARS!!:rock::kickass::notworthy
-5 degrees in the Windy City today......can't wait for some REAL Bears football tonight!! And let's not forget that it's supposed to snow too!!
I'm gonna be sitting in my house all nice and cozy watching the game :)
GO BEARS:rock::kickass::notworthy
OK.....so this game sucked!!! I think I had a few heart attacks towards the end there, but I'm all recovered now lol

Bears beat the Packers 20 to 17 :rock::notworthy:kickass:

It was coooooold out there, but that didn't stop the defense from limiting the "Pack" to only 65 rushing yards on 22 carries!!The blocked field goal by Brown to put us into OT had me jumping out of my warm comfy seat.
On offense, Manning is looking really good on special teams, a few times there I thought he was going all the way, but a 71 yard return was good enough for me!! And what can I say about Forte? The kid is stil G-O-O-D!! Also Olson.....I knew I was watching him for a reason. He looks like he is turning out to be a helluva receiver!
I kinda felt sorry for all those cold people out there until I saw a bunch of them shirtless (crazy bastages!!!).
Once again Gould saves the day with a FG in OT.....they really have to stop doing this, or I might not make it through the rest of the season!! Not like there may be much of a season left....
All we need to do is win against Houston, and the Vikings need to lose against the Giants....OR.....we need to beat Houston, and the Cowboys need to lose to the Eagles...and the Buccaneers need to lose to the Raiders.
Sheesh....that's a mouthful, AND a few "hail mary's"!!

Anyway....GO BEARS!!!!:rock::kickass::notworthy
Ah, geez, what an emBEARassing way to end the season....I honestly
didn't expect them to win and didn't think they deserved a playoff
spot anyway. My final thought is that the talent is there, I really
think the problem is the coaching and Jerry D'Angelo....I think they
all need to GO!