
New Dag Swanö Cover...

<embed allowScriptAccess="never" flashVars="gatewayUrl=http://www.myheavy.com/flashservices/gateway.php&heavyGatewayUrl=http://origin.heavy.com/flashservices/gateway.php&heavyServerPath=http://www.heavy.com&myheavyServerPath=http://www.myheavy.com&videoID=556&videoType=heavy&autoPlay=true" src="http://www.myheavy.com/ve/flvplayer" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="512" height="512"></embed>
Hold on, I've found them! Apparently the email I would usually use for such things is "already used in the database" here at UM, so I investigated, and my account was linked to a really old email account I never use anymore. But I was able to log in to it and find your questions. So YES, I have found them now! I will get everything ready to go up, thank you so much, Dag! :)
Dag, when promoting the coming album,...
please, please try to include finland!!! I'm begging you...
Helsinki would do just fine! :)

I'll buy you a beer afterwards!
Yeaaah I forgot to mention the interview had been put up! Well it has been! Hope all your fans enjoy it and you receive some publicity from it! :)