Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I don't post things from Infowars, but this is in direct response to a broad-based call for "global governance", and since it directly attacks established NGOs and a globalist agenda, as opposed to vague conspiracies I think it is applicable to this thread:

Minor League NGO Calls for Globalist Imposed Democracy

Minor League NGO Calls for Globalist Imposed “Democracy”
Kurt Nimmo
May 14, 2009
Call it mass mental illness or maybe self-delusion on steroids: 45 authors are calling for “democratic” world government and have “agreed to set aside their philosophical differences in order to encourage the holding of a global referendum on the general goal of democratic world government,” according to a WebWire press release.

British writer and activist George Monbiot is one of 45 writers who believe global government will be democratic.

“If half of all human adults vote, and the referendum question is supported by 67% of all voters, such a global mandate will be accepted in many quarters as legally binding under international law, and it would be politically compelling no matter what its legal status,” declares Canadian Jim Stark, president of the Vote World Government (VWG) NGO located in Shawville, Québec, Canada.

In other words, those of us who support constitutionally limited government and national sovereignty will be out of luck. C. S. Lewis would have likely called Mr. Stark and his ilk “moral busybodies” itching to impose their self-righteous conscience on the remaining 33% of us who stand opposed to such global mandates. “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive,” Lewis warned.

Stark and the 45 authors enumerated in the press release are suckers for the real honest to pete globalists who have anything but democracy in mind. On the contrary, the real one-worlders desire nothing less than to strip every last human on the planet of any sort of god-given or natural right and turn what might have been paradise into a slave labor gulag with a high-tech control grid overlay. As for what they ultimately have in mind for us, it is carved on the Georgia Guidestones — a eugenics inspired reduction in world population to a mere 500 million souls who will be automatons serving at the beck and call of the elite.

Mr. Stark and his 45 writers may not know it, but the elite sincerely believe we are useless eaters chewing up their natural resources, thus they pushed the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and Agenda 21, a program destined to deliver us to a refashioned form of feudalism and usher in a post-industrial era that will kill a few billion in short order.

“We have to make the online referendum go viral,” Stark pontificates, “and we can do that best with the help of the two million NGOs in the world, who know that the work they do for humanity at large is desperately needed and underfunded primarily because the human race has so far failed to govern itself globally.”

NGOs, like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford foundations.

“The end game is to produce an unholy amalgamation in a shotgun wedding fashion with all the governmental responsibilities of all nations being relegated to NGOs and other organizations. Our birthright of common law will be taken away from us and replaced with Napoleonic code that makes nearly everything illegal and you have to get permission from the ruling body to do anything. That is the neo-colonialism or neo-feudalism that transforms free men and women back into slaves on a global plantation,” writes Michael Vail in Rise Of The NGOs: Global Governance By Proxy.

George Bush Senior was talking about the globalist NGOs when he mentioned a thousand points of light in his speech on September 11, 1990 and and again September 11, 1991 (no coincidence that date). What he was referring to was related and interlocking NGOs like the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Rockefeller-funded environmental groups, and numerous other think tanks and NGOs created and funded by the elite to bring about their New World Order nightmare plan for planetary domination and eventually a pandemic and disease engendered genocide.

“Even a very successful global referendum will not result in the immediate creation of a democratic world government,” says Irish citizen Brian Coughlan, Liaison Officer for VWG, “but it certainly will compel the convening of a framing conference where all of the stakeholders (national governments, NGOs, corporations, unions, religions, scholars, etc.) will have to sort through the issues and compose a world constitution.”

It will not be a constitution based on Montesquieu, who emphasized the need to have balanced forces pushing against each other to prevent tyranny, and this proposed globalist constitution will certainly not include a Bill of Rights — specifically, the right to keep and bear arms — and it will not have a heritage going back to the Magna Carta of 1215. It will not be a constitution insisting the King is bound by the law.

Finally, one of the signed on authors, George Monbiot, is indicative of the sort of globalist “solutions” the Vote World Government NGO has in mind for the plebs. Monbiot believes “drastic action coupled with strong political will is needed to combat global warming,” according to his bio. He favors issuing every citizen with a “personal carbon ration” and tells us “flying across the Atlantic is as unacceptable, in terms of its impact on human well-being, as child abuse.” Monbiot also thinks that economic depression can be a good thing for the planet. “Surely the rational policy for the governments of the rich world is now to keep growth rates as close to zero as possible?”

Mr. Monbiot may soon realize his wildest dreams, that is if the global elite — who have no use for writers and academics of Monbiot’s ilk — have their way.

Come the Brave New World of the real global elite — not the VWG and its fanciful dream of worldwide democracy — Mr. Monbiot and crew may rise up, however feebly, against the sort of tyrannical and dystopian nightmare the real global elite have in mind.

But then, of course, it will be far too late.
Well, overpopulation and inadequate response to climate change are probably going to fuck the world over in another hundred years or so, and I would agree that the political machinery we currently have in place isn't coming anywhere close to addressing those problems. But yeah, I doubt this particular group has the common good in mind.

Of course, I wouldn't really know anything meaningful about these guys based on the article you posted. That's one of the most biased, shit-slinging things I've ever read in this thread.
Our energy infrastructure is so half-assed. We could be completely energy independent, but that would interfere with the globalist agenda.

In doing so, the climate situation would be addressed since 'green' tech is more efficient.

Speaking of overpopulation, I remember an article from a scientist that said more than half of the human species should be exterminated to cease our overpopulation problem. I believe he was chastised for being "immoral," and "inhumane" and "psychotic," etc..
Even if our government somehow manages to get the country's ass in gear regarding renewable energy and carbon emissions, there are still all the giant undeveloped countries with shitty governments out there like Russia, China and India who will in all likelihood continue to pollute the fuck out of the planet long after the West has made significant progress.

It's just hard to imagine there being any real progress in curbing the destruction of our ecosystem that's going on before it leads to weather imbalances, ocean acidification, loss of arable land, and mass famine.
Scientist? Sounds like pretty much anyone who understands the entire crisis at all, in any capacity. Just thinking it doesn't mean you want to fucking go through with it.
It's a shame that JP Morgan in collusion with Edison relegated Tesla's free energy concepts to the dustbin of shrouded history/black-budget ops.......
A sentence which is based off of countless hours of reading alternate media. Edison's discovery was AC current, and he got backing from JP Morgan who saw it as profitable. Tesla discovered DC current first, and eventually claimed to have discovered how to pull energy from "the void". There was no profit in this for JP Morgan so he worked with Edison to eradicate Tesla's ideas and make AC current the primary method of transmitting energy.

It is a lot of reading and sifting through bullshit which you probably have either/neither the time nor inclination to do.
Well, overpopulation and inadequate response to climate change are probably going to fuck the world over in another hundred years or so, and I would agree that the political machinery we currently have in place isn't coming anywhere close to addressing those problems. But yeah, I doubt this particular group has the common good in mind.

Of course, I wouldn't really know anything meaningful about these guys based on the article you posted. That's one of the most biased, shit-slinging things I've ever read in this thread.

The major NGOs mentioned in that article deserve every ounce of shit slung at them and more.

Edit: Ecological harm and mismanagement of resources are problems, climate change and overpopulation are bullshit.
A sentence which is based off of countless hours of reading alternate media. Edison's discovery was AC current, and he got backing from JP Morgan who saw it as profitable. Tesla discovered DC current first, and eventually claimed to have discovered how to pull energy from "the void". There was no profit in this for JP Morgan so he worked with Edison to eradicate Tesla's ideas and make AC current the primary method of transmitting energy.

It is a lot of reading and sifting through bullshit which you probably have either/neither the time nor inclination to do.

I actually think that what you are reading is bullshit. Just because Tesla "claimed" something doesn't mean anything anyway.
I actually think that what you are reading is bullshit. Just because Tesla "claimed" something doesn't mean anything anyway.

Calling bullshit on something you have done zero personal research into is your choice. I never expect people to take my word for something news/info related.
Well, I'm calling it bullshit because, well...it's "alternate media", man. C'mon. It is probably written by morons just drawing their own conclusions on everything, which sounds an awful lot like the mainstream media you so despise. Anyway, you're also a crazy conspiracy theorist with way too many illogical ideas.
Edit: Ecological harm and mismanagement of resources are problems, climate change and overpopulation are bullshit.

* Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the last century. (link)

* Sea level rise has occurred at a mean rate of 1.8 mm per year for the past century,[1][2] and more recently at rates estimated near 2.8 ± 0.4[3] to 3.1 ± 0.7[4] mm per year (1993-2003). (link)

* Between 1751 and 1994 surface ocean pH is estimated to have decreased from approximately 8.179 to 8.104 (a change of -0.075). (link)

Please explain what part of this is bullshit.

As far as the population problem, I'm not sure what you consider sufficient criteria for usage of the term "overpopulation", but recall that we're already relying on factory farming and genetically modified crops to support our current population (which is of course rising), and overfishing is an ongoing and worsening problem. Combine that with the possibility of mass marine extinction due to overfishing, acidification, and other pollution, and I think there's far more cause of concern than can be dismissed as "bullshit".
Well, I'm calling it bullshit because, well...it's "alternate media", man. C'mon. It is probably written by morons just drawing their own conclusions on everything, which sounds an awful lot like the mainstream media you so despise. Anyway, you're also a crazy conspiracy theorist with way too many illogical ideas.

You are welcome to your opinion, but considering that you probably have done zero research into Tesla and anything related to his ideas I won't respect it.

I only post stuff that is in "left field" or whatever so that people will look it up for themselves and make their own decisions, as opposed to just carrying on unaware that there are alternatives to the fastfood-media spun bullshit offered by FOX/CNN/CSNBC/MSNBC/etc.

Is there a lot of bullshit or spin in alternative media? TONS, but still much less than the MSM, and to rule out AM is being close minded. Looking at all the different view points, and judging them based off of patterns( especially the "who stands to benefit" motive patterns) in the big picture takes a lot of time that most people other than myself or guys like Meh would rather use for other things, which is why most don't know or don't care about what isn't on the TV in front of them.
* Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the last century. (link)

* Sea level rise has occurred at a mean rate of 1.8 mm per year for the past century,[1][2] and more recently at rates estimated near 2.8 ± 0.4[3] to 3.1 ± 0.7[4] mm per year (1993-2003). (link)

* Between 1751 and 1994 surface ocean pH is estimated to have decreased from approximately 8.179 to 8.104 (a change of -0.075). (link)

Please explain what part of this is bullshit.

As far as the population problem, I'm not sure what you consider sufficient criteria for usage of the term "overpopulation", but recall that we're already relying on factory farming and genetically modified crops to support our current population (which is of course rising), and overfishing is an ongoing and worsening problem. Combine that with the possibility of mass marine extinction due to overfishing, acidification, and other pollution, and I think there's far more cause of concern than can be dismissed as "bullshit".

I am not disagreeing that there are tons environmental pollutants (How about those "environmentally friendly" CFL lightbulbs AMIRITE?), and I am not disagreeing that there are planet climate changes.

I am disagreeing with the causes and solutions and terms.

The earth has historically gone through cycles of rising and dropping sea levels and rising and dropping global average temps that can span hundreds of years.

So to look at changes in the last hundred years, and claim it is due to modern carbon emissions is a ridiculous jump to a conclusion. The global water quality drop is not necessarily from carbon emissions, but from all the other toxic chemical bullshit being dumped into our oceans, rivers, and ground waters left and right by (primarily) manufacturing overseas, although it is still going on in the US to a large degree.

GMO crops are NOT necessary, in fact they are going to cause starvation and crop failures (do some research into how GMO seeds work, specifically Monsanto). Acidification, pollution, overfishing, are all mismanagement. Our insistance on working against instead of with nature, and our wasteful, chemically overdependent, consumeristic habits are causing these problems. Not an overabundance of people.
The earth has historically gone through cycles of rising and dropping sea levels and rising and dropping global average temps that can span hundreds of years.

Whether or not it's caused by humans, we still have to worry about the massive displacement of people on coastal cities and islands that may occur from the sea level rise, as well as the increase in extreme weather and erosion due to all the extra water churning about in our atmosphere.

So to look at changes in the last hundred years, and claim it is due to modern carbon emissions is a ridiculous jump to a conclusion. The global water quality drop is not necessarily from carbon emissions, but from all the other toxic chemical bullshit being dumped into our oceans, rivers, and ground waters left and right by (primarily) manufacturing overseas, although it is still going on in the US to a large degree.

According to these guys, the oceans have absorbed about half the CO2 produced by people in the past two centuries. Since CO2 dissolves into carbonic acid in water, that acidifies the oceans. So yes, carbon emissions are likely a huge fucking problem.

GMO crops are NOT necessary, in fact they are going to cause starvation and crop failures (do some research into how GMO seeds work, specifically Monsanto).

Alright, I don't feel like doing the research right now, so I'll give you this.

Acidification, pollution, overfishing, are all mismanagement. Our insistance on working against instead of with nature, and our wasteful, chemically overdependent, consumeristic habits are causing these problems. Not an overabundance of people.

Fair enough, I can grant that the amount of people we can sustain depends highly on how well we manage our resources. Of course, there isn't nearly enough being done about these mismanagement problems, so eventually the destruction we're causing will essentially become an overpopulation problem once we've done so much damage that even proper management won't pull us out of the gutter.
Whether or not it's caused by humans, we still have to worry about the massive displacement of people on coastal cities and islands that may occur from the sea level rise, as well as the increase in extreme weather and erosion due to all the extra water churning about in our atmosphere.

I agree, but no one is leading any charge to displace people inland, and I doubt anyone will. The mismanagers are hoping for some depopulation help. There is a reason that most CoG/M has relocated to Colorado. There are some supposed "Worst case scenario by the navy" maps floating around that show most of the east and west coasts gone, as well as the mississippi valley. But you don't hear any large call for relocation.

According to these guys, the oceans have absorbed about half the CO2 produced by people in the past two centuries. Since CO2 dissolves into carbonic acid in water, that acidifies the oceans. So yes, carbon emissions are likely a huge fucking problem.
I don't have the graphs/numbers I have seen around, but I've seen some stuff that basically says man only accounts for like 2%of total carbon emissions on earth, others come from animals, rotting vegetation, (big one) volcanos, etc.
I am not against working towards renewable/clean energy, but people riding around in their cars,boats, and jetskis , is not causing the icecaps to melt. The sun is doing that.

Fair enough, I can grant that the amount of people we can sustain depends highly on how well we manage our resources. Of course, there isn't nearly enough being done about these mismanagement problems, so eventually the destruction we're causing will essentially become an overpopulation problem once we've done so much damage that even proper management won't pull us out of the gutter.

I think we are getting pretty close to that point now specifically with GMO crop "poisoning", mercury poisoning, and radiation poisoning just to name a few.

The US is doing way more to permanently ruin the planet with products containing mercury, and depleted uranium weapons, than the entire worlds worth of cars.