Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Based off the amount of deaths due to medical mal-practice every year, and how doctors now are many times little more than drug pushers, I consider my life in danger any time I have to deal with doctors.
If people want to refuse medical treatment for religious reasons, let them. It will save the health care system money and leave more in the bank for the rest of us in case we ever need it.

And a large number of medical malpractice suits are frivolous and unjustified. Doctors have a huge responsibility, and whenever one little thing goes wrong people want compensation for their pain. There was a time when doctors were revered; now they're feared and sometimes hated, and it's really not fair.
Based off the amount of deaths due to medical mal-practice every year, and how doctors now are many times little more than drug pushers, I consider my life in danger any time I have to deal with doctors.

Nice strawman, but unless you've actually got some evidence that the kid in the news article has a comparable chance of survival without professional treatment, you're only going to come across as a dangerously ignorant crackpot.

If people want to refuse medical treatment for religious reasons, let them. It will save the health care system money and leave more in the bank for the rest of us in case we ever need it.

That's not the issue at hand here, though. It's one thing to hold stupid, life-threatening beliefs, and another to impose those beliefs upon a child.
I don't hate doctors, but I definitely don't revere non-surgeons. I consider them little more than pill-pushers for the most part. Is it their fault that it's the way they are trained? Partially, for not attempting to find out other sides to things.

Since according to the available statistics, their are a fractional amount of lawsuits compared to the estimated actual wrongful death/malpractice numbers, pooh-poohing it off is giving doctors way too much slack. A lot of doctors really don't do anything anymore, they just prescribe poison that does nothing to fix the underlying issue, it merely allays the symptoms.
Nice strawman, but unless you've actually got some evidence that the kid in the news article has a comparable chance of survival without professional treatment, you're only going to come across as a dangerously ignorant crackpot.

I am not a natural health guru, I find things out for my own health when necessary. Fortunately I am currently in the "preventive" state, I take a lot of natural supplements and eat healthy to keep from having problems, I don't have to worry about finding cures. I do much more research on staying healthy as opposed to worrying about possible treatments for sicknesses I don't have.

I do know there are treatments out there, and have read about plenty of cases where people were given a "death sentence" by a doctor, and recovered through natural medicine.

I am not going to do the homework for everyone else on this. As far as medical malpractice goes:

Medical Malpractice

and IMO those numbers are underestimated, because it is impossible to tell how often the chemical cocktails people get prescribed kill them slowly even when "properly prescribed".
I don't hate doctors, but I definitely don't revere non-surgeons. I consider them little more than pill-pushers for the most part. Is it their fault that it's the way they are trained? Partially, for not attempting to find out other sides to things.

Since according to the available statistics, their are a fractional amount of lawsuits compared to the estimated actual wrongful death/malpractice numbers, pooh-poohing it off is giving doctors way too much slack. A lot of doctors really don't do anything anymore, they just prescribe poison that does nothing to fix the underlying issue, it merely allays the symptoms.

Eugh, this post left such a bad taste in my mouth.

Doctors are human. They make mistakes, just like we all do. However, barely any of us are under the similar kinds of pressures and responsibilities that they're under - having peoples lives in their hands. Doctors help and cure an awful lot of people but (a quote from a lecture I had today) medical mistakes accounts for 10,000 deaths a day (more than AIDS). This is obviously bad, but think how many lives are saved or improved by Doctors actions.

You're talking crap when it comes to "pill pushing". Any modern doctor assesses a patient by whole - looking at social, emotional and biological aspects, and acts accordingly. Yes, drugs (or poison as you put - NICE!) are a big part of medicine but thats not really surprising. The vast majority are very effective, safe and cause few side effects.

What do you mean when you say "Is it their fault? Partially, for not finding out the otherside of things?" You're saying all non-surgeons are ignorant of different aspects of medicine or alternative therapies? Because that is so... so ignorant.
No idea what you are talking about.

I was putting the end code (or whatever you call it) to close the html so that would mean you weren't ignoring the above comments. Or were you talking about the natural attractive thing?
Eugh, this post left such a bad taste in my mouth.

Doctors are human. They make mistakes, just like we all do. However, barely any of us are under the similar kinds of pressures and responsibilities that they're under - having peoples lives in their hands. Doctors help and cure an awful lot of people but (a quote from a lecture I had today) medical mistakes accounts for 10,000 deaths a day (more than AIDS). This is obviously bad, but think how many lives are saved or improved by Doctors actions.

I exempted surgeons, which is really the only group that is doing anything for people outside of handing them a pill. Sure they are under a lot of stress and responsibility, and any time you cut into the body there are risks. I am mainly bashing the pill-pushers. Taking a toxin for an ailment to alleviate a symptom without curing the root problem is worse than "snake oil". At least when something doesn't work as advertised you know you still have the problem.

You're talking crap when it comes to "pill pushing". Any modern doctor assesses a patient by whole - looking at social, emotional and biological aspects, and acts accordingly. Yes, drugs (or poison as you put - NICE!) are a big part of medicine but thats not really surprising. The vast majority are very effective, safe and cause few side effects.

Which is why there is a laundry list of potential side effects for nearly every medicine, not to mention they work against your bodies natural processes, not with them.

What do you mean when you say "Is it their fault? Partially, for not finding out the otherside of things?" You're saying all non-surgeons are ignorant of different aspects of medicine or alternative therapies? Because that is so... so ignorant.

It isn't. Natural remedies that worked for thousands of years (which many pharma-c companies use in respective medicines anyway) get ignored by the community because there is very little money to be made in stuff people can grow in their garden. Gotta get em hooked on the dope so the Dr's can get referrel kickbacks from Merck and friends.

Edit: @Deva: The "natural attractive" thing. I know html.
i love these kinds of stories. not because i like child abuse, but to show just how messed up some of these religious organizations were/possibly are. too long to quote, but my favorite line is:
"The management did not listen to or believe children when they complained of the activities of some of the men who had responsibility for their care," the commission found. "At best, the abusers were moved, but nothing was done about the harm done to the child. At worst, the child was blamed and seen as corrupted by the sexual activity, and was punished severely."
