Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

What you will hear is I told you so from Ron Paul supporters (myself included), but not like I think McCain/Palin would have done any better, or the Republican party in general.

You know, I never really read up too carefully on Ron Paul during the Presidential campaign, but I have to say, he's pretty awesome. I have a feeling we'd be better off with him in office right now.

Although his views on cutting nearly every big government program in the country are a bit ridiculous (especially the Department of Education - fuck privatising education), our system is so fucked-up and unsustainable right now that it could probably use a good purging by someone like him. Even if many of the programs he cut made a return in later Presidencies, they could end up more efficient as a result.

Our health care situation may well end up getting continually worse until it simply collapses, in which case we might as well scrap it and experiment with a fully-private system for a while. It would be ideal to have a system modeled after the successful ones in Germany, France, Australia and elsewhere, but I'm doubtful that Obama's really taking us in that direction. I don't like the idea of leaving people at the mercy of health insurance companies, but if all we're going to do is get mired in a fuckton of debt over a system that doesn't work, we're better off just blowing it away altogether.
Well, I'm calling it bullshit because, well...it's "alternate media", man. C'mon. It is probably written by morons just drawing their own conclusions on everything, which sounds an awful lot like the mainstream media you so despise. Anyway, you're also a crazy conspiracy theorist with way too many illogical ideas.

Does using buzzwords and political neologisms make you feel enlightened?

According to these guys, the oceans have absorbed about half the CO2 produced by people in the past two centuries. Since CO2 dissolves into carbonic acid in water, that acidifies the oceans. So yes, carbon emissions are likely a huge fucking problem.



What bothers me about the climate situation, and/or proponents of 'green' energy and so forth, is the unmitigated hypocrisy.

For the majority of people, they want this and that but they want the government to do it for them. American society is far too reliant on the government, everyone should be able to sustain themselves without government, without grocery stores; etc. should a true crisis ever come.

It's time people start buying solar panels and having a battery bank. Get a small wind generator on your roof. Harvest potable water.

As a society we fail to realize our dreams for new energy sources because we cannot see the forest for the trees. We are too busy looking for the ONE source that best fits our needs and hell with the rest, that we end up searching in vain. We fail as a nation because politics and greed are firmly entrenched in any great human endeavor. Energy independence is not just a patriotic slogan, it can mean our individual independence from all utilities. This is perhaps what the big companies fear most, even our own government fears this. How can companies make a profit off of something you make yourself?

As individuals working out of our garages and basement labs have the first real chance of making a difference in science in nearly 50 years.

I used to be a proponent of nuclear energy. It is too politically charged of an issue, and there are too many sides wanting opposite goals that it will never be a feasible form of energy. It's a pissing match.

In the automotive industry, fuel economy is easy. I used to have a Dodge Colt, it would consistently get 40mpg. All of the information for fuel economy is decades old, and use of ethanol fuels is nothing new. Henry Ford designed the Model T to run on Ethanol.

Dr. Nancy Ho of Purdue Uni. came up with a yeast that would digest cellulose which would quadruple the ethanol yield with corn. That technology was licensed to.. Iogen, and guess what? Nothing has come of it. It's going to boil down to the garage tinkerer, and his friends, coming up with the solutions. It will be up to the people to chose those over government ideals, and I conjecture to say.. The government won't like it.
That was seriously a pathetic attempt at debate on V5's part. Pretty much him using the "no true Scotsman" fallacy over and over again.
to change the subject

MINNEAPOLIS – A Minnesota judge has ruled a 13-year-old boy with a highly treatable form of cancer must seek medical treatment over his parents' objections.

Brown County District Judge John Rodenberg ruled Friday that Daniel Hauser of Sleepy Eye has been "medically neglected" and is in need of child protection services. Rodenberg said Daniel will stay in the custody of his parents, but Colleen and Anthony Hauser have until May 19 to get an updated chest X-ray for their son and select an oncologist.

Doctors have said Daniel's Hodgkin's lymphoma had up to a 90 percent chance of being cured with chemotherapy and radiation. Without those treatments, doctors said his chances of survival are 5 percent.

still dont know why the parents refused treatment. but if it was religious, this is gonna blow up
Well the parents didn't refuse. The kid did.

nutritional supplements and other alternative treatments favored by the Nemenhah Band

Injun treatments don't work on cancer.

Kid should've eaten more broccoli.
What bothers me about the climate situation, and/or proponents of 'green' energy and so forth, is the unmitigated hypocrisy.

For the majority of people, they want this and that but they want the government to do it for them. American society is far too reliant on the government, everyone should be able to sustain themselves without government, without grocery stores; etc. should a true crisis ever come.

It's time people start buying solar panels and having a battery bank. Get a small wind generator on your roof. Harvest potable water.

Um, that's exactly why we do need government to lead us toward greener living. The vast majority of people don't give a shit about the world's problems unless they directly and observably affect them personally. Without governments to kick our asses into gear, most of us would just keep on driving our SUVs and dumping tons of reusable materials in the garbage until the ecosystem becomes so fucked up that we can no longer afford food.

As a society we fail to realize our dreams for new energy sources because we cannot see the forest for the trees. We are too busy looking for the ONE source that best fits our needs and hell with the rest, that we end up searching in vain. We fail as a nation because politics and greed are firmly entrenched in any great human endeavor. Energy independence is not just a patriotic slogan, it can mean our individual independence from all utilities. This is perhaps what the big companies fear most, even our own government fears this. How can companies make a profit off of something you make yourself?

As individuals working out of our garages and basement labs have the first real chance of making a difference in science in nearly 50 years.

I used to be a proponent of nuclear energy. It is too politically charged of an issue, and there are too many sides wanting opposite goals that it will never be a feasible form of energy. It's a pissing match.

In the automotive industry, fuel economy is easy. I used to have a Dodge Colt, it would consistently get 40mpg. All of the information for fuel economy is decades old, and use of ethanol fuels is nothing new. Henry Ford designed the Model T to run on Ethanol.

Dr. Nancy Ho of Purdue Uni. came up with a yeast that would digest cellulose which would quadruple the ethanol yield with corn. That technology was licensed to.. Iogen, and guess what? Nothing has come of it. It's going to boil down to the garage tinkerer, and his friends, coming up with the solutions. It will be up to the people to chose those over government ideals, and I conjecture to say.. The government won't like it.

Even if your claim that the government is intentionally discouraging people from these things is true, you haven't said exactly how we'd ever get people to give a shit about taking action to address environmental problems. Like I said, unless you have the government forcing people to do things, they're just not going to care.

I don't think our current government is really trying to prevent grassroots efforts to address climate change so much as they just don't give a shit about the problems on the horizon like the rest of us. They're too caught up in furthering their political careers and keeping their constituents happy to take the political risk needed to get the country in gear over this stuff.
longer article:
MINNEAPOLIS – A Minnesota judge has ruled that a 13-year-old boy with a highly treatable form of cancer must seek conventional medical treatment over his parents' objections.

In a 58-page ruling Friday, Brown County District Judge John Rodenberg found that Daniel Hauser has been "medically neglected" and is in need of child protection services.

Rodenberg said Daniel will stay in the custody of his parents, but Colleen and Anthony Hauser have until May 19 to get an updated chest X-ray for their son and select an oncologist

The judge wrote that Daniel has only a "rudimentary understanding at best of the risks and benefits of chemotherapy. ... he does not believe he is ill currently. The fact is that he is very ill currently."

Daniel's court-appointed attorney, Philip Elbert, called the decision unfortunate.

"I feel it's a blow to families," he said. "It marginalizes the decisions that parents face every day in regard to their children's medical care. It really affirms the role that big government is better at making our decisions for us."

Elbert said he hadn't spoken to his client yet. The phone line at the Hauser home in Sleepy Eye in southwestern Minnesota had a busy signal Friday. The parents' attorney had no immediate comment but planned to issue a statement.

Daniel was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma and stopped chemotherapy in February after a single treatment. He and his parents opted instead for "alternative medicines" based on their religious beliefs.

Child protection workers accused Daniel's parents of medical neglect; but in court, his mother insisted the boy wouldn't submit to chemotherapy for religious reasons and she said she wouldn't comply if the court orders it.

Doctors have said Daniel's cancer had up to a 90 percent chance of being cured with chemotherapy and radiation. Without those treatments, doctors said his chances of survival are 5 percent.

Daniel's parents have been supporting what they say is their son's decision to treat the disease with nutritional supplements and other alternative treatments favored by the Nemenhah Band.

The Missouri-based religious group believes in natural healing methods advocated by some American Indians.

After the first chemotherapy treatment, the family said they wanted a second opinion, said Dr. Bruce Bostrom, a pediatric oncologist who recommended Daniel undergo chemotherapy and radiation.

They later informed him that Daniel would not undergo any more chemotherapy. Bostrom said Daniel's tumor shrunk after the first chemotherapy session, but X-rays show it has grown since he stopped the chemotherapy.

"My son is not in any medical danger at this point," Colleen Hauser testified at a court hearing last week. She also testified that Daniel is a medicine man and elder in the Nemenhah Band.

The family's attorney, Calvin Johnson, said Daniel made the decision himself to refuse chemotherapy, but Brown County said he did not have an understanding of what it meant to be a medicine man or an elder.

Court filings also indicated Daniel has a learning disability and can't read.

The Hausers have eight children. Colleen Hauser told the New Ulm Journal newspaper that the family's Catholicism and adherence to the Nemenhah Band are not in conflict, and that she has used natural remedies to treat illness.

Nemenhah was founded in the 1990s by Philip Cloudpiler Landis, who said Thursday he once served four months in prison in Idaho for fraud related to advocating natural remedies.

Landis said he founded the faith after facing his diagnosis of a cancer similar to Daniel Hauser. He said he treated it with diet choices, visits to a sweat lodge and other natural remedies

it DOES marginalize a parents right to make decisions. and for the longest time, parents were able to refuse treatment, especially for religious reasons... i dont like religious stupidity, but this is liberal court over reaching
Injun treatments don't work on cancer.

This is probably the 10% we disagree on. Healthy living and natural medicines can cure cancer. If I was diagnosed with cancer I sure as hell wouldn't take chemo/radiation.

You know, I never really read up too carefully on Ron Paul during the Presidential campaign, but I have to say, he's pretty awesome. I have a feeling we'd be better off with him in office right now.

Although his views on cutting nearly every big government program in the country are a bit ridiculous (especially the Department of Education - fuck privatising education), our system is so fucked-up and unsustainable right now that it could probably use a good purging by someone like him. Even if many of the programs he cut made a return in later Presidencies, they could end up more efficient as a result.

Our health care situation may well end up getting continually worse until it simply collapses, in which case we might as well scrap it and experiment with a fully-private system for a while. It would be ideal to have a system modeled after the successful ones in Germany, France, Australia and elsewhere, but I'm doubtful that Obama's really taking us in that direction. I don't like the idea of leaving people at the mercy of health insurance companies, but if all we're going to do is get mired in a fuckton of debt over a system that doesn't work, we're better off just blowing it away altogether.

Yeah, you can google trends Ron Paul and obama and mccain on google. Watch what media exposure does to a campaign. Perfect example where MSM blackballing controls public knowledge/opinion.

I am a firm believer in "If it doesn't work, fix it. If it still doesn't work, replace it." Americans have only fallen further and further behind other countries since the inception of the DoEducation. It's had more and more money and various tailored programs thrown at it and it isn't working. Private education and homeschooling regularly out performs public schooling. We have way too many "Departments" that have only seen declines in quality in their respective fields since their creation. There does need to be an extreme purge. I think "Ron Paul '08" may have been Americas last chance to unscrew the (economic , if nothing else) pooch.
This is probably the 10% we disagree on. Healthy living and natural medicines can cure cancer. If I was diagnosed with cancer I sure as hell wouldn't take chemo/radiation.

Well I agree with that, but - some voodoo treatments aren't going to magically cure cancer.

Once you've got it, I'd like to see such a change cure cancer.
Well I agree with that, but - some voodoo treatments aren't going to magically cure cancer.

Once you've got it, I'd like to see such a change cure cancer.

I'm not talking about voodoo, I am talking about plants with natural healing properties. No hocus pocus wand waving.
I'm not talking about voodoo, I am talking about plants with natural healing properties. No hocus pocus wand waving.

Ah, but a lot of Injun treatments do revolve around the "spirits."

Natural treatments are wonderful. Herbs, aloe, etc.
Well it is sad that he has such criminally stupid parents, but that kind of heavy-handedness on the part of the government does kinda set a bad precedent. They should just let him die and his parents suffer and/or go to prison for their idiocy.
Or god forbid, alternative treatment works. :rolleyes:

I'd love to see you suggest an alternative treatment that would guarantee a success rate of 90% for Hodgkin's Lymphoma, such as the conventional methods (like ABVD in the US) provides. Not to mention a 90-95% remission succes rate. Special diets to increase the removal of free radicals I'm all for, but I honestly can't see herbs actually curing the tumour - they might possibly relieve a symptom, but when such succesful treatment is available I can't honestly see why any sane person would want to try a different route (I understand the side effects of chemo aren't pretty, I'm a med student and I see it day in, day out - but I'd choose hair loss and vomiting over death myself)

Edit: Read the longer article. This could be a massive issue. I do my best to be a tolerant guy, but religous stupidity does get to me (and I'm a christian...) Its like the Jehovah Witnesses and blood transfusions again.
Warrant issued for Mother/Child after failure to appear in court.

I'd love to see you suggest an alternative treatment that would guarantee a success rate of 90% for Hodgkin's Lymphoma, such as the conventional methods (like ABVD in the US) provides. Not to mention a 90-95% remission succes rate. Special diets to increase the removal of free radicals I'm all for, but I honestly can't see herbs actually curing the tumour - they might possibly relieve a symptom, but when such succesful treatment is available I can't honestly see why any sane person would want to try a different route (I understand the side effects of chemo aren't pretty, I'm a med student and I see it day in, day out - but I'd choose hair loss and vomiting over death myself)

Edit: Read the longer article. This could be a massive issue. I do my best to be a tolerant guy, but religous stupidity does get to me (and I'm a christian...) Its like the Jehovah Witnesses and blood transfusions again.

Just because you determine it to be stupidity does not make it so. I am not a Jehovah's Witness but I also would refuse blood transfusions and organ transplants for what I am guessing are the same reasons. Those are my personal beliefs which i don't force on anyone else, and no one else should be trying to force their beliefs on me.

If "my body, my choice" is reason enough to murder a baby, why isn't it reason enough to pick your choice of health care, regardless of the success rates?
Because a fetus is not the same as a full-born child.

Anyway, it's up to you whether you want to be stupid enough to risk your life on a treatment that has a dubious chance of success when there's a highly successful option out there, but brainwashing your kids into sharing your idiocy crosses the line to immorality.