Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Maybe if I can mooch off your guns. :p

I don't own one atm, but I wouldn't mind getting one once I have money to blow. My apartment mate got one this year, and it sounds like a pricey hobby.
if youre color blind or whatever, most of the intel jobs are available to you. i know for certain ELINT is, which is what i do. the only one that may not work is imagery

and im with dak on the e to o thing, ldo
I wouldn't join the military because it's one of the least religiously tolerant organizations you can work for and has the highest sexual harassment rate of any job in the US, but the servicemen still have the audacity to preach about honor, pride, patriotism and "doing what's right," which is directly contradictory to my personal philosphy of "lead by example."
I wouldn't join the military because it's one of the least religiously tolerant organizations you can work for

this we cant deny. i've had numerous bad experiences since being in. i actually had a MSgt preach to me when i tried to file a complaint. and that guy is a tech school instructor now. he's a cool dude, and our little spat only made our working relationship better, somehow. but most of them are actually jerks. if you complain they retaliate and look down on your for as long as your their.

but yeah, fun times
Maybe if I can mooch off your guns. :p

I don't own one atm, but I wouldn't mind getting one once I have money to blow. My apartment mate got one this year, and it sounds like a pricey hobby.

Skeet shooting is quite fun, and shotguns (and clay "pigeons") are pretty cheap. I still need to get one though. All I have right now is a handgun and a hunting rifle. (BTW, large caliber rifles are not exactly something you shoot for fun. Does a number on the shoulder).

Edit: And shells for shotguns are relatively cheap compared to ammo for large handguns/rifles.
Just don't go infantry. You will be treated like complete shit and be surrounded by people of such a lower level of intelligence than you it will be beyond teh suck.

That might be to my personal benefit though if you think about it.

if youre color blind or whatever, most of the intel jobs are available to you. i know for certain ELINT is, which is what i do. the only one that may not work is imagery

and im with dak on the e to o thing, ldo

Surprisingly, most of the intel jobs require normal color vision (this is for the Army though)

I would most likely do the DEP since I am about 50 pounds overweight for my height
That might be to my personal benefit though if you think about it.

Well I understand that angle, but just joining the Marine Corps (vs other branches) in general will probably give you the personal benefit you are thinking of. It sure did for me, and I have a technical MOS.
Skeet shooting is quite fun, and shotguns (and clay "pigeons") are pretty cheap. I still need to get one though. All I have right now is a handgun and a hunting rifle. (BTW, large caliber rifles are not exactly something you shoot for fun. Does a number on the shoulder).

Edit: And shells for shotguns are relatively cheap compared to ammo for large handguns/rifles.

Yeah, I've shot clays before with a fraternity friend who lives out in the middle of bumfuck. It was pretty cool.

I have a bow I got for Christmas like 6 years ago.

It's badass.

I totally want to get a nice compound bow and go on some life-threatening canoeing adventure ala the movie Deliverance.
honest/biased opinion coming...

fuck the army. being surrounded by stupid grunts does not work in your favor. it just provides massive loads of frustration. and they have all sorts of ass backwards rules and requirements for career fields and whatnot.

the air force isnt perfect, but its 10 times better than the army.

and everyone goes into DEP for atleast a little bit. takes some time to process the paperwork and whatnot
If I had to go back in time and do it all over again I would still go Marine. The uniforms are 1000x better than the other services, and theres a level of pride at putting up with the short end of the stick so much.

Otherwise I would join the Air Force. The Army is a lame version of the Marine Corp, and the Navy is just......the Navy :puke: .
i wouldnt mind the navy if i didnt have to live on a boat for extended periods of time.

the marines have too many restrictions for me. i'm old enough and smart enough to know right from wrong. however most marines ive met arent. so i can see why they set so many restrictions

the air force was totally the perfect fit. a large amount of independace and a more laid back chain of command. and i think thats a great environment for people to grow. people in other branches dont seem to get that maturity that is developed from independant thought and analytic responsibility. if you treat people like kids, theyre going to stay that way
if you treat people like kids, theyre going to stay that way

I totally agree with this. Edit: One thing though, people who join the Marine Corps are more likely to be risk takers vs those who join the Air Force. Just having that personality leads to more incidents.

I've been pretty fortunate. I have seen the restrictive side of the Marine Corps but I kept out of trouble and established a good rep and right now I am practically my own boss. Some aren't so lucky though.
The Marine Corps is the only branch I've ever wanted to join, and considering I've "been there done that", there'd be no point in joining another branch unless I just wanted a change.

I like the Navy mainly because of how close the Marine Corps works with them. Yeah, it makes sense considering the Marine Corp is a department of the Navy, but so is the AF to the Army and they don't work all that close.

The AF to me is a branch that people join to say they are in the military, but it's really not. I'm sure it has its share of fuckheads who think they're hardcore and all, but unless you're a fighter pilot there's no real risk in it. I've seen many videos and heard many first hand accounts of the training process for the AF and I couldn't believe some of the shit I heard.

The Army is a complete wanabe branch. A good analogy would be like saying the Marine Corps is metal, and the Army is nu-metal. I just hate the fact that the Army is over-funded and the Marine Corps is under-funded. It's bad enough it's the toughest branch of all, but yet having to make do with less really sucks ass. When I was stationed in Hawaii, the M16 I was registered was dated back to the fucking 80's man. Not to mention most of our gear, the important shit like flaks and helmets were old as balls as well. Then you go to the Army base and you see them running around with a bunch of Carbines and shit.

Anyways, rant aside. The Marines are the shit, everyone knows this. If you want a challenge, join the Corps. Everything else is just second best.

On a side note, I've successfully conviced myself that I want to join the Corps again.
The Marine Corps is the only branch I've ever wanted to join, and considering I've "been there done that", there'd be no point in joining another branch unless I just wanted a change.

I like the Navy mainly because of how close the Marine Corps works with them. Yeah, it makes sense considering the Marine Corp is a department of the Navy, but so is the AF to the Army and they don't work all that close.

The AF to me is a branch that people join to say they are in the military, but it's really not. I'm sure it has its share of fuckheads who think they're hardcore and all, but unless you're a fighter pilot there's no real risk in it. I've seen many videos and heard many first hand accounts of the training process for the AF and I couldn't believe some of the shit I heard.

The Army is a complete wanabe branch. A good analogy would be like saying the Marine Corps is metal, and the Army is nu-metal. I just hate the fact that the Army is over-funded and the Marine Corps is under-funded. It's bad enough it's the toughest branch of all, but yet having to make do with less really sucks ass. When I was stationed in Hawaii, the M16 I was registered was dated back to the fucking 80's man. Not to mention most of our gear, the important shit like flaks and helmets were old as balls as well. Then you go to the Army base and you see them running around with a bunch of Carbines and shit.

Anyways, rant aside. The Marines are the shit, everyone knows this. If you want a challenge, join the Corps. Everything else is just second best.

On a side note, I've successfully conviced myself that I want to join the Corps again.

I agree with this entire post with the exception of the Navy part and the wanting to rejoin part.
The AF to me is a branch that people join to say they are in the military, but it's really not. I'm sure it has its share of fuckheads who think they're hardcore and all, but unless you're a fighter pilot there's no real risk in it. I've seen many videos and heard many first hand accounts of the training process for the AF and I couldn't believe some of the shit I heard.

i dont think we joined to say we're in the military. i think most people joined for one of two reasons: to have a steady job or to help pay for school.

i joined to have a steady job doing something that is 10 times harder to get into in the civilian world.

and yeah, our training is pretty lax. so is our "combat". fighter pilots arent in much danger though. atleast not in our current wars. however the security forces, and those who get tagged to augment to that job, are doing the most dangerous job (while deployed). our SF guys and the augmentees are basically army infantry. a lot of them are even assigned to army units for their deployment.

and the hardcore hua types are hilarious, in a totally embarassing way. sorry, but if you have a moto tat of the damn blue falcon, youre a fucking faggot douche.
oh, and for some levity...

Stoned wallabies make crop circles

SYDNEY (Reuters) – The mystery of crop circles in poppy fields in Australia's southern island state of Tasmania has been solved -- stoned wallabies are eating the poppy heads and hopping around in circles.

"We have a problem with wallabies entering poppy fields, getting as high as a kite and going around in circles," the state's top lawmaker Lara Giddings told local media on Thursday.

"Then they crash. We see crop circles in the poppy industry from wallabies that are high," she said.

Many people believe crop circles that mysteriously appear in fields around the world are created by aliens.

Poppy producer Tasmanian Alkaloids said livestock which ate the poppies were known to "act weird" -- including deer and sheep in the state's highlands.

"There have been many stories about sheep that have eaten some of the poppies after harvesting and they all walk around in circles," said field operations manager Rick Rockliff.

Australia produces about 50 percent of the world's raw material for morphine and related opiates.