Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Or we could have had Ron Paul.

Anyway, I am interested to see what Obama does for his self proclaimed "day of rest" on his 173 day in office. (July 11th). Should be quite entertaining.
The cynicism in this thread is hurting me

I really don't think economically McCain and Obama would've been the same. McCain would not have done a stimulus package. Instead all he would've done is cut taxes like every retard conservative.
totally bra.Such a stupid concept, letting people spend their money as they see fit. What we need is someone with the wisdom and experience :)lol:) to bring CHANGE AND HOPE OMG LAWDY YES!

Letting people spend their money how they want is stupid. We should totally coerce them into paying money for shit they don't need or want in the form of taxes. BRILLIANT!

Wish I had the time and skill to like, Photoshop Obama's and Bernanke's heads on and replace the beer and other stuff with money.
Yes because cutting taxes is bad

totally bra.Such a stupid concept, letting people spend their money as they see fit. What we need is someone with the wisdom and experience :)lol:) to bring CHANGE AND HOPE OMG LAWDY YES!

Perhaps you retards would like to stop rubbing your noses in each other's butts for a moment and explain why we shouldn't have programs that provide important stuff like housing, health care and education to people who deserve it but can't afford it.
Perhaps you retards would like to stop rubbing your noses in each other's butts for a moment and explain why we shouldn't have programs that provide important stuff like housing, health care and education to people who deserve it but can't afford it.

  1. Who says we don't want programs like this?
  2. Why do federal taxes necessarily have to pay for this?
Perhaps you retards would like to stop rubbing your noses in each other's butts for a moment and explain why we shouldn't have programs that provide important stuff like housing, health care and education to people who deserve it but can't afford it.

because people suck and we should weed out the weak.
  1. Why do federal taxes necessarily have to pay for this?

They don't necessarily have to, but unless you've got some evidence to show that the fatcats of the world are just dying to shower the unfortunate masses with the spoils of their conquests on the kind of scale that federal taxation does (if only they weren't already being ROBBED BLIND by that awful, awful government!), all your bitching about "coercing people to pay for shit they don't want" doesn't add up to much.

because people suck and we should weed out the weak.

I assume you're just asstalking, but I might as well point out that this argument could be extended to support total lawlessness.
you raised an interesting question. how much money is made by donations? and how does it compare to tax money used for these programs?

you see a lot of non profit organizations making a lot of money. however, americans are generally greedy (myself included)
well, i understand how much the country brings in total from taxes. i was asking how much gets put towards these social programs. not the military ;)
Various charity stats: http://blog.charitynavigator.org/2009/06/giving-in-2008.html

Main item of note:
"Charities in America received $307.65 billion in donations last year."

Compare that to $2.52 trillion which the federal gov't made last year (link). That doesn't exactly inspire optimism that charity could replace taxes.

Ideally, lower taxes would stimulate the economy and allow businesses to operate at a level where they could hire more employees, thus lowering the level of unemployment and the amount of money required for charities to support the jobless. Also, the higher the employment level, the higher the number of people who will be able to donate money to charities.
Randomly cutting taxes like fucking retards and randomly throwing money at people like retards = SAME FUCKING THING AND NEITHER WORK, SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID FUCKING [fairy sprinkle dust added]. WE NEED A NEW FUCKING PLAN. THROW OUT THIS FUCKING BROKEN SYSTEM. FUCK YOU, FUCK GOD, FUCK AMERICA.
well, i understand how much the country brings in total from taxes. i was asking how much gets put towards these social programs. not the military ;)

Well it's kind of tricky to say how much of it goes toward "social programs", but judging by this breakdown of the 2008 budget:

  • $612B - Social Security
  • $682B - Medicare & Medicaid
  • $303B - Other Mandatory
  • $249B - Interest
  • $613B - Defense
  • $520B - Other Discretionary

I'd hazard a guess that the first three items ($1,597B) count as "social programs".

Ideally, lower taxes would stimulate the economy and allow businesses to operate at a level where they could hire more employees, thus lowering the level of unemployment and the amount of money required for charities to support the jobless.

Or, if private health insurance companies continue to fuck people over like they have been doing, a lot of people will end up in shitty health and/or bankrupt while working a typical low-paying job - perhaps even without any hope of advancing their career if the education system is privatised and they end up unable to afford that as well. Who can predict the outcome?

Also, the higher the employment level, the higher the number of people who will be able to donate money to charities.

History of the U.S. unemployment rate
History of the U.S. top margin income tax rate

Feel free to point out any meaningful correlation between the tax rates and unemployment rates throughout history, as I can find none.
There's a difference between how much money goes into those programs, and how much actually gets back to the citizen, as opposed to being blown on the layers of beaurocracy in the middle.
Social Security is also such a broken joke of a program I can't believe you have even mentioned it. And when I mean broken I also mean broke, as in out of money. Great job government managed retirement. Medicare and Medicaid are also basically broke. Can't wait to see what else we can run into the ground through socialization.