Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Yes because cutting taxes is bad
When you lose services absolutely

  1. Why do federal taxes necessarily have to pay for this?
Because nothing else has or will.

Randomly cutting taxes like fucking retards and randomly throwing money at people like retards = SAME FUCKING THING AND NEITHER WORK, SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID FUCKING [fairy sprinkle dust added]. WE NEED A NEW FUCKING PLAN. THROW OUT THIS FUCKING BROKEN SYSTEM. FUCK YOU, FUCK GOD, FUCK AMERICA.
Perhaps you retards would like to stop rubbing your noses in each other's butts for a moment and explain why we shouldn't have programs that provide important stuff like housing, health care and education to people who deserve it but can't afford it.

Taxes shouldn't be cut; they should be abolished altogether. Taxation is on a par with forced labor. And nobody "deserves" any of the things you mention in the sense that nobody has an unchosen positive obligation to provide them.

They don't necessarily have to, but unless you've got some evidence to show that the fatcats of the world are just dying to shower the unfortunate masses with the spoils of their conquests on the kind of scale that federal taxation does (if only they weren't already being ROBBED BLIND by that awful, awful government!), all your bitching about "coercing people to pay for shit they don't want" doesn't add up to much.

But of course hysterical leftist handwringing adds up to a whole lot, doesn't it?
Or, if private health insurance companies continue to fuck people over like they have been doing, a lot of people will end up in shitty health and/or bankrupt while working a typical low-paying job - perhaps even without any hope of advancing their career if the education system is privatised and they end up unable to afford that as well. Who can predict the outcome?

I don't like health insurance companies; they're one of the reasons that health care is so expensive.

History of the U.S. unemployment rate
History of the U.S. top margin income tax rate

Feel free to point out any meaningful correlation between the tax rates and unemployment rates throughout history, as I can find none.

Well, if you want one specific example:


There was a decrease in the unemployment rate from 1981-1989. This coincided with Reagan's terms in office, and his policies were less government regulation and tax cuts.
Well, if you want one specific example:


There was a decrease in the unemployment rate from 1981-1989. This coincided with Reagan's terms in office, and his policies were less government regulation and tax cuts.

I noticed that, but we were also coming out of a recession at that time, which essentially just brought the unemployment rate back to the standard 5-to-6 percent we'd had in the previous two decades. We had comparable unemployment rates even when the top margin tax rate was as high as 91%.

Furthermore, unemployment rose again right after Reagan's presidency due to the Savings and Loan Crisis, thanks to all the wonderful absence of government regulation we had in the financial industry (which of course is why we're in our current recession too, if you'll recall).
(which of course is why we're in our current recession too, if you'll recall).

Ah, the old deregulation canard. Instead of toeing the establishment line (which conveniently almost always seems to be an excuse for expanding government power. Hmmm...) maybe you should look a bit deeper into this issue. Start by asking yourself how our central bank creates distortions in the market.
I'm not going to pretend I know what amounts to a proper set of financial regulations, but I think it's safe to say that there were SOME financial practices that definitely contributed to the shithole we're in now, and which should not have been allowed to happen. If you have some legitimate criticism of financial regulations that isn't just you being an unrealistic anarchist crackpot, then go for it.

As far as the Federal Reserve goes, I'm not yet convinced that it's the colossally bad idea that you, Dakryn, Ozzman and whoever else keep saying it is. Sure, in its current form it has too much power and is not watched closely enough, but I don't see how it's so terrible for the government to control some of the money supply during high times in order to prevent catastrophes from happening later on. Who the hell else is going to keep banks from failing en masse during huge recessions?

Sarah Palin not under FBI investigation, agency spokesman says
The former GOP vice presidential candidate's surprise resignation as Alaska governor had set off speculation, including rumors of a pending federal corruption probe or charges.

By Josh Meyer
July 5, 2009

Reporting from Washington -- A day after Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin resigned, a federal official in her home state dismissed one potential explanation for her sudden and unexpected resignation -- a rumored FBI investigation into the former Wasilla mayor on public corruption charges.

Despite rumors of a looming controversy after Palin's surprise announcement Friday that she will leave office this month, some of them published in the blogosphere, the FBI's Alaska spokesman said the bureau had no investigation into Palin for her activities as governor, as mayor or in any other capacity.

"There is absolutely no truth to those rumors, that we're investigating her or getting ready to indict her," Special Agent Eric Gonzalez said in a phone interview Saturday. "It's just not true."

Gonzalez added that there was "no wiggle room" in his comments that could exclude any kind of probe.

The FBI has been active in mounting public corruption probes in Alaska, some of them to see whether local, state and federal lawmakers illegally received favors, money or even free construction work from Alaskan businesses and people who wanted favors from them.

The most high-profile case was against former Republican Sen. Ted Stevens, whose conviction last year on charges of lying on Senate ethics forms stemmed from charges that he got illegal work done on his house by a politically connected developer.

The Obama administration Justice Department threw out the charges in April, saying prosecutors had failed to turn over potentially helpful information to Stevens' defense team. Some bloggers have speculated on the Internet in recent days that such an FBI investigation was underway on Palin, who still had 18 months in her term.

Also Saturday, the former GOP vice presidential nominee posted a statement on her Facebook page, not offering specifics but indicating that she had broad goals after she leaves the governor's office.

Palin did not say whether she planned to run for president in 2012, but criticized media coverage of her announcement:

"How sad that Washington and the media will never understand; it's about country. And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make."

So, Dakryn, my imagination is running wild here. Got any interesting rumors from the blogosphere to share? :lol:
I honestly don't care. Palin is just as worthless as any other highly publicized politician.

I am much more interested in the FEMA NLE '09 (July 27-31), which my unit just happens to be participating in. All kinds of unconstitutional martial law practice going on.

Edit: Also, plenty of "blogosphere" chatter going on expecting this to be similar to the "exercises" that happened to coincide with 9/11 and 7/7. So I semi-expect a "terrorist" attack somewhere during that time.
Cool, I'll keep it on my desktop. Hopefully I'll have read a good portion of it by the next time I get into one of these arguments.
@Vihris: If you want more "blogosphere" chatter: We are currently entering a window from like, now until October for potentially each or some of these events:

Obama Assasination
A huge terrorist attack somewhere
Collapse of the US Dollar and/or the British Pound
A bank holiday
Martial Law
Swine Flu Redux
@Vihris: If you want more "blogosphere" chatter: We are currently entering a window from like, now until October for potentially each or some of these events:

Obama Assasination
A huge terrorist attack somewhere
Collapse of the US Dollar and/or the British Pound
A bank holiday
Martial Law
Swine Flu Redux

You got some reading material to share?
It's all conspiracy theory websites and fwds :p

Except the currency collapse and resulting bank holiday or vice vs. Which would basically then necessitate martial law because if the dollar collapses and there is a bank holiday there will probably be riots.

Nothing conspiracy about that. Just the fallout from bad economic policy that Celente has been warning about for years now.

Edit: Also, the swine flu is expected to come back in force this fall flu season according to the "experts". CDC etc.

Edit: Oh yeah, and there is this looming as well:

Biden comments hint at Israeli attack on Iran
More thuggery from mud people

Akron police say they aren't ready to call it a hate crime or a gang initiation.

But to Marty Marshall, his wife and two kids, it seems pretty clear.

It came after a family night of celebrating America and freedom with a fireworks show at Firestone Stadium. Marshall, his family and two friends were gathered outside a friend's home in South Akron.

Out of nowhere, the six were attacked by dozens of teenage boys, who shouted ''This is our world'' and ''This is a black world'' as they confronted Marshall and his family.

The Marshalls, who are white, say the crowd of teens who attacked them and two friends June 27 on Girard Street numbered close to 50. The teens were all black.

''This was almost like being a terrorist act,'' Marshall said. ''And we allow this to go on in our neighborhoods?''

They said it started when one teen, without any words or warning, blindsided and assaulted Marshall's friend as he stood outside with the others.

When Marshall, 39, jumped in, he found himself being attacked by the growing group of teens.

His daughter, Rachel, 15, who weighs about 90 pounds, tried to come to his rescue. The teens pushed her to the ground.

His wife, Yvonne, pushed their son, Donald, 14, into bushes to keep him protected.

''My thing is,'' Marshall said, ''I didn't want this, but I was in fear for my wife, my kids and my friends. I felt I had to stay out there to protect them, because those guys were just jumping, swinging fists and everything.

''I'm lucky. They didn't break my ribs or bruise my ribs. I thank God, they concentrated on my thick head because I do have one. They were trying to take my head off my spine, basically.''

After several minutes of punches and kicks, the attack ended and the group ran off. The Marshalls' two adult male friends were not seriously hurt.

''I don't think I thought at that moment when I tried to jump in,'' Rachel Marshall said. ''But when I was laying on the ground, I was just scared.''

Marshall was the most seriously injured. He suffered a concussion and multiple bruises to his head and eye. He said he spent five nights in the critical care unit at Akron General Medical Center.

The construction worker said he now fears for his family's safety, and the thousands of dollars in medical bills he faces without insurance.

''I knew I was going to get beat, but not as bad as I did,'' Marshall said. ''But I did it to protect my family. I didn't have a choice. There was no need for this. We should be all getting along. But to me, it seems to be racist.''

Akron police are investigating. Right now, the case is not being classified as a racial hate crime. There were no other reports of victims assaulted by the group that night.

The department's gang unit is involved in the investigation, police said.

''We don't know if it's a known gang, or just a group of kids,'' police Lt. Rick Edwards said.

The Marshalls say they fear retaliation at home or when they go outside. They are considering arming themselves, but they're concerned about the possible problems that come with guns.

For now, they are hoping police can bring them suspects. They believe they can identify several of the attackers.

''This makes you think about your freedom,'' Marshall said. ''In all reality, where is your freedom when you have this going on?''
