Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

while i doubt an article that is extremly editorialized like that one has much to offer as far as facts go, we should still read it. take in all sides of the argument
I think it's good that abortions will be covered under the new health plan. It is a health issue for the woman involved.

i still dont think it will happen. abortion is a hot button item for republicans. they'll call an "all hands" to block any bill involving abortion rights
why not? there are millions of conservative christians in this country, and they all love to bitch about abortion. even if the republican senators wanted to pass the bill with the abortion section intact, they would still have to argue against abortion just to get re-elected. they cant let it go, for their own sake
but its different. abortion is a moral issue where the economy and health care is a money issue. obviously people care about money issues, but a certain breed of people (found on both sides of the aisle) go crazy for the moral fights