Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Wondered if you guys had picked up on the British Government deciding that if science doesn't support its ideas, then "fuck science". Its seriously pissing me off, and is going to have massive ramifications for the future. At the moment the scientific community in our country is looking like it could do a blanket band on advising the current government. Not that labour are gonna be in power much longer....
Normally I like parties on the left like Labour, but it really seems like they've been shitting the bed of late. Guess I gotta root for the Liberal Democrats and hope the Conservatives follow the Canadian route and don't do anything too bad.
Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see how conservatives in the US are trying to destroy the health care system. As far as I can tell, they are intent on maintaining the status quo. Liberal democrats aren't much better. Gotta love our two-party corporatist welfare/warfare regime.
Nah, I have trouble with people who invent over the top turns of phrase to reference things with which they disagree. But whatever, it's your thing or something.
Nah, I have trouble with people who invent over the top turns of phrase to reference things with which they disagree. But whatever, it's your thing or something.

There's nothing inapt about my description, so I don't see how it's over the top. I get the feeling that you're looking for something to bitch about because you don't like my political views.

But anyway, isn't maintaining the status quo of the health care system basically equivalent to destroying it since it's failing so miserably?
But anyway, isn't maintaining the status quo of the health care system basically equivalent to destroying it since it's failing so miserably?

If you want to talk that way that's fine. I'm in just as much agreement with raging liberals about the shitness of our health care system; I just disagree about what the causes and solutions are and what our obligations are concerning the matter.
I don't give a shit about what our obligations are. I want everyone to have access to some sort of effective health care whether or not the government is obliged to offer it. I seriously could not give less of a fuck about that.
I don't give a shit about what our obligations are. I want everyone to have access to some sort of effective health care whether or not the government is obliged to offer it. I seriously could not give less of a fuck about that.

So instead of discussing political issues like a rational adult you're throwing a tantrum. Good. Now I know I'm justified in ignoring you.
Dodens doesn't give a fuck about you ignoring him either, you fuck. He just doesn't fucking give a fuck.

So Cythie, where do you stand on the whole net neutrality thing? Seems like any hard-line capitalist is going to be against net neutrality legislation, but since the other side of the issue concerns the freedoms of expression and assembly in some sense (although not necessarily in the Constitutional sense), it presents an interesting challenge to a libertarian.
So instead of discussing political issues like a rational adult you're throwing a tantrum. Good. Now I know I'm justified in ignoring you.

That wasn't what I was saying, but if you're going to be a fucking faggot about it then I couldn't give a fuck if you ignore me. I actually find this response from you rather surprising.
I don't give a shit about what our obligations are. I want everyone to have access to some sort of effective health care whether or not the government is obliged to offer it. I seriously could not give less of a fuck about that.


Anyone else find those huge lines for H1N1 vaccines retarded.
I mean how big does the line outside the building have to be for people to realize that adding to it is pointless.
The harsh truth about the health care system is that it's still part of the job market. People don't only look for careers in the health care system because they want to help others; they do it because they want to be paid.

If the government regulates health care provisions, and therefore regulates the cost, it's going to diminish the prestige of the health care industry.

Secondly, I would like universal health care for everyone; but I don't want businesses to have to pay into the pot, especially businesses that already provide a health care plan for their employees. Obama wants a nationwide policy that all businesses (that employ less than a certain number of workers) must adhere to. The businesses that already provide health care shouldn't be forced to do this.