Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

That wasn't the retarded part of your post that deserved immense amounts of derision though. To suggest that "the rap culture" is to blame for school shootings or to even suggest that "the rape culture" is responsible for the availability of guns is simply scapegoating and passing the ball. There's just no basis for it. Maybe you can blame the rap culture for instilling certain unwanted values in people, but one would have to actually be influenced by it before you can start blaming it on certain issues. As far as I'm aware, no school shooters have ever been influenced by "the rap culture." Blame Marilyn Manson, he was actually cited as inspiration for murder.

In other news, apparently two students have been shot and wounded, one seriously, at Delaware State University, and the gunman has not been identified or found yet.
Maybe you can blame the rap culture for instilling certain unwanted values in people

In other news, apparently two students have been shot and wounded, one seriously, at Delaware State University, and the gunman has not been identified or found yet.

now youre getting it! and lets remember that not all shootings involving school age kids happen in schools. there are too many young kids in gangs. there are too many gangs period, but you know what i mean.

and yeah, another college shooting. fuckin wild. we didnt have this problem 50 years ago. wtf happened? (besides rap :lol: )
Yeah, but we're talking about school shootings, not violence in general. And I'm sure if the type of music that we listened to was more popular and was as pervasive as rap, it would be just as influential in causing violence, except with fucking swords and battle axes.
Parenting and the individual's own psychological well-being.

thats another fair point.

i wonder whether psychological problems are a product of modern society though. opinions? we've always had "crazies", but i think its changed a bit.
Psychological problems are generally caused by several factors, from genetic predispositions to upbringing to who they choose to surround themselves with to what type of activities they choose to indulge in. I don't think there's really ever a single clear cut explanation for somebody's severely impaired mental condition.
Yeah, but we're talking about school shootings, not violence in general. And I'm sure if the type of music that we listened to was more popular and was as pervasive as rap, it would be just as influential in causing violence, except with fucking swords and battle axes.

id support a school yard battle with swords and axes! j/k

i think guns need to go away and we should go back to the good ole days of swords and axes. guns just arent personal. you have to really fuckin mean it if you kill someone with a sword!

anyways, back to your comment. most metal is purely fiction or ancient history. and i think 99% of the listeners get that. however, rappers are talking about every day things and lyrically connects with the listener on a different level than metal. because metal bands talk about impaling, sword fights, and the extreme gore there is no real world link. you cant say that about rap.
Interesting story you won't find in the fucking news. There are a bunch of gangsta blacks around here, especially in my dorm, and yesterday the campus went on lockdown because some dude came up here with a gun looking for someone. Said dude is now wanted in the entire county. So yeah, there ya go.
lol @ God's response "appearing"

I think the most you can really blame on the "rap culture" is stupid fashions and an increase in poor grammar. With the popularity of rap music it stands to reason that a higher number of violent people listen to it, but that doesn't mean it is a cause. As Nec said, one needs to look at the offender's upbringing and mental health. Cho the VT guy was mentally ill.
I'm sure that if there was an immensely numerous disenfranchised population of impressionable white youths and were exposed to Metal the way that blacks are exposed to Rap, as if it is their obligation to do so, that it would have a similar impact.
one needs to look at the offender's upbringing and mental health. Cho the VT guy was mentally ill.

Well I suppose some level of mental instability is pretty much a prerequisite for these types of things, but I also don't think that art should be totally ignored as a root cause for violence. Not that I think it should be held accountable, but there is a degree of responsibility in there as well.
I'm sure that if there was an immensely numerous disenfranchised population of impressionable white youths and were exposed to Metal the way that blacks are exposed to Rap, as if it is their obligation to do so, that it would have a similar impact.

if we were talking about the same things in metal, then maybe. but most lyrical topics in metal are soooo far out there, youd have to be a total loon to try it. and in that case mental illness would be a huge factor.

the only real world issue metal could bring up is religion and church burning. and we all know what my (and nearly everyone elses on here) stance is on church burning.