Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I can name 3, two of them being the dykes they just added.

I like how they ignored all the Muslim signs Obama is regularly throwing out because he went to a radical "christian" church. I don't know any Christians who celebrate Ramadan/speak glowingly of Islam and make fun of the Bible like Obama does.

Also, they ignored the fact that witches, sorcers, etc. do exist. Not the green face painted pointy hat wearing kind, but they do exist.

I find itn hard to believe that 20% of Americans believe the Sun revolves around the Earth, but that is a far cry from not believing in evolution, which is not scientific fact.
If you're talking about shamans in primitive societies then yeah I guess I believe in witches too.

Obama probably isn't a Christian at the core of his beliefs, but joined a church because the voting public would never vote for a non-Christian. I don't think he's a Muslim either. And what's wrong with making fun of the Bible or saying good things about Islam? You don't have to sit there and go "everything about my religion is perfect" to count as a member, and by not Islam-bashing he is trying to win appeal from Muslims (the largest religious group on earth unless you lump Catholics and Protestants together) and people who hate "Islamophobia."

Evolution has been studied way harder than creationism or alternative theories, maybe that's for a reason or maybe we just need more funding to support opposing theories.

I want to know where they're getting these figures from and how that muckraking piece of shit actually proves that Americans are dumb vs. that they don't know specific facts.
I find itn hard to believe that 20% of Americans believe the Sun revolves around the Earth, but that is a far cry from not believing in evolution, which is not scientific fact.

The process of evolution is definitely scientific fact. The unproven theories address why and how it happens.

At the rest of your post: wat
Also, they ignored the fact that witches, sorcers, etc. do exist. Not the green face painted pointy hat wearing kind, but they do exist.

I find itn hard to believe that 20% of Americans believe the Sun revolves around the Earth, but that is a far cry from not believing in evolution, which is not scientific fact.

Excuse me, but WHAT the fuck are you talking about?
Clicking on the links in that article is fun...

lol black people said:
Groups that have higher degrees of self-reported patriotism (see Gallup's Fourth of July release), such as older people and whites, are also more likely to correctly name the country from which America gained its independence. Only 66% of those aged 18-29 know that America gained its independence from England, compared to 79% of those aged 30 and older. The knowledge gap is even wider on the basis of gender and race:

* 85% of men compared to only 69% of women know that America's freedom was won from England
* 80% of whites vs. 54% of blacks answered correctly
I can name 3, two of them being the dykes they just added.

I like how they ignored all the Muslim signs Obama is regularly throwing out because he went to a radical "christian" church. I don't know any Christians who celebrate Ramadan/speak glowingly of Islam and make fun of the Bible like Obama does.

Also, they ignored the fact that witches, sorcers, etc. do exist. Not the green face painted pointy hat wearing kind, but they do exist.

I find itn hard to believe that 20% of Americans believe the Sun revolves around the Earth, but that is a far cry from not believing in evolution, which is not scientific fact.

EDIT: Seriously, are you trolling?
I guess he's got a point on witches existing in that there are people who practice witchcraft, but part of me thinks that he thinks witchcraft is legit.
Um...I dunno, the part where everything you said was absolutely retarded and/or ridiculous to the point that it is very unlikely anyone could actually believe any of it.
Um...I dunno, the part where everything you said was absolutely retarded and/or ridiculous to the point that it is very unlikely anyone could actually believe any of it.

1. Give me one reason Obama is not Muslim other than he says he is not. I can give you plenty of actions taken by him that demonstrate otherwise. Actions speak louder than words, unless you are a naive simpleton.

Should it matter from a political standpoint? Maybe not. But to call anyone ignorant for suggesting he is other than what he says he is, based off of his actions and other words, is patently ignorant.

2.So you are telling me there are no such thing as witches.


Witchcraft has become the self-designation of a branch of neopaganism, especially in the Wicca tradition following Gerald Gardner, who claimed a religious tradition of Witchcraft with pre-Christian roots.[3

As I said, they aren't of the Disney evil stepmother variety, but there are such things as "witches".

3. A simple statement that I dont believe 1 in 5 Americans believe the earth is the center of the solar system. How is this blowing your mind?

Not going into the whole evolution debate again, just stating that there is plenty of room for arguement, and to top it off the news piece throws out the same incorrect bullshit tying in Darwin as the originator of the theory.

I could also point out that the article is also ignorant of the satellite records of trucks shipping suspicious cargo from Iraq into Syria shortly before the invasion. It's widely accepted amongst military intelligence that the WMDs were there (and were of American origin) and now reside in Syria, and this is coming from someone who was against the invasion to start with, WMDs or not.
You don't think the fact that the President of the United States, the most scrutinized man in the world, secretly being one religion while pretending to be another is not a conspiracy theory? Then again if you looked at it that way you wouldn't believe such silly things.
Is it really that far out of the realm of possibility though? Don't get me wrong, I don't believe it or even care really, but completely dismissing the idea is more ridiculous than believing it.

Who knew Clinton was getting blowjobs from his intern while in office? Who knew Nixon was a complete scumbag and would orchestrate the Watergate scandal? Or how about all of the crooked politicians stealing money everyday or running brothels?

Presidents and/or anyone in a political office are not saints by any stretch of the imagination and have done far crazier shit than Obama possibly being a closet Muslim.