Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I loled. But seriously, there is plenty of evidence (Hi, Google) that he is at least pandering to Muslims.

I can pander to excessively fucking gay people if I so choose, but how does that mean I am gay? And it's not pandering, it's just that Muslims are an over-represented religion in terms of current (international and US) affairs, and therefore, are at the center of quite a few controversies requiring a person in power to go "um, yeah, sure, they have rights. Like you all do. No shit?"

As I have said before about other things, science is finding out every 10 years it was wrong about something, so when I feel like something doesnt't add up, all I do/think is what I think is right and wait for the times to catch up. Like eggs and cholesterol for instance. It's worked well for me so far, maybe evolution will be the instance where I am wrong,

Um, it's been a lot, lot more than 10 years since evolution was considered scientific fact (theory, aka) and appeared in its (pretty much) current state. So, yeah, you're just wrong.

but I don't really even see how that is going to hurt me much, other than upsetting some doodz on the interwebz.

OK, I understand that someone's beliefs, especially a figure in power, may be clandestine (i.e. what he truly believes), but the best knowledge we have in either direction is what is shown to us by how he acts and his reported biographical details. Using this as a basis of discovering the magical truth, all signs point to the guy being a Christian.
I love the lack of references on that page. Anyway, and I think I stated this before(or meant to), that I don't think Obama is a Muslim. But he is definitely not Christian.

That article also fails to cover anything as recent as 2008, as he has made many glowing remarks in the last 2 years regarding Islam. The cornerstone of Islam is Sharia Law, and this is the concern of most people who understand what is going on globally.

Britain is already allowing Muslims to run their own Sharia tribunals, and that could come here. With political leadership that is at least friendly towards Islam, this could be steps towards Sharia law for everyone.
So what do you want him to do? Say Muslims are fucking shitty and bad? That seems like a retarded idea to me.

"My fellow Americans. I've been informed by some of my closest advisors that all Muslims are fucking shitty and bad. I declare August 25th to be National Mop-head Killing Day, and the month previously known as Ramadan to henceforth be referred to as 'Rape anything that's Brown, Black, or from Jersey' month. Except Snookie. Just shoot that bitch. And me. Please."
"My fellow Americans. I've been informed by some of my closest advisors that all Muslims are fucking shitty and bad. I declare August 25th to be National Mop-head Killing Day, and the month previously known as Ramadan to henceforth be referred to as 'Rape anything that's Brown, Black, or from Jersey' month. Except Snookie. Just shoot that bitch. And me. Please."

IMO, Obama is probably not religious period; he just portrays himself as Christian to score political points. I'm not saying he's atheist or agnostic (which he may well be), but I doubt he really dwells on the metaphysical very often. I feel that Clinton and probably Bush Sr. were also the same way.
Also, evolution is an established fact. The fossil record shows that horses evolved from small deer like forest dwellers to large grassland dwellers, for example. That's adaptation, not just mutation. The only hole in the theory of evolution is how primitive amino acid compounds organized into active and living bacteria. No one knows for certain how that happened.
And back to Islam, it is shitty and bad. I find it to be the most oppressive and demeaning of the Abrahamic religions, but that's just my warped opinion and obviously why I am not a politician.
Spiritually, all of the Abrahamic religions are relatively similar. But, unfortunately, people have cherry-picked various shitty parts of their own holy books (fucking WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS EVER?!!) to oppress people with.
^ Not all religion is externally provided, a lot of cultures/people ( like the Jews ) actually sub-consciously socially oppress(ed) themselves with a sort of slave morality and chose their beliefs to survive.

I don't think accepting a world without god while being enslaved would be easy.

But anyway V5, you should take it east on Dak man, he has a very subjective opinion when it comes to politics and you really can't blame him for speculating.
If we let fags marry then people will want to marry their dogs.

Islam is definitely the most ass-backwards of the Abrahamic religions in terms of modern practice. The worst Christians have to offer these days are rare instances of abortion clinic bombings and "Jesus Camps" where fat white children that no one cares about learn to speak in tongues. Back in the day sure there were pogrom-like mass murders of pagans and savages but nowadays we're seeing those patterns carried out by nutters waving the Qu'ran around.
If we let fags marry then people will want to marry their dogs.

Islam is definitely the most ass-backwards of the Abrahamic religions in terms of modern practice. The worst Christians have to offer these days are rare instances of abortion clinic bombings and "Jesus Camps" where fat white children that no one cares about learn to speak in tongues. Back in the day sure there were pogrom-like mass murders of pagans and savages but nowadays we're seeing those patterns carried out by nutters waving the Qu'ran around.

Back in the day sure there were pogrom-like mass murders of pagans and savages

Or the Inquisition, where Catholics murdered Protestants and Catholics smart enough to try and read the Bible for themselves.

Edit: @ Matthias: http://www.capitalismmagazine.com/law/5547-Sharia-Law-Coming-American-Law-Court-Near-You.html

@Jimmy: I really don't think it's that subjective at all. Politics is generally two or more people all claiming their opponent is lying while they are telling the truth. I believe they are all correct about the other person lying.