Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Yeah, they're not gonna do shit about the obesity problem until they start banning pizza and fried foods.
The government provides limited funding to private schools. You all know that, right?

The private schools get a subsidy for materials related to general subjects like math and social studies, but won't fund any classes dealing with religion.

but the government, mostly state and local, have a say in whats taught in public schools, and to what level. thats where things go wrong
I'm not saying the government doesn't have a say and I'm not saying that shit hits the fan because of it.

I was merely asserting that the government does provide help to prvate schools in the form of teaching materials (ie: Projectors, etc) to classes that are not affiliated with religion.
are you saying private schools dont have standards? shit, their standards are usually higher than public school!

the government usually fucks up everything it touches. private schools are a great example of what can happen when the government stays the fuck out!
Not that they don't have standards, it's that they don't have the same standards. A private school can teach whatever they want, that's the whole point. I shouldn't have to tell explain why that would suck. I am also worried about children going to religious school and being indoctrinated in religious "science". There's also the many private schools who base hiring/admissions on race, religion etc.

The benefits of public school are that things are standardized, regulated and provide a non-divisive education system for all. Private schools are only better now because they don't let poor people in and the Government is relentlessly hobbled by conservatives who care more about tax cuts and F-16s than children. Fuck that shit.
Public school education is regulated at state and local levels anyway.

Also, the US government provides subsidies to religious oriented schools as well, cookiecutter, it's not just Kanuckafuck.
You don't see how a school having the ability to teach whatever they want could possibly have a negative side?
Also, the US government provides subsidies to religious oriented schools as well, cookiecutter, it's not just Kanuckafuck.
Directly? In that case the Constitution is being violated, but it's not like that old thing carries any weight any more.:rolleyes:

Actually, I believe you should.
If we don't enforce standards as to what students should learn there may be a great variety of what people are taught and much of it will be wrong. I would assume religious schools would be the biggest offenders but I'm sure politically based schools would do the same thing. Look at the opposition to evolution today. Imagine if that was not the standard curriculum and schools taught creationism. Imagine if schools were allowed to teach that Jews or blacks were inferior. I'm not saying most private schools would be that way, but there would be some and without the standardized public option, who knows how many children would be exposed. Look at Liberty University and imagine something like that as your child's only option for grammar school. And all that without government oversight.
The thing with privatization is that it would eventually form a equilibrium; knowledge of which school were good, fair, reasonable, etc, would spread, and people would shy away from the school that preached that negroes, jews and etc were inferior. And the people that did attend said school would never get employed.

Fact is, privatization enforces competition, and competition breeds quality. If nothing else, at least it's a hell of a alternative, considering the state of public schools today.
CC, you have no idea what you're talking about. Just stop.

How can you just assume that everything in a religious school is tailored to the 'religious' side of things?

I had none of that in my history or math courses. There are strict guidelines on what we are required to take (classes that would be taught at any high school: math, biology, etc) and then electives (I took Accounting as an elective, for example).

I have no idea how public schools work as I've been in private education my entire life. Please don't assume you know anything about how private schools work unless you've attended one.
Agreed Ozzman. As well as in science they teach both Evolution and Creation and leave it up for you to choose.
I had a lecture on evolution and natural selection in Anthropology today. As I expected, there was a part stressing about it's only being a theory.
It's not the case in all religious schools, but it is in some. Schools teach that everything relates back to God, and that we learn math because God created math, and all subjects are learned with respect to how they relate to God. This is not a good basis for education.

This is based on both the personal experiences of two friends of mine (one religious) as well as actual research that I've gone over in various political culture classes, one of which I'm taking now.

Don't assume you know anything about how private schools work just because you went to one.
How can you just assume that everything in a religious school is tailored to the 'religious' side of things?

"How can you assume cooking school is tailored to the cooking side of things?"

"How can you assume engineering school is tailored to the engineering side of things?"

"How can you assume art school is tailored to the art side of things?"

etc., etc. ad nauseam. Anyone can infer this due to it being what generally happens. Just because yours didn't doesn't mean others do not. I would advise you to think about what you say before you say it, because in your post, you never once thought you could be wrong...you are, however, incorrect. Religious education involves lots of religion; it's implied. Matt is right also, some (SOME!) Catholic/whatever schools teach the way he described.

Please do not assume things just because you have attended one religious school in the middle of nowhere somewhere...
Agreed Ozzman. As well as in science they teach both Evolution and Creation and leave it up for you to choose.

I was never taught creationism in science class

It's not the case in all religious schools, but it is in some. Schools teach that everything relates back to God, and that we learn math because God created math, and all subjects are learned with respect to how they relate to God. This is not a good basis for education.

This is based on both the personal experiences of two friends of mine (one religious) as well as actual research that I've gone over in various political culture classes, one of which I'm taking now.

Don't assume you know anything about how private schools work just because you went to one.

I went to three, actually, but I still see your point.