Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

As opposed to what other kind of perspective?

edit: Let me put it another way. From what perspective is it relevant and why is it irrelevant from an ideological perspective?
Right, ok. But when you say things like the crazy looking thing I quoted, don't expect to be thought of as reasonable. When you say something that's probably going to look nuts to other people, you might want to clarify what you mean while you're at it.
It really doesn't look nuts though unless someone reads into it what isn't there. It is pointless (imo) to argue the merits or lack thereof, for changes to/rules for, a system that shouldn't exist anyway. It's a waste of time.
It really doesn't look nuts though unless someone reads into it what isn't there.

No, you're full of shit. The statement looks nuts on the face of it. Just because your intent was obvious to you doesn't mean it should have been obvious to the rest of us.
No, you're full of shit. The statement looks nuts on the face of it. Just because your intent was obvious to you doesn't mean it should have been obvious to the rest of us.

What I said:

The existence of public schools shits on individual rights anyway, so what does it matter whether you could bring guns to school or not?

What about that statement insinuated that I believed children should be allowed to bring guns to school(as the institution currently stands)? The "individual rights" part? I specifically clarified my intent with the following portion of the sentence.
How is asking "what does it matter whether you could bring guns to school or not?" (implying that there is nothing wrong with such a situation) any less stupid than saying "children should be allowed to bring guns to school"?


I salute these guys for taking a stand against these ego-maniacal fucktards. But IMO, the crowd in the first video should have helped that old timer out and are cowardly aiders and abettors of these lackeys for not doing so.


In the embedded video, those cops are the stereotypical small town pigs. They really have no choice to harass innocent citizens, because a 1/10 police to civilian ratio is over-staffing incarnate. It's either pull over every 3rd car or hang out at the coffee shop for your entire shift. While the cameraman was morally correct about the police's abuse of power, he lost all his credibility when he started spouting off about the Illuminati and NWO. Luckily, I live in a city where the police behave professionally and ethically (at least when it comes to PR, but with union contracts, not so much).


Also, Dakryn, I like how (yet again) you looked at my post as black vs. white; it's not either one or the other that sometimes you say crazy raving lunatic shit and sometimes you say things that are very obvious to anyone with a working brain, just phrased in ways that make those things out to be some kind of secret knowledge no one else has (oh my god, there's CORRUPTION in big corporations! dear lord, say it isn't so!1!). Notice the "sometimes". I figured it was implied because of the, you know, context, which you evidently know so much about. :rolleyes:

Also, Dakryn, I like how (yet again) you looked at my post as black vs. white; it's not either one or the other that sometimes you say crazy raving lunatic shit and sometimes you say things that are very obvious to anyone with a working brain, just phrased in ways that make those things out to be some kind of secret knowledge no one else has (oh my god, there's CORRUPTION in big corporations! dear lord, say it isn't so!1!). Notice the "sometimes". I figured it was implied because of the, you know, context, which you evidently know so much about. :rolleyes:

As I said before, it's one thing to say you know something, and then another to repeatedly make comments that evidence you don't either A. Take it into consideration/believe it, or B. Know it.
I know there's fucking corruption in the world, dude. I just choose not to let it bother me too much because I don't need shit bringing me down more than it already does. Call that "ignorance" if you want; you can also keep considering yourself "enlightened", but I prefer to not take such an incredibly pessimistic/defeatist on every single thing.
What do you have to bring you down man? Even knwoing about all the shit going on and if you happen to live near the poverty level in the US, it's still better than like 75% of the rest of the world. Or more.

I am not defeatist or pessimistic. Acknowledging problems doens't mean I am mopey all day. I am actually quite exuberant about life, it's awesome. Cyth has seen me IRL, I would think he would agree I am the opposite of "defeatist", at least in conduct.
I am not defeatist or pessimistic. Acknowledging problems doens't mean I am mopey all day. I am actually quite exuberant about life, it's awesome. Cyth has seen me IRL, I would think he would agree I am the opposite of "defeatist", at least in conduct.

cool story bro. So, basically, you adopt a persona of flagwaving crazy guy when you log onto GMD, or what? :p