Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I find it hilarious that no one here seems to have a political ideology tailored to what they themselves believe. Dakryn and and Krig seem to buy into the tea-party movement propaganda while everyone else is a staunch leftist. What's so hard about picking and choosing a personal stance on each issue, regardless of whether it would be considered left or right wing?

I... I have no idea how you have jumped to this conclusion.
I'm against public schooling but it seems pretty clear to me that the existence of public schooling does not undermine the idea that FUCKING KIDS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO CARRY GUNS AT SCHOOL. Seriously, why do you believe that the existence of public schooling makes CHILDREN carrying guns around into a non-issue?

I think you mis-interpreted my statement. Public schools are already a forfeiture of rights, so an inibility to bring guns to school as merely another straw on a broken back camel that was lame and diseased to begin with.

My great granddad would tell stories of bringing a hunting rifle/shotgun with him to school, as did other kids, during hunting season back in the early part of the 20th century. It wasn't a problem. What has changed to make this an obviously dangerous practice today? The schooling itself. It has naturally and inevitably declined to the point where highschool graduates are often unqualified for minimum wage jobs, due to illiteracy and an inability to do basic arithmetic.

I honestly don't give two shits(lol Krig comparison material omg) if people like Val find my opinions stupid or un-fucking-groovy. Val lives in a state that is sooooo "progressive" it's going bankrupt faster than the rest of the welfare states, and only slightly slower than some European countries. The entire US is going bankrupt economically and socially thanks to policies supported by the majority on this board and Cali is leading the way (as usual), thanks to it's leming-like, fad-driven, uninformed populace.

Val, keep amusing us with funny pics, and stay out of the srs bsns.

Edit: @ Sap: Where do you get the idea I take my points from the Tea Party? Unless wanting lower taxes suddenly makes me a foxnews follower.

1) In what ways do you believe the country is becoming socially bankrupt?

2) You could really stand to be less condescending. The way that you express yourself has a lot to do with the way your ideas are treated. You should know this since you acknowledge that the way I express myself reflects upon the seriousness with which you take what I have to say.

BONUS: Saparmurat: I'm pretty sure the majority of people believe that almost everybody around them - except themselves - can't think for themselves. I'm pretty sure the majority of people here would reject having blanket labels being placed over their political beliefs.

1) In what ways do you believe the country is becoming socially bankrupt?

Turn on the TV. Whether it's "doing anything for a dollar", or laughing at the misfortune of others, etc., you name it, Americans are all about it.

2) You could really stand to be less condescending. The way that you express yourself has a lot to do with the way your ideas are treated. You should know this since you acknowledge that the way I express myself reflects upon the seriousness with which you take what I have to say.

I actually take what you have to say seriously when you make good points. I just rarely ever saw you make any (imo) when it came to things outside of your realm of music knowledge.

That last post was condescending, due to repeated postings by people who make knee-jerk, parroted reactions to ideas foreign or "stupid" to them due to lack of/incomplete/one sided information. Call it a defense mechanism, or frustration, or whatever. The outcomes of policies the opposite of what I suggest and support are showing quite evident.

Edit:mad:V5 The 1800s had it's own set of issues. If I did teleport back, I probably would have wound up being assasinated for the same reason as Lincoln, for trying to thwart the Rothschilds and the rest of the international banking cabal. I won't call it "industry" cause they don't make a damn thing, except worthless paper to peddle to ignorant or devious politicians.
I... I have no idea how you have jumped to this conclusion.

Perhaps I should have added the clarifying statements "almost no one" or "it seems that no one" to my post, but I stand behind it, regardless. I see the political views here to be an accurate representation of the political discourse in the general public - either all the way to the left or all the way to the right. Common sense doesn't really seem to be as important as which team you're playing for.

EDIT: @Dak - Because you're the epitome of a conservative libertarian. I don't mean that as an insult, just as an observation.

BONUS: Saparmurat: I'm pretty sure the majority of people believe that almost everybody around them - except themselves - can't think for themselves. I'm pretty sure the majority of people here would reject having blanket labels being placed over their political beliefs.

In a way, that not only nullifies my opinions, but yours and the opinions of everyone else. Nobody likes to be labeled, but nothing can be described through language without using labels and categories.
I'm against public schooling but it seems pretty clear to me that the existence of public schooling does not undermine the idea that FUCKING KIDS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO CARRY GUNS AT SCHOOL. Seriously, why do you believe that the existence of public schooling makes CHILDREN carrying guns around into a non-issue?

I'm thinking more about the blatantly ridiculous things he posts, like what Cyth just quoted. None of what you just said applies to something like that.

I don't think he intended it to mean that kids should take guns to school. I think he was trying to expose the irrelevance of the question.
You people are all completely fucking bonkers. Jesus Christ.

That train thing is hilarious and borderline Darwin awards.
I see the political views here to be an accurate representation of the political discourse in the general public - either all the way to the left or all the way to the right. Common sense doesn't really seem to be as important as which team you're playing for.


In a way, that not only nullifies my opinions, but yours and the opinions of everyone else. Nobody likes to be labeled, but nothing can be described through language without using labels and categories.

This is kind of what I was trying to point out. So many people believe that, while they are magically free from the confines of the political spectrum and able to rationally and logical decipher the issues through a clear and unbiased perspective, they perceive the vast majority as just cogs in the machine, unable to have any original thought on their own. So either a lot of people are wrong about others, or a lot of people are wrong about themselves.
I would say that discussions like this one are the very way by which you can discover that other people are quite capable of expressing their opinions.
Val, keep amusing us with funny pics, and stay out of the srs bsns.

In this thread (actually, everywhere), pseudointellectual Dakryn thinks he is "enlightened" and doesn't realize he's actually a meathead. Unsurprising that he enjoys UFC and drives trucks for a living.


In all seriousness though Dakryn, you bring this kind of reaction upon yourself. It's not because of the fact that your views are just different, it's because the things you say are often suspect, hyperbolic, and come in part from these small, shady, politically-biased websites. Political bias being something you seem to criticize others for. Or maybe that's just Krig.
In this thread (actually, everywhere), pseudointellectual Dakryn thinks he is "enlightened" and doesn't realize he's actually a meathead. Unsurprising that he enjoys UFC and drives trucks for a living.

Drove a truck for a couple of months. Doesn't work with a family, had to stop. I also don't really follow UFC that closely as a whole, pretty much only when Lesnar fights. But call me a meathead if you want.

In all seriousness though Dakryn, you bring this kind of reaction upon yourself. It's not because of the fact that your views are just different, it's because the things you say are often suspect, hyperbolic, and come in part from these small, shady, politically-biased websites. Political bias being something you seem to criticize others for. Or maybe that's just Krig.

Everyone is politically biased in some way. I read a wide variety of views, just anything that comes from a socialistic/neocon viewpoint has a million holes in it that are quite obvious. It's not hard to look around and see what's going on and connect the appropriate dots, unless you listen to the OReillys and the Olbermanns of the world who insist 2+2=4 is a Republican/Democratic lie.

Nothing is more shady imo than the large, corporate run media monstrosities. When you study the works and words of guys like Bernays, Murdoch, Rothschilds, JPMorgan, Kennedys, Kissinger, Brzezinski, etc. it's a fairly clear picture. But it isn't coming from FOX or CNN or any other major news source unless you catch that buried article or opinion piece with a couple of lines that tell a piece of truth.

As I stated earlier, everyone in favor of the policies of either the "right" or "left" wing in America or Europe are getting exactly what they asked for, as currencies plummet in value, infrastructure deteriorates, un-employment climbs, housing values drop, taxes rise, and benefits fall.

You are getting fleeced by wolves in sheep's clothing who also pay for/are supported by your media/news outlet(s) of choice.

A year ago members like Mathias and Mort were lauding Keynesian economics/the Obama Administration as salvation for the economy and thusly the country. A year later, and it would be amusing at how wrong this opinion was if it weren't srs bsns. But guys like Gerald Celente are quacks and don't know what they are talking about :rolleyes:
Everyone is politically biased in some way.

Interesting useless statement, buddy.

I read a wide variety of views, just anything that comes from a socialistic/neocon viewpoint has a million holes in it that are quite obvious.

To be read as: "I read a wide variety of views, but usually just settle on what seems to be the most utterly fucking ridiculous, as long as it's really far from what the 'brainwashed sheeple majority' thinks is really going on."

It's not hard to look around and see what's going on and connect the appropriate dots, unless you listen to the OReillys and the Olbermanns of the world who insist 2+2=4 is a Republican/Democratic lie.

Oh, c'mon dude, it isn't so goddamned black and white. Give us a little credit here; generally, people on metal forums are into subversive-enough of a subculture that they do at least a little fucking bit of digging and critical thinking on the news. It's your own damn fault if you want to believe everything some disreputable, shittily-designed pissant website blogojournalist thing has to say about gold standards or the government engineering the lack of jorbs. You act like you're some savior of rational thought, but most of the shit you post isn't distrusted because the evil "MSM" would quash it even if it were relevant, but because it's just goddamned stupid a majority of the time, and not enough people give a shit about it because it's stupid. ffs.

Nothing is more shady imo than the large, corporate run media monstrosities. When you study the works and words of guys like Bernays, Murdoch, Rothschilds, JPMorgan, Kennedys, Kissinger, Brzezinski, etc. it's a fairly clear picture. But it isn't coming from FOX or CNN or any other major news source unless you catch that buried article or opinion piece with a couple of lines that tell a piece of truth.

And you seriously trust NONE of us to read a little deeper than Fox or CNN? get over yourself imo.

As I stated earlier, everyone in favor of the policies of either the "right" or "left" wing in America or Europe are getting exactly what they asked for, as currencies plummet in value, infrastructure deteriorates, un-employment climbs, housing values drop, taxes rise, and benefits fall.

cool endtime flagwaving bro

You are getting fleeced by wolves in sheep's clothing who also pay for/are supported by your media/news outlet(s) of choice.

Is this supposed to be an analogy? Because all I could read is whistleblowing by someone who thinks he's "informed" when really he's just regurgitating what everyone else pretty much knows but doesn't bother saying because it's fucking dumb and redundant; everyone knows the mainstream media is owned by a few giant corporations that disseminate mainly feces, but sometimes pertinent, relevant pieces on things that matter. The truth of the matter is, you either listen to them, you trust some shady-ass hoax website pushing conspiracy tinfoil hat shit every time they write an article, or you be a smart schoolboy and do some goddamn research on your own time. It's basic as hell, and everyone already knows about critical thinking. This is a metal forum, not a Lady Gaga fanpage.

A year ago members like Mathias and Mort were lauding Keynesian economics/the Obama Administration as salvation for the economy and thusly the country. A year later, and it would be amusing at how wrong this opinion was if it weren't srs bsns. But guys like Gerald Celente are quacks and don't know what they are talking about :rolleyes:

Yeah, because two years is a long enough time to judge how well some really long-term economic and political goals are going. Also I don't particularly give a shit about what other people say. I'M A FREETHINKINER BRO, UNLIKE ALL THE OTHER PLEBEIANS ON THIS BOARD.