Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week


@Sap from earlier: Since the Israeli state was established by the UN,doesn't that make the UN the actual "terrorist organization" in your example?
I can't believe Juan Williams of NPR got fired for his comments on the O'Riley factor. It just goes to show that they put political correctness ahead of intelligent discussion and analysis (not that Fox News is intelligent, but I feel that Mr. Williams is). This was actually a good discussion about the perils of political correctness:

Also, the Iraq War documents are out now on http://wikileaks.org/
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Yeah. It sure is political correctness trumping intelligence and honesty, once again. And that shit is getting so goddamn old and annoying. But there is also another related reason.

What if NPR fired him, at least partly, because they're nervous that statements like that might make both Williams and NPR, as an organization, a target for terrorism?

And they're afraid of the same people they're firing Williams for publicly saying he's afraid of.

Food for thought.
Back to Christine O'Donnell. Here is what her campaign trail looks like:

Yeah. It sure is political correctness trumping intelligence and honesty, once again. And that shit is getting so goddamn old and annoying. But there is also another related reason.

What if NPR fired him, at least partly, because they're nervous that statements like that might make both Williams and NPR, as an organization, a target for terrorism?

And they're afraid of the same people they're firing Williams for publicly saying he's afraid of.

Food for thought.


Saying a non-3rd world country is involved in terrorism is like saying the sky is blue.

Sauid Arabia a third world country? Really? Why, is it because they don't speak English?
I'm pretty sure third world countries don't look like this:




Back to Christine O'Donnell. Here is what her campaign trail looks like:



Yeah. When I first saw that pic, I too, had tears coming out of my eyes(she probably did too and then her boyfriend probably jerked off to it when she left the room).

But seriously, I wrote some other captions for that fantastic pic, though the Christine O'Donnell one seemed the most apropos for the thread.


Please excuse Patty. She needed a really good excuse to call in sick today.
So that's how chicks invented the migraine. Wow.
Debbie knew she'd be going up against blacks in the upcoming American Gladiators competition, but she took her training too far.
Whoever thinks that women don't love drama need to sit down and have a serious talk with themselves.

Update 2:25 p.m.: Though the rally was meant to parody political rallies, there was an unmistakable political feeling in the crowd. Miguel Mendoza, 59, of Woodstock, Va., called himself "pro president." He told our Doug Stanglin he came to the rally with his wife and children because he is "tired of the Tea Party having taken over the discussion. There's other people that believe in the government."

Kathy Ellis, 51, of Boise, Idaho, told Jessica Durando she flew in because she "wanted to be around like-minded people.... We're blue girls in a red state." She said the event was like Woodstock without the nudity. "We need to take the polarization out of politics. Hope is still alive, and we are here to signify that."

Update 2:15 p.m.: Colbert and Stewart faced off in song, comparing their patriotic bona fides:

Colbert: America is perfect and there's nothing to fix, my PIN code is 1776, Americans will deep fry anything, and that is why I sing …

Stewart: I embody the spirit of the founders I know, cause I watched John Adams on the HBO. You can tax all my cash to help a stranger, but I'll sue city hall if they put up a manger ...

And the chorus: It's the greatest, strongest country in the world, the greatest strongest country in the world ...

Stewart: For all the men and the women and the genders in between, there's no one more compassionate then me ...

Colbert: My roll of toilet paper used up 67 trees...

Both: From gay men who like football to straight men who like Glee ... There's no one more American than me."

Update 1:40 p.m.: A head-on musical train collision set the tone, with Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam's Peace Train carrying the sanity banner against Ozzy Osbourne's fear-mongering Crazy Train. The two dueled onstage until they tired of the battle and stormed off together. The middle-of-the-road solution: The O'Jays took the stage and called on the crowd to board their Love Train. Stewart convinced Colbert it also has some fear: "STDs? Heartbreak? That is scary."

Update 1:25 p.m.: The rally attracted people of all ages. Zac Bishop, 16, came with his mother, Fran, from Arizona, instead of going to Disneyland.

"I trust John Stewart more than CNN or MSNBC," he said. "It's the people starting a rally on their own. It's a movement of the people." Fran added: "Tolerance. I guess that's what its about."

Alex Boyle, 77, of Chevy Chase, Md., told USA TODAY's Marisa Kendall that his son encouraged him to participate. "The turnout is fabulous, and I hope it sends a strong message that we're about to make a terrible mistake on Tuesday if the polls are right."

Update 1:10 p.m.: Stephen Colbert just emerged from a capsule similar to the one used to rescue the miners in Chile. He's in a Captain America- like suit, shouting m "Chi, Chi, Le, Le."

Update 1 p.m.: "Are you ready to restore sanity?" Stewart yelled. Then: "No littering. Let's leave this place cleaner than we found it."

Stewart has urged people to send donations to the trust that maintains the National Mall.

"As I look out here, I see we have over 10 million people," he joked, adding that the crowd is a perfect demographic makeup of the nation. "73% white, 14% black and the rest other, which is perfect."

Update 12:55 p.m.: Our Jessica Durando just ran into John Oliver, The Daily Show correspondent, backstage. "It's mind-blowing how many people turned out," he said. "Let's hope it's funny."

As Oliver checked his lines, he admitted to feeling some anxiety that the show will not translate to such a huge crowd. "Objectively, we think it's going to be pretty funny," he said. "We've been doing shows all week, and it's become very real."

Update 12:40 p.m.: Stewart insists the rally is not political, and many in the crowd embrace his call for "reasonableness."

"I'm really glad this is an optimistic rally. All the other ones are serious. We can just laugh and realize that things aren't so bad," Brian Steele, 19, a student at George Washington Universit,y told USA TODAY's Sara Newman.

Agreed Drew Sarton, 30, of Birmingham, Ala.: "Of all the political rallies, this one makes the most sense. Common sense has been lost. All other rallies are self-aggrandizing."

Update 12:25 p.m.: USA TODAY's Lindsay Deutsch ran into a lucky couple who was flown to the rally and stayed in a Marriott courtesy of Oprah Winfrey.

Ernesto Iglesias and Nicole Anasenas from New York City, were at The Daily Show when Oprah said she would send the entire studio audience to the rally. They brought their 5-month-old baby, Lorenzo, to the rally. He wore a rally towel as a bib.

Iglesias, 35, actually forced Anasenas to go with him to the taping: "It was one of those things. You always tell yourself, 'I never win these things,' then ..." About Lorenzo, he said, "We're here to keep him afraid or sane until he is about 22. We live in the city, so maybe he has to be more fearful."

Anasenas was enjoying the crowd. "It's nice to be around people who more or less share our beliefs. The best sign I've seen says, 'I may not agree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.' "

Update 12:15 p.m.: John Legend and The Roots are performing now. Stewart is expected around 1 p.m. Other entertainers expected to appear include musician Sheryl Crow, actor Sam Waterston and comedian Don Novello, who years ago played Father Guido Sarducci on Saturday Night Live.

Update noon: The rally is starting. You can watch it at C-SPAN and Comedy Central. And here's a photo gallery that we will be updating through the day. Check back often.

Update 11:40 a.m.: The mall is bristling with clever signs, USA TODAY's Doug Stanglin reports. Among them:

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself -- and spiders
Stand united against signs
This is my sign
Rednecks for Obama. Louisiana chapter
My wife thinks I'm walking the Appalachian trail
Paul Revere was an anchor baby
Tea parties are for Mad Hatters
I'm somewhat irritated about extreme outrage
Update 11:30 a.m.: D.C. -area metro stations are jammed as thousands try to get to the Mall for the rally. Hundreds of people are waiting in line to buy tickets at several suburban Virginia stations, with many bailing out to hail cabs.

At the East Falls Church station, about 6 miles from the District, two trains passed through completely filled, USA TODAY's Jessica Durando reports. Waiting on the platform, Shane Carlson, 29, said, "We flew from Minnesota to be funny for three hours." The neon yellow sign he holds says, "You're in the matrix."

Some people are managing to squeeze onto trains. Durando also talked to Lee Walzer on a train at the Rosslyn station in Arlington, Va., a stop away from D.C. The 47-year-old from Arlington urged people going to the rally to also vote Tuesday.

"It's nice that people are going down to a rally, but if people don't go out and vote on Tuesday, it's not going to preserve the gains and goals that most people going to the rally presumably have," Walzer said. "It's an impressive-sized crowd. It makes you wonder if the enthusiasm of the Republican Party is true. The election results may look different."


Original post: Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" may have started out for some as a satirical retort to Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally at the Lincoln Memorial, but it is turning into a political event, whether the organizers want it or not.

The best proof: Pundits, media stars and political analysts, some a mite miffed at the interloper from Manhattan, have weighed the meaning of it all, questioning whether jokester Stewart has gone too far and will undercut his appeal by appearing too political, The Washington Post notes.

Some Democrats worry that the extravaganza will take liberals away from the final weekend get-out-the-vote push before Tuesday's midterm elections.

Whatever happens, early signs are that it will be a big draw near the steps of the U.S. Capitol on the National Mall. The "Rally to Restore Sanity" Facebook page lists 230,000 people as saying they will be there and another 100,000 "maybes."

Huffington Post impresario Ariana Huffington leased 200 buses to bring rally goers down to D.C. free from Manhattan. Even Oprah has given a thumbs up.

Travelers from New York who waited too late found Amtrak fully booked for Friday evening and Saturday morning. Even NBC's Andrea Mitchell tweeted that she couldn't get a seat home Friday night.

CAPTIONBy Chip Somodevilla, Getty Images

Oddly, it is not really clear what will take place today near the steps of the U.S. Capitol on the National Mall.

At his "Rally to Restore Sanity" website, Stewart puts it this way:

Ours is a rally for the people who've been too busy to go to rallies, who actually have lives and families and jobs (or are looking for jobs) — not so much the Silent Majority as the Busy Majority. If we had to sum up the political view of our participants in a single sentence … we couldn't. That's sort of the point.

As for how he plans to fill the noon to 3 p.m. ET rally, Stewart says only that there will be "guests."

On Deadline will be keeping tabs from the National Mall all morning, so check back here for frequent updates.

You can also follow our tweets and twitpics from the mall at www.twitter.com/ondeadline

(Posted by Doug Stanglin)

I was only able to catch the latter half of the rally, and it sure was awesome :lol:

I'm really surprised they were able to get Yusuf.