Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I love Deep Hurting as an artist:









Yeah, not remotely accurate at all :Smug:

It's not like the first comic at all represents the lewd public actions the catholic church had taken in response to its problems with minors.

And the second one? Shit, I totally forgot that the democrats had no problem passing every piece of legislation they wanted when they had a super-majority.

And Obama as a Baroque composer? Yeah, he's no musician, that must be a lie. There's obviously no subtle context about broken promises, or "actions speaking louder than words" or anything.

And It's not like Fox news and the G.O.P. completely made shit up about death panels, that must have been a figment of everyone's imagination! And it's makes even less sense that people would believe that kind of shit? People are just waaaaaaaay smarter than that, right?

And the current contemporary arguments about civil unions and homosexual rights being restricted - that's just plain inaccurate too. The one about Obama being too much of a moderate and giving into the extreme demands of the republicans? Totally false. The revisionism that is found throughout all of Bush's presidency, that isn't happening as we speak (Karl Rove is just, like, unemployed, right?) - nonexistent. After all, the worst part of his presidency was Kanye, not everything else that is listed in that picture.

They're political cartoons, they can be funny - but that isn't the point of them. The point is to get a message across. I'm sorry you feel they're not up to par, but I am definitely going to disagree with you on the inaccuracy and lack of content in them.
The Catholic church hasn't paid for the Inquisitions or the Crusades yet, lets not put the carts before the horses.

Bush and Obama have been equally bad. Bush's presidency is getting whitewashed, just like every other former president in the last 200 years, save maybe Nixon, and Obama is complicit.

Obama has broken promises, just not the ones he made to the people who he really works for.

Death panels as a term was obviously fabricated for dramatic effect, but that is the net result of rationed care, which is what would eventually happen under socialized medicine. It happens now, but instead of some faceless bureaucracy making the decision it is personal finances.

As far as pitting Dems and the GOP as actual enemies, or FOXnews and any other news media outlet, lol.

Based off of your entire post, I assume puppet shows are completely mystifying for you.
Beyond Left and Right

A mostly accurate article from a Huff contributor. Unfortunately, I haven't seen anything from the Huff reflecting the article's ideals.

I also lol at the Huff's and FOXnews' occasional shots recently at the "mainstream media". Pot, meet kettle.
On the pseudo-medical front, even Australia's MSM (their #1 evening news show to be exact) is now covering the fraudulence of adding fluoride to the water:

Also, when the report came out blasting Dr Wakefield's research on vaccine to autism link as "fraud", it was on every MSM outlet (Yes FOXnews and Huffington Post, that includes you), backed up with various spin doctors with alleged "credentials", tsking at the "lies" Dr Wakefield had told that would contribute to killing people.

When the "expose" by Brian Deer / the BMJ was exposed as fraudulent itself, of course this received no coverage. This is the most recent, blatant case of reporting with an agenda, and specifically, reporting a lie with no retraction or admission.
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I don't see how it could be any worse than any of the currently apparent alternatives, at least from a US military perspective.

We sunk 70bn+ in Mubarak, for the sole purpose of controlling the largest military adjacent to the Suez. The military knows which side their bread is buttered on. I think the Pentagon/CIA/etc. is scared to death of ANY other outcome short of another puppet dictator.

The people in Egypt, just like other countries we meddle in, do not appreciate the US controlling their governments to the detriment of the locals, and soon the US foreign policy of ceaseless intervention is going to blow up in our collective faces (hint: it's already started).

Edit: Between the economically/foreign/local policy-challenged Democrats and neocon (large majority of) Republicans, the political class has pursued their respective policy babies to the point where our long-term (past 2020 or earlier) existence as a relevant country can only possibly be saved by blowing up the rest of the developed, non-NATO nations.
Beyond Left and Right

A mostly accurate article from a Huff contributor. Unfortunately, I haven't seen anything from the Huff reflecting the article's ideals.

I also lol at the Huff's and FOXnews' occasional shots recently at the "mainstream media". Pot, meet kettle.

So now every post of yours has to include Hufflington Post and Fox News in everything. It's not like that your batshit nutjob sites you post are any better.
So now every post of yours has to include Hufflington Post and Fox News in everything. It's not like that your batshit nutjob sites you post are any better.

Got any other random compound words to throw out? You recently stated that the Huffington Post was the omgoshistbestistnewssite ever, so whats your problem?

I am not aware of posting anything but MSM/gov news-pieces recently.
More of the Conspiracy sites that think scientists are all evil and how overpopulation people are wrong. I haven't read Hufflington since it got owned by AOL. I just hope they didn't change the site to make it more like something out of Fox News. If I want that then I would go to the Drudge Report. I like reading that site even though I disagree with their viewpoints.
Overpopulationists are wrong. Educate yourself on the amount of food waste in "industrial countries" before it even gets to the grocery store.

Mismanagement, turning food into a business, has destroyed the earths carrying capacity, not too many people. You should probably start by reading some stuff from Joel Salatin, owner of Polyface Farm.

Sustainable, natural food production is the key here, which is antithetical to "Big Agriculture", which is killing the earths food production capabilities.
Looks like the military might be taking over though.

They say they are going to hold 'free and fair' elections sometime soon. This is probably a major concern for the West, as even though he was a dictator, he was our dictator, and now some fundamentalists could get power and really cause problems.
I don't see how a US puppet is any worse for the people of Egypt than some Sharia spouting Islamic fundamentalist, except instead of indirectly making their lives suck, we will directly kill them with indirect fire.