Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

If it matched the rest of the birth certificates from the era would be a start.

Even if he was born in Hawaii, there is this business of statuatory vs natural born citizen, etc.

There are so many angles that beg question, and the biggest one of all is the fact that Obama is refusing to produce the BC in court. If it's legit why spend the money when he can just put it to rest?
Hey Vihris or zebu whaterver, why are you a Ron Paul fan? Most of the views of yours are way way far apart from Paul. I get that you like more of Progressive Populist such as Kucinich and Grayson but besides a few issues, Paul isn't someone I would expect you to like.

Well although I think a publicly funded 'social safety net' is a good idea, I currently would rather see more segments of it shouldered on the States. And considering how frighteningly out of control the federal government has gotten with violations of the Constitution and human rights, I like the idea of putting libertarians in power there to help limit its size.
zabu of nΩd;9665308 said:
Well although I think a publicly funded 'social safety net' is a good idea, I currently would rather see more segments of it shouldered on the States. And considering how frighteningly out of control the federal government has gotten with violations of the Constitution and human rights, I like the idea of putting libertarians in power there to help limit its size.

But what if you live in a state like California? I imagine social security 'I-OWE-U' payments might change your mind. Which is why social security and medicare/medicaid will never become privately funded entities and/or put on the states' shoulders. I almost hope republicans try to pull that.
Mathiäs;9666315 said:
But what if you live in a state like California? I imagine social security 'I-OWE-U' payments might change your mind. Which is why social security and medicare/medicaid will never become privately funded entities and/or put on the states' shoulders. I almost hope republicans try to pull that.

I can't believe you would be able to type that bullshit with a straight face.

California was a poster child for "progressive reforms", and is now a poster child for proof that "progressives" have the economic literacy and capability rivaling the clinically mentally disabled. So to call on them as an example as to why we need these things on a larger scale is unfortunately not laughable, but dangerous, because it proves that you, and others of a like mind, are utterly incapable of understanding basic principles of cause and effect, economically at least, and more than likely branching into other facets of life.
I don't see what your point is. Suppose the government decided to resegregate public schools next year and I subsequently objected to that policy. Surely that would mean that I'd want to "go back" to 2011 in some manner. Would it make any sense at all to object that, well, too bad because we're not in 2011 anymore. Unless you're trying to say that it would be impossible to go back to the 1800s in these rather circumscribed respects. Well, that's important as a practical matter but it has no bearing on what I find morally desirable.
Only faux-Libertarians are reactionary. Real libertarians are so forward thinking, that how anyone can contest them on those grounds is beyond me. I mean, do any of you really think we'd still have cancer, AIDS, or the common cold without the stifling machinations of the FDA in a laissez faire capitalistic society? Gimme a fucking break. Those things would be seen as archaic by now. That's not faith. That's objective reasoning.
^"job seekers must submit to urine tests for nicotine"

Nicotine is a legal drug, why the fuck do people need to be tested for that if they want to a get a job?!
Only faux-Libertarians are reactionary. Real libertarians are so forward thinking, that how anyone can contest them on those grounds is beyond me. I mean, do any of you really think we'd still have cancer, AIDS, or the common cold without the stifling machinations of the FDA in a laissez faire capitalistic society? Gimme a fucking break. Those things would be seen as archaic by now. That's not faith. That's objective reasoning.

You are a huge fucking idiot if you actually believe that. "Well, if it weren't for all those asshole regulators! The Tuskegee experiment surely would have eliminated all syphilitic conditions in the world!"

It's about expenses you moron. Most would argue that protecting the individual and their inalienable rights to not be fucked over as an experiment are on par with the ability to perform actual (moderately inhibited) research/i.e. test how you wish, just not on a non-consensual living human being.

Also, your lack of knowledge about disease is fucking laughable.

Atlas Shrugged Movie

The best thing about this movie is other peoples reviews and opinions.
FitFortDanga said:
I've never read the novel. I had a copy kicking around for a while when I was a young moron who didn't know any better, I just thought it was one of those books that smart people were supposed to read. But as I soon as I learned a little bit about Ayn Rand and her ideas, I ditched it. And if the book is written as poorly as this movie (and Rand wrote the screenplay, so probably), that was a very wise decision. Holy shit, this is terrible dialogue. Terrible, terrible, terrible. I really don't think I've ever heard worse, and I've seen The Room. As we are being CONSTANTLY reminded that Roark is too genius and original for the mediocre sheeple, the dialogue could not possibly more literal or didactic. It's mind-bogglingly awful and laughable, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. No doubt Rand felt the unwashed masses were unable to glean anything from context or subtext, so it's all just text... overwritten pap that spells everything out, over and over and over again. I wouldn't even mind that the movie's themes are so offensive, if they were at least conveyed with some degree of subtlety. I've also never thought much of Gary Cooper, and this performance doesn't change my opinion. And Max Steiner's score is, as usual, completely overdone. King Vidor's direction actually is pretty good in terms of visual stylization, but it's not nearly enough to save this steaming pile of horseshit. Rating: 2

Also, these comments are hilarious:

...of Science! said:
I hope this movie tanks horribly so the next time I run into an Objectivist and they start talking about Atlas Shrugged I can be all "It sucks. The market spoke, bitch."

random youtube comment said:
Also, I just noticed the "Part 1" at the end. Fun. It'll be like the Lord of the Rings. But, you know, for assholes.

Bastard said:
I have read Atlas Shrugged from start to end. I've read the speech from start to end. My life has never been the same since.

It inspired me. It challenged me. I realized what I was capable of if the parasites weren't holding me back. I understood that it is the captains of industry who rule this world through the sweat of their brow, their uncompromising work ethic, and blind trust in the market.

So I set myself a goal. I will become one of these men. I will create a multinational company with nothing but my bare hands. My products will improve the life of every non-parasite. Steel, buildings, engines, railways, we will have it all.

All these years of labor and brow-sweating will lead to my magnum opus. I will build a time machine to travel back in time and shoot Ayn Rand in the fuckin' face for writing such utter bullshit.

facebook friend said:
"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."

Bulletriddled said:
Philosophy requires comparison between different viewpoints. I'm only 2 hours in, but so far every single character has the exact same views on every subject, but some of them are assholes/lazy and work against their own interests for the sake of being an asshole/lazy. That's not philosophy, that's just shitty writing

Frankly, I can't wait for PART III of this movie, just to see how many people make a game out of the sheer agony that will be Galt's 3 hour speech.
You are a huge fucking idiot if you actually believe that. "Well, if it weren't for all those asshole regulators! The Tuskegee experiment surely would have eliminated all syphilitic conditions in the world!"

It's about expenses you moron. Most would argue that protecting the individual and their inalienable rights to not be fucked over as an experiment are on par with the ability to perform actual (moderately inhibited) research/i.e. test how you wish, just not on a non-consensual living human being.

Also, your lack of knowledge about disease is fucking laughable.

The best thing about this movie is other peoples reviews and opinions.

Also, these comments are hilarious:

Frankly, I can't wait for PART III of this movie, just to see how many people make a game out of the sheer agony that will be Galt's 3 hour speech.

Thank you for being a living validation of what is wrong with this world.
You are a huge fucking idiot if you actually believe that. "Well, if it weren't for all those asshole regulators! The Tuskegee experiment surely would have eliminated all syphilitic conditions in the world!"

It's about expenses you moron. Most would argue that protecting the individual and their inalienable rights to not be fucked over as an experiment are on par with the ability to perform actual (moderately inhibited) research/i.e. test how you wish, just not on a non-consensual living human being.

"Most" are complete fucking morons. I "liberally" piss (ha ha) all over your dipshit rhetoric.
Thank you for being a living validation of what is wrong with this world.

Yes, I, with all my humanitarian work - local and global - is what is wrong with the world.

Please, put a gun to your head. That way you don't have to put up with all us weak altruistic scum you classless twat.

Edit: Maybe you should also learn to "liberally" use the edit button, because "most" of your posts are completely fucking moronic. Maybe I am wrong though, because sometimes I forget that you're just so forward thinking. Shit! Hoisted by my own petard!
FitFortDanga said:
I've never read the novel. I had a copy kicking around for a while when I was a young moron who didn't know any better, I just thought it was one of those books that smart people were supposed to read. But as I soon as I learned a little bit about Ayn Rand and her ideas, I ditched it.

I'm in possession of The Fountainhead for the exact same reason. I don't want that abomination in my bookshelf so I'm using it as a stand to elevate my desk lamp, along with The Stand, a coincidence I never noticed until today. I occasionally feel obliged to read The Fountainhead just because I bought the damn thing. Fortunately, for the time being I'm stalled by the Malazan Book of the Fallen and its absurdly dense plot.

(For the record I've read and quite liked The Stand. It probably doesn't deserve to be so intimate with The Fountainhead.)