Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

What good does it do to be involved in humanitarian efforts if you support tyranny?

Please tell me the slightest how you know I support tyranny. Yes, I mentioned running a few organizations in the past, and starting another about education - but seriously, other than those two specific things of which you still know absolutely nothing about... please tell me exactly why humanitarian work - in any regard - can NEVER be in opposition to tyranny (if that is what you truly believe). Then, maybe after that, you can tell me what someone actually should do other than hide in a hovel and wait for armageddon to pass by, because every fucking nut that opens their mouth about the uselessness of actions ultimately ends up settling on that idea and frankly it's bullshit.

I'm in possession of The Fountainhead for the exact same reason. I don't want that abomination in my bookshelf so I'm using it as a stand to elevate my desk lamp, along with The Stand, a coincidence I never noticed until today. I occasionally feel obliged to read The Fountainhead just because I bought the damn thing. Fortunately, for the time being I'm stalled by the Malazan Book of the Fallen and its absurdly dense plot.

(For the record I've read and quite liked The Stand. It probably doesn't deserve to be so intimate with The Fountainhead.)
I used my copy of Fountainhead and Atlas to clean up spills around the house. Sometimes if a table felt uneven I would mash some torn out pages underneath the uneven leg to get it to stop wobbling.

Malazan is still a highly rec'd series, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I was rec'd Shadow & Claw by Wolf, but haven't had time to read any of it due to my studies.
Please tell me the slightest how you know I support tyranny. Yes, I mentioned running a few organizations in the past, and starting another about education - but seriously, other than those two specific things of which you still know absolutely nothing about... please tell me exactly why humanitarian work - in any regard - can NEVER be in opposition to tyranny (if that is what you truly believe). Then, maybe after that, you can tell me what someone actually should do other than hide in a hovel and wait for armageddon to pass by, because every fucking nut that opens their mouth about the uselessness of actions ultimately ends up settling on that idea and frankly it's bullshit.

Obviously you misinterpreted my statement. Of course voluntary humanitarian work itself has nothing to do with tyranny. I was pointing out that is does no good to do good in one area, and support/do worse things elsewhere.
Only faux-Libertarians are reactionary. Real libertarians are so forward thinking, that how anyone can contest them on those grounds is beyond me. I mean, do any of you really think we'd still have cancer, AIDS, or the common cold without the stifling machinations of the FDA in a laissez faire capitalistic society? Gimme a fucking break. Those things would be seen as archaic by now. That's not faith. That's objective reasoning.

Actually you're just making a bunch of generalizations, which is not very objective.
Obviously you misinterpreted my statement. Of course voluntary humanitarian work itself has nothing to do with tyranny. I was pointing out that is does no good to do good in one area, and support/do worse things elsewhere.

So what Dak, you don't think you support and/or do worse things elsewhere?

What absolute way of life do you live by?
Prismatic Sphere makes me not want to be a libertarian anymore. Actually, I don't think I am anyway, but he makes it a lot easier not to be.
So what Dak, you don't think you support and/or do worse things elsewhere?

What absolute way of life do you live by?

The Non-aggression principle, for starters. As much as I would love to ram the the way-under-the-speed-limit crowd off the road.

Edit: I take this as far as not claiming my kid on my taxes, since it's not the taxpayer's responsibility to subsidize my sex trophies.
Are you claiming that Pessimism contradicts himself by applying force in his thinking and/or actions?

Um, yes, but not exactly how it appears you worded it.

Pessimism claims to be involved in various "do-gooder" activities. (LOL at Bushism).

But by supporting [illicit] (government, or otherwise) force in assuring others comply with his vision, he has done worse than accomplishing self-defeatism, but is more in line with "1 step forward, 2 steps back".

This is not "Robin Hooding" as some suggest, but actually the opposite. Robin Hood acted outside the law to correct (assumed) injustices created by the law.

Supporting legal theft actually places one in the seat of "King John".
Prismatic Sphere is the PETA of libertarians. Just like animal lovers can't stand People Eating Tasty Animals, libertarians just don't want to be part of what Sphere is.

Ok dude, how did you manage to become 40 IQ points more intelligent over the past year?

...Are you a sorceror or something?
Prismatic Sphere makes me not want to be a libertarian anymore. Actually, I don't think I am anyway, but he makes it a lot easier not to be.

I really really don't want to sound sanctimonious here; but I am well beyond libertarianism(because I understand one has to be devoid of mysticism and so does everything else, as a base, so that only freedom flourishes and parasites exposed) just as I am well beyond atheism(because I don't really believe that you believe).

Remember that political power grew out of religious power. Whether it was the shamans who told you when it was going to rain, or the god-priest class, and ultimately the crystalline example of the Pharaoh. The unwritten law of man is that they must be led. And this entire god concept is utter nonsense.
please tell me exactly why humanitarian work - in any regard - can NEVER be in opposition to tyranny (if that is what you truly believe).

I can answer this. Very easily. Because you actually produce nothing. You drain off of the producer because you are in reality a non-value. A non-producer. You don't produce any objective values; therefore, you exploit, foist guilt, and drain as many innocent producing individuals as you can so you can feel good about whatever "higher cause" you are fostering and feeding. You are in fact, a part of the tyranny of exploited wealth for mystical god concept notions as "the greater good" or "higher causes". You produce nothing objective and all you gain is some ephemeral pseudo self-esteem and something to support your own bogus livelihood. Again, you are exactly what is wrong with the world and I hope you get an ass cancer so calamitous that children will want to hit it with a stick, like Badbird.
I can answer this. Very easily. Because you actually produce nothing. You drain off of the producer because you are in reality a non-value. A non-producer. You don't produce any objective values; therefore, you exploit, foist guilt, and drain as many innocent producing individuals as you can so you can feel good about whatever "higher cause" you are fostering and feeding. You are in fact, a part of the tyranny of exploited wealth for mystical god concept notions as "the greater good" or "higher causes". You produce nothing objective and all you gain is some ephemeral pseudo self-esteem and something to support your own bogus livelihood. Again, you are exactly what is wrong with the world and I hope you get an ass cancer so calamitous that children will want to hit it with a stick, like Badbird.

Actually, I'd say you fit into the 'what is wrong with the world' category. I hope you contract aids after being anally raped by 10 black men.