Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I kind of have the time but at this point I have grown tired of redigging up information only to have some find fault with whatever source, when there is plenty of information out there.

Besides, when people do their own digging they often learn a lot more.

Obama has appointed members of the Trilateral Commission (a globalist thinktank) to most key positions. The list of current and former members of the TTC is a whos-who of prominent figures during the slide of America, from both sides of the fake right/left political landscape.
So now Obama is sending CIA agents to carry out covert missions to help rebel forces to oust Gaddafi?

I guess the question is what happened to no ground troops in all forms? Does the CIA not count here since their special ops?
We (Britain) already sent special forces in early on in the conflict. I think it's actually a requirement for having the no fly zone attack ground targets. If you think about it, without reliable information from the ground we could be blowing up the tanks that the rebels captured instead of Gaddafi's ones. They're the same types. I might be wrong though, they might just get intelligence from the rebel chain of command. It's just then you'd worry about Gaddafi having his own spies in it.
Rand Paul: Newt Gingrich Has More Positions On Libya Than He’s Had Wives
Senator Rand Paul took a nice little dig at Newt Gingrich, and Fox News last night at the Congressional Correspondents Dinner:

>PAUL: I was happy to see that Newt Gingrich has staked out a position on the war, a position, or two, or maybe three. I don’t know. I think he has more war positions than he’s had wives. [...]
There’s a big debate over there. Fox News can’t decide, what do they love more, bombing the Middle East or bashing the president? It’s like I was over there and there was an anchor going, they were pleading, can’t we do both? Can’t we bomb the Middle East and bash the president at the same time? How are we going to make this work?
I'm not a fan of DN, but this video is proof of "conspiracy" to foment war and unrest in the middle east. They are behind schedule but still on track.

Cliff note: A retired general said that a few days after 9/11 the Pentagon was already planning to invade Iraq/Lebanon/Syria/Libya/Iran just because.
...the fuck?!? That absolutely shitty knowledge of Roman mythology and arbitrary selection of dates makes me have no regard whatsoever for the interview, which was hardly convincing. That old dude was just mumbling on about some lower ranking officer who was confused. There's nothing there Dak.

Video without the mumbo jumbo.

Regardless. You don't work at the Pentagon and have access to the SecDef's office as a "confused lower ranking officer". You also don't achieve the rank of General (much less 4 Star) without being highly intelligent. The amount of command time and politics required to climb the ladder as a field grade officer would exclude "mumbling old men".


The guy was class valedictorian at West Point. I'm sure he is just a befuddled old man :rolleyes:
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Wow, here a story for Krigloch to read.

A 92-year-old woman is set to stand trial for allegedly killing her 98-year-old husband after more than 70 years of marriage.

Clara Tang is charged with stabbing and bludgeoning her wealthy husband to death in their home in Sydney, Australia last year, the Sun-Herald reported.

When cops found her, they say Tang was soaked in blood after stabbing Ching Yung Tang twice in the stomach and bashing in his head.

She has pleaded not guilty due to mental illness. Her lawyers say she suffers from dementia and had feared her husband was trying to poison her.

She was initially denied bail due to "the level of violence" in the killing, but was later allowed to move into a nursing home.

Court papers show the couple survived both the Japanese invasion of China and Mao's Cultural Revolution before moving to Australia 30 years ago.