Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I don't trust Jesse Ventura to not be a puppet, but anything to open up the Federal Reserve is good, as it is part of the biggest criminal enterprise in history.

Every private bank in charge of any sovereign nation's money supply is the worst kind of criminal, save for the mass butcher.
CONWAY, Massachusetts (Reuters) - Maine lawmakers on Wednesday approved legalizing switchblades for people with one arm, moving close to becoming the first state to make such an exception to laws that ban use of the spring-action knives.

Backers of the measure say legalizing switchblades would eliminate a need for one-armed people to be forced to open folding knives with their teeth in emergencies.

The bill to allow amputees and other one-armed people to carry the quick-opening knives cleared Maine's Senate on Wednesday after passing the House on Tuesday, Senate officials said.

Until now, Maine banned the use of switchblades by anyone.

In most states, carrying switchblades is illegal in most circumstances, though owning the knives may be allowed in some states.

Federal law allows their use by a person with one arm only on federal property if the blade is shorter than three inches.

The Maine bill requires that the knives have a blade that is three inches or shorter.

Governor Paul LePage is expected to sign the measure into law in the next couple of days, said spokeswoman Adrienne Bennett.

(Reporting by Zach Howard, editing by Ellen Wulfhorst and Greg McCune)

Mochila insert follows...

Maine legalizing switchblades for one-armed people

Reuters US Online Report Oddly Enough

Apr 07, 2011 10:57 EDT

CONWAY, Massachusetts (Reuters) - Maine lawmakers on Wednesday approved legalizing switchblades for people with one arm, moving close to becoming the first state to make such an exception to laws that ban use of the spring-action knives.

Backers of the measure say legalizing switchblades would eliminate a need for one-armed people to be forced to open folding knives with their teeth in emergencies.

The bill to allow amputees and other one-armed people to carry the quick-opening knives cleared Maine's Senate on Wednesday after passing the House on Tuesday, Senate officials said.

Until now, Maine banned the use of switchblades by anyone.

In most states, carrying switchblades is illegal in most circumstances, though owning the knives may be allowed in some states.

Federal law allows their use by a person with one arm only on federal property if the blade is shorter than three inches.

The Maine bill requires that the knives have a blade that is three inches or shorter.

Governor Paul LePage is expected to sign the measure into law in the next couple of days, said spokeswoman Adrienne Bennett.
Ok so this is ridiculous. Let me explain. The guy on left is the president of Czech Republic in Chile. It's funny because this is just an example of the "typical" infamous czech way of dealing with things. This is really helping our international image.

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Lol. he didn't want to negociate with the chilean representative on who gets to keep the pen. This is how you usually solve the pen problem:

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Ok so this is ridiculous. Let me explain. The guy on left is the president of Czech Republic in Chile. It's funny because this is just an example of the "typical" infamous czech way of dealing with things. This is really helping our international image.


That made the national news here in Australia as one of those light hearted moments they add to soften the impact of all the bad news they just bombarded you with.But you're right it's not exactly good advertisement for your country and is pretty weird behaviour for the leader of a civilised country tbh.

President Klaus may've scored the pen for free but I think he'll find it will cost him a great deal in terms of personal integrity and that of his country,who can put a price on such things.