Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Do not agree with the punishment at all.

At the same time, I don't agree that "no one was harmed," or least not potentially harmed. If, by some chance, the parents of another child were on YouTube and saw that video, containing the face of a child they knew, they might find themselves in a position to think poorly of that child's parents. It affects people in measurable ways; but two months for child pornography? That's bullshit.
So is the new slavery and TSA employment the modern reparations for slavery? You tell me.

That's a bit of a stretch. The real problem is a parent letting anyone touch their child like that. If more people took a stand against this shit it would stop.

I see where you're coming from though. I'll put on Michael Savage later :cool:
Has anybody here seen "The American Dream" video? It's a bit silly but I actually know what the Federal Reserve is now. It's worth the 30 minutes.

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Not bad, but it's weakness is that it's too cartoony for any "intellectual" to pay it mind, and the subject matter is to serious for the plebes to care.
Hey Prismatic, are you going to see Atlas Shrugged tomorrow? I just bought my tickets.

I have just come back from seeing it. And I'd say that overall it met up with my expectations.

My review:

The opening of the film is spectacular and truly mirrors where we are headed. People who don't like how preachy the book is but still like the story will definitely prefer the film version. People who have not actually read the book may or may not get it.

So the pros are the following-

-Stellar knockout opening.
-Great, no..., phenomenal acting and character development by the two leads and pretty damn fine acting by just about everyone involved. Nods to Michael Lerner as the villain Wesley Mouch and Graham Beckel as Eliis Wyatt.
-Spectacularly shot and photographed.
-The production/set design was pretty ace.
-Some really great dialogue both from in and outside of the book.
-Great editing and suspense driven plot.
-Phenomenal score.
-The train launch sequence is fucking excellent.
-Not as clearly designated heroes and villains as in the book(which should appeal to certain people on here).
-Fucking thunderbolt of a brutal ending. Absolutely leaves you on a down note, leaving you wanting for more.
-The heroic message of the book definitely shines throughout the movie. And that is really the main and most important thing.

The cons are:

-The lighting could have been somewhat better in a few places.
-Francisco D'Anconia's "money is the root of all good" speech was not included(though I can see why it wouldn't work with the film's overall tone and story flow). I still wanted it in though.
-Only one curse word in it(and in the book, Rand included none) and you just want to see more of the anger and frustration experienced by the protagonists.
-The guilt-free sex so espoused and prolific in the novel is only lightly touched upon and pretty tame.
-The villians are definitely evil; but I really wanted this explored and portrayed further than it was. I'm sure it will be in Pts. II & III.
-I really wanted the chain smoking Dagny Taggart finally tasting a real hamburger and a good cigarette at Akston's Diner included.

So obviously, most of the cons are pretty mild and are just me nitpicking.
Simply put, if you like or loved the book; you will enjoy the movie. The heroism contained in Rand's many pages is contained in the celluloid throughout. And I fucking cannot wait to see the finished work.

My rating(this was not so simple): a solid 90/100.
The production values look absolutely atrocious. And from what I saw in the trailer, it suffers from poor acting (and trailers almost always make bad acting look good).
I was not satisfied with the movie. Too much was skipped, scenes were not accurate, the acting was not accurate to the characters in the novel, and the ending made me cringe. I would delve into detail but I honestly want to go to sleep so that I can wash the compromise from my conscience.
Timo Soini: "We are not extremists, so you can sleep safely"
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Europe: Nationalist resurgence
Hewitt: Finnish shock
Profile: Finland's Timo Soini
A nationalist party has taken nearly a fifth of votes in Finland's general election, the electoral commission says.

The True Finns finished just behind the conservative NCP and the Social Democrats on around 19%.

While the Social Democrats have called for changes on EU bail-outs, including the planned Portuguese rescue, True Finns opposes the plans altogether.

A hostile Finnish government could theoretically veto the package.

Unlike other eurozone countries, Finland's parliament can vote on whether to approve the measures.

Correspondents say the increased sway of Euro-sceptics in Finland's parliament could hold up any further bail-out deals.

As the biggest party, the NCP is tipped to lead the next government with former Finance Minister Jyrki Katainen likely to become prime minister of whatever coalition emerges, replacing Mari Kiviniemi of the Centre Party.

'Invitation to talks'
The anti-immigration True Finns won 39 seats in the 200-member parliament, final results showed.

The conservatives' Jyrki Katainen is tipped to be the next prime minister
That put it five seats behind the conservative National Coalition Party (NCP) - part of the current centre-right government and a strong advocate for European integration - and just three behind the opposition Social Democrats.

The Centre Party - previously the largest party in parliament - won just 35 seats, down 16 from the last election in 2007.

The strong showing for the True Finns meant the anti-euro party would at least "get an invitation to talks" on a new government, Reuters quoted party leader Timo Soini as saying.

Celebrating the NCP's success, Jyrki Katainen played down suggestions that Finland would now cause difficulties for the eurozone.

"Finland has always been a responsible problem solver, not causing problems," he said.

"This is about a common European cause. After the elections, the biggest parties will begin to look for common ground."

EU 'squanderers'
Tampere University political analyst Ilkka Ruostetsaari told AFP news agency the election outcome was astonishing.

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Predicted seats in parliament

National Coalition Party - 44
Social Democrats - 42
True Finns - 39
Centre Party - 35
"The True Finns' victory, surpassing every poll and every expectation of a drop on election day... plus the total collapse of the Centre - the whole thing is historic," he said.

Opinion polls had predicted a strong result for the True Finns but were giving the party around 15%, not 19%. In the 2007 election, the party had won just 4%.

With its charismatic leader Mr Soini, the party rejects rescue funds for EU "squanderers", as well as opposing immigration.

Speaking on Finnish TV, the True Finns' leader said he wanted to change the terms of the bail-out for Portugal.

"The package that is there, I do not believe it will remain," he said.

At the same time, he sought to assure other EU states that his party posed no threat.

"We are not extremists, so you can sleep safely," he said.

Analysts attribute much of his party's success to disenchantment with the big three mainstream parties who have run Finland for decades.

"It's a multiple protest," journalist Timo Harakka of Finnish TV YLE told BBC World Service.

"It's a no confidence vote for how things have been run so far. Concerning Europe for instance, or the economy.

"It seems The True Finns' just had a magical moment right now," he said, adding that, "negotiations for the government will be really strenuous for the coming months."

Some Finns expressed concern about the surge in support for the True Finns.

"They have strict opinions about everything," one young woman voter, who gave her name as Eevi, told Reuters.

"Finnish people have always been very open, I wonder why we are now pulling off, closing up again."
That's pretty fucking retarded, since not only was Obama born in Hawaii (when it was a state; even if it wasn't it was still part of the territories so he would still have been included as a citizen), but his mother was also a citizen at the time. Citizenship is automatically conferred upon children in that instance.

There is nothing serious about this situation. Nothing at all. And fuck Trump for bringing this bullshit back into the limelight. Fucker can't even keep a casino from bankrupting!

This entire bullshit is as dumb as two clowns gagging on each others knotted up tempera painted dicks.