Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I think a lot of Europeans, myself included, now about the expulsion of the ethnic Germans. It's kind of obvious to us anyway, I mean they aren't here anymore...
@Jimmy: I imagine that video series is informative, but following the links to the root site, I'm guessing the maker/sponsor falls under the ever-widening "Social Credit" umbrella, which thinks that the only problem with the current system is the debt basing, and that we could solve all of our economic problems by just printing/creating all the money we want for free.

More "free lunchers", trying to grasp on to the straws of monopoly money.
On Sunday the french and the greek will hold the second round of voting. Will they vote Golden Dawn and the National Front into seats? It's going to be interesting to see.

They did. The national front has two seats in the french parliament (one of them belongs to a very beautiful girl) and golden dawn have 19(!) seats in the greek parliament. Idk if this would make US news, but it's kind of interesting.
@Jimmy: I imagine that video series is informative, but following the links to the root site, I'm guessing the maker/sponsor falls under the ever-widening "Social Credit" umbrella, which thinks that the only problem with the current system is the debt basing, and that we could solve all of our economic problems by just printing/creating all the money we want for free.

More "free lunchers", trying to grasp on to the straws of monopoly money.

I would say the movie is not the most complete and accurate analysis, but definitely succeeds in provoking reflection and curiosity...

the fundamental points are true: (a) modern money is debt, (b) these debts will never be "paid off", (c) it is designed as a system of debt-slavery to degrade the sovereignty of nations.

Ill keep my eyes open and learn more about the misunderstood topic of money.
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I'll post it in case it hasn't been...

I cant wait to be forced to buy policies from insurance companies at prices set by insurance companies. It's so great that I'll now be forced by the government to buy a policy that covers 40% of my medical bills and If I dont buy this shit insurance, I'll be fined by the government.
I cant wait to be forced to buy policies from insurance companies at prices set by insurance companies. It's so great that I'll now be forced by the government to buy a policy that covers 40% of my medical bills and If I dont buy this shit insurance, I'll be fined by the government.

What's worse is when the government starts dictating the amount of care doctors and nurses can give to patients so they can save money. Then no one will go to med school and we'll have a shortage of doctors.

I guess the politicians never thought about how it would affect the health care workers.
I wish the statists would just come out of the closet and get rid of the Constitution. The Commerce Clause is set up to deregulate trade between states, then, it turns out, it gives the federal government the power to regulate commerce, and now it give the federal government the power to coerce commerce onto "free" individuals. Give me a break. Implied powers my ass.