I'm asking for evidence. You don't have any. I'm saying the question doesn't lead anywhere.
We have no evidence for anything.
I'm asking for evidence. You don't have any. I'm saying the question doesn't lead anywhere.
Stop bullshitting dude.
I know you're serious; but it's bullshit.
"All evidence is anecdotal" is a pointless defense against an indefensible argument. The truth is, we have far more evidence in favor of alternative theories, including theories that are far more likely and simple. Even if testimony is anecdotal, the amount of it trumps your baseless claims that have no means of verification (at this point). It's fun to question what we see on television; hell, it's fun to question everything. But it's another to put forth theories seriously when there's nothing to substantiate them.
Essentially, people know that conspiracy is a possibility; the mainstream media is even broadcasting that possibility. The possibility described in that picture you posted is an elaborate, unlikely theory that has no evidence to support it. Sure, evidence is anecdotal; but there's nothing "sensationalist" about believing a large number of eyewitness accounts, if they correspond and find relative common ground.
That's all fine. You don't need to convince me of anything.
But I don't believe that the conspiracy theories are simpler than the possibility that two young brothers blew up homemade bombs in Copley Square. In fact, it's very easy. If the government wanted to set off bombs, they don't need patsies to do it.
I don't agree that eyewitness accounts are lacking. I know people who were there. I don't agree that it's simpler to believe that a "drill went live." I don't believe that the government needs an excuse to roll tanks on the streets. I don't believe that it was done for any totalitarian purpose; the city never mandated that people stay indoors, and they were fine when people even in the neighborhood of Watertown went out and about in the mid-afternoon.
You also can't turn this around and accuse people of being shortsighted because they're believing that "Muslims killed people!" Fanatics actually do exist. Unless you believe the government made them up...
You didn't see smoke or fire or the bomber. You're making claims based on... what?
And your accusation is that believing the arguments on television are illogical. Do you see the disjunct here? Purely by the fact that arguments are presented in the mainstream media, or any news outlet for that matter, they lose relevancy in your opinion. This relegates all eyewitness and anecdotal evidence to a lower sphere that is in turn subjugated by your "logic."
It's nothing more than a form of rationalized argumentation, except that it has far less on its side than other arguments. You can successfully refute any form of evidence by appealing to a lack of authenticity, but your claims suffer from this far more than others.
Your obsession with a truth behind the veil seriously biases your own judgments sometimes.
What superior premises does your argument proceed from?
I mis-typed something above. I didn't intend that the arguments on television are illogical; I meant that you believe that believing the arguments on television is an illogical thing to do. It has nothing to do with the logic of arguments on television, and all to do with your accusation that placing any credibility on news reports means someone is already off to a false start.
Of course not, but that can be applied anywhere, which is the tactic you seemed to be taking earlier. For instance, you haven't published anything and haven't participated in any authoritative discussion. If credibility should not be assumed on television or through publication, then there is also no reason why it should be through the mouthpiece of one single person; in fact, if we discuss degrees of credibility, then publications and television networks attain the higher degree simply because of the degree to which different sources find commonality.
No one is revering the television or publication gods simply by granting them more credibility than, say... you. They just happen to actually have more credibility.
I see less of a problem than believing you.