Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Times like this make me happy that I made the decision to ignore Dakryn. Also Glen Beck is a really weird/crazy/horrible guy:

Skip to a bout 1:00

Because Glenn Beck is running the cameras at the same time :rolleyes:

I don't care for Rush since he is merely a Republican fanboy, and I don't always agree with Beck, but I at least can listen to Beck without getting irritated.

@ Cookie. God forbid I intrude on your fantasy world with the real. :rolleyes:
Tbh I have no basis of judging him on his political views since I don't listen to his show, but he does seem to be a complete asshole.
Tbh I have no basis of judging him on his political views since I don't listen to his show, but he does seem to be a complete asshole.

Speaking of unpopular show hosts, Alex Jones is interviewing a N.H. state representative on his show, explaining the intent of the resolution (Rep Itse, the main crafter of the bill apparently).

Apparently the N.H. version of the bill has been in the works since last summer.
Pretty good time to join the military if you have a college degree tbh. Guarunteed to be making at least 60k+ in your first 4 year contract as opposed to working for less than 30k a year as someone's bitch. Job security and excellent benefits sure make it quite enticing.

MOL, you might want to check into it.
Pretty good time to join the military if you have a college degree tbh. Guarunteed to be making at least 60k+ in your first 4 year contract as opposed to working for less than 30k a year as someone's bitch.

MOL, you might want to check into it.

Because when you're in the military you're nobody's bitch AMIRITE?
I meant if you joined to be commissioned Occifer. So no, URONG.

Still someones bitch, just not in the janitorial sense.

Edit: I've already said if I was to stay in, officer would be the only way to go for all the obvious reasons, but there is no way personally, that I am giving up that control again to all the people in the chain of command between Congress and myself.

North Korea says it's preparing to launch space program, denies preparations to test missile
From Wikinews
Monday, February 16, 2009

North Korea has denied in a statement that the nation's military is preparing to test-fire a long range ballistic missile. The country instead says that they are preparing to launch a space program.

"One will come to know later what will be launched in the DPRK. Space development is the independent right of the DPRK and the requirement of the developing reality," said the statement according to the Korean Central News Agency.

The statement also went on to accuse the United States and other nations of "viciously tricking [the country into putting] a brake on the wheel of not only the DPRK's building of military capability for self-defense but also scientific researches for peaceful purpose under the pretext of missile," added the statement.

Earlier reports from the U.S. and South Korean government had said that N. Korea was planning a test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile, the Taepodong-2. In 2006 the country test launched the same kind of missile, but military officials in the U.S. said the missile failed.

Previous reports say that N. Korea was trying to gain the attention of the new U.S. president Barack Obama, but the country denies those claims, saying, "the DPRK has no need to draw anyone's attention and does not want anybody to interfere or meddle in the issue of the Korean peninsula."

North Korean space program :lol:
This just in: sightings of first N. Korean space flight.
