Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I make sure to correct my friends and family 95% of the time. It really annoys me. And I really annoy them. But that's intentional.
That isn't as annoying as it is when people make errors in geography. I live north of Philly and yet people are always talking about "hey let's go up to Philly" or maybe "take a day and go down to New York". Actually, I guess we could go up to Philly. If we go the really, really long way, that is.

79-Year-Old Man Shoots Intruder During Hickory Home Invasion

POSTED: 4:29 pm EDT July 4, 2007
UPDATED: 5:27 pm EDT July 4, 2007

HICKORY, N.C. -- An elderly man feared for his life and shot a 23-year-old man who broke into his home Tuesday night in Hickory.

The 79-year-old man woke up to find that someone had broken into his home.

His quick thinking may have saved his life and his wife’s.

The man told his wife to go the neighbor’s house and be safe. Get out while she could.

The man then grabbed his handgun that he had in the house and waited for the intruder.

When the burglar walked into his bedroom, the elderly man shot him in the head.

The elderly man said it was a split second decision and one that he doesn’t regret.

Investigators said the man had a right to defend himself and his home.

The 23-year-old intruder is in the hospital and is expected to survive.

Investigators said that he would be arrested as soon as he is discharged from the hospital.

another badass oldguy! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

Girl Seriously Injured in Swimming Pool Mishap as Drain Pump Sucks Out Her Intestines

MINNEAPOLIS — A six-year-old girl has been hospitalized after a horrifying accident at a swimming pool, when she sat on an open drain and a powerful suction pump tore out part of her intestinal tract. A surgeon told the family Wednesday that part of her intestines had been lost.

Abigail Taylor was severely injured Tuesday when she sat over an open drain hole in a wading pool at the Minneapolis Golf Club, according to a posting by her family on the Caring Bridge Web site.

The posting, which has since been taken down, said it is a "medical miracle" that Taylor is still alive.

Taylor is listed in serious condition at Children's Hospital in Minneapolis. Bob Bennett, an attorney representing the family, told the St. Paul Pioneer Press she was conscious and able to speak late Tuesday but that she faces a series of surgeries with uncertain results.

Bennett alleged that the swimming pool's drain hole was improperly uncovered. An official at the golf club expressed sympathy for the family and said he didn't think anything was wrong with the pool, but referred questions to the club's attorney, who declined to comment.
Man Beats Vampire Peacock to Death

Man Beats Peacock He Says Was Vampire

POSTED: 4:24 pm EDT July 1, 2007
UPDATED: 4:28 pm EDT July 1, 2007

Beaten so fiercely that most of his tail feathers fell out, the bird was euthanized, said Richard Gentles, a spokesman for the city's Center for Animal Care and Control.

"It's just unbelievable that someone would do something to a poor, defenseless animal and do it in such a cruel fashion," he said.

The peacock, a male several years old, wandered into a Staten Island Burger King parking lot and perched on a car hood Thursday morning. Charmed employees had been feeding him bread when the man appeared.

He seized the iridescent bird by the neck, hurled it to the ground and started kicking and stomping the creature, said worker Felicia Finnegan, 19.

"He was going crazy," she said.

Asked what he was doing, she said, the attacker explained, "'I'm killing a vampire!'"

Employees called police, but the man ran when he saw them. Authorities were looking for the attacker, described as being in his teens or early 20s.

It was not clear how the bird made his way to the Burger King, but a Staten Island resident who raises peacocks said he had given some to a person who lives near the restaurant.

Beaten so fiercely that most of his tail feathers fell out, the bird was euthanized, said Richard Gentles, a spokesman for the city's Center for Animal Care and Control.

"It's just unbelievable that someone would do something to a poor, defenseless animal and do it in such a cruel fashion," he said.

The peacock, a male several years old, wandered into a Staten Island Burger King parking lot and perched on a car hood Thursday morning. Charmed employees had been feeding him bread when the man appeared.

He seized the iridescent bird by the neck, hurled it to the ground and started kicking and stomping the creature, said worker Felicia Finnegan, 19.

"He was going crazy," she said.

Asked what he was doing, she said, the attacker explained, "'I'm killing a vampire!'"

Employees called police, but the man ran when he saw them. Authorities were looking for the attacker, described as being in his teens or early 20s.

It was not clear how the bird made his way to the Burger King, but a Staten Island resident who raises peacocks said he had given some to a person who lives near the restaurant.

The Scouts, not allowed to make fire!

Scouts banned from eating burgers and bangers - because of religious beliefs
By LUKE SALKELD - More by this author »

Last updated at 07:05am on 3rd August 2007

Comments (30)

It was the glorious dawn of dibdibdobbing. A hundred years ago Lord Baden-Powell set out with 20 lads, his mission to teach them to hunt, light a fire and build shelter in the great outdoors.

A century on, it seems the original flame of Boy Scouting is not burning quite so bright.

For at a jamboree to mark the centenary of that original trip, there is no singing around the glowing embers of the camp fire - because there is no fire.

And you can't find a singed sausage for love nor money. However, there are veggie burgers aplenty.

And a large potted plant, around which the Scouts of 2007 can gather and write down thoughts on how to achieve world peace.

The location is Brownsea Island in Dorset, the starting point of Scouting where Lord Baden-Powell led the first expedition.

Those young pioneers caught rabbits and then skinned and cooked them on an open fire.

Some 300 modern-day Scouts (the word Boy was dropped in the 1960s) settled down to a meal prepared in a 'kitchen marquee' and consisting entirely of vegetarian food - so as not to offend any religious faiths.

Clare Haines, a spokesman for the Scout Association, said: "It was really to do with religion that we were not able to provide sausages and burgers and all that kind of food.

"We have been very careful to make sure food is provided to everybody's tastes and beliefs, so no one feels left out.

"They enjoyed their vegetarian meals, especially vegetable chilli, fresh salads and jacket potatoes."

She added that campfires had been banned on the National Trust-owned island after a massive woodland blaze 30 years ago.

However, Claire Barnes, a Scout leader from Rochester, Kent, said: "I can't believe anyone would have a problem with sausages or burgers.

"I've been involved with the Scouts for 15 years and it's the first time I have ever heard anything like this.

"We're proud of teaching our children about building fires - it's these basic survival skills which the movement is based on.

"I can understand why they wanted to make everyone feel accepted but I think that's probably taking things a little too far."

The jamboree is one of many events being held to mark the Scouting 2007 Centenary.

But for some, the Brownsea experience lacked the outdoors feel of a traditional camping experience.

In the middle of the island stands a huge marquee fitted out with industrial ovens and fridges stocked with vegetarian food.

Next to it is a large, covered canteen and stage where bands have performed in the evening during the five days of celebrations.

There is also an Internet cafe set up with ten lap-top computers to allow home-sick youngsters to keep in touch with their families around the globe.

The Scouts sleep in single- sex tents scattered around the island and have the use of numerous wash tents and portable lavatories.

Hundreds of solar powered lights line the walk ways across the island to avoid anyone tripping over tent pegs, and each cluster of tents is illuminated by strings of electric lights powered by generators.

David Massen, a Scout leader from Bradford, said last night: "A lot has changed with the way Scouting works since 1907.

"The principles are still the same but society has changed.

"For example, Baden-Powell could just take his Scouts out on a boat for a fishing trip, whereas if I want to do the same I have to take a two-hour training session and write a four-page risk assessment statement."
Man Beats Peacock To Death

See what Cradle of Filth does to our youth?

Pussy Scouts

Thats disgusting. No wonder other countries refer to americans as a bunch of lazy, city dwelling softened pussies It's cause they are. It's this kind of shit that makes people absolutely useless if they ever have to provide for themselves. I say kids should be aloud to learn the harsh cruelties of nature.
People die, people fail, animals die and survival is a fight, not a tea party. Kids can get hurt to. Whoopty fucking do. If you don't know how to swim and your dumb enough to fall into the water, you deserve to drown. There a thousand kids more skilled then you who survive out of dumpsters and got to sleep with an ak-47 beside them every night. "BUT OH MY GOD MY KID COULD ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT REAL LIFE IS LIKE INSTEAD WATCHING POKEMON AND EATING YOGURT FROM A TUBE!!!!!1!!!1!!" What the hell is this? This is why your fucking kids are still in your house when there 30 you coddling bitches!!!!!!

Ps. Every meal I eat includes meat.
Pussy Scouts

Thats disgusting. No wonder other countries refer to americans as a bunch of lazy, city dwelling softened pussies It's cause they are. It's this kind of shit that makes people absolutely useless if they ever have to provide for themselves. I say kids should be aloud to learn the harsh cruelties of nature. People die, people fail, animals die and survival is a fight, not a tea party.

Ps. Every meal I eat includes meat.
dude, its in England. bunch of Libtard faggots.
:puke: :erk: :puke: :erk: :puke: :erk: :mad:

That is so fucking retarded. I mean, Holy Shit, What the fuck. Thats not scouting at all. Thats everyday life with trees nearby. Fuck religious beliefs and fuck homesick little pussies.
Man Beats Peacock To Death

See what Cradle of Filth does to our youth?

Pussy Scouts

Thats disgusting. No wonder other countries refer to americans as a bunch of lazy, city dwelling softened pussies It's cause they are. It's this kind of shit that makes people absolutely useless if they ever have to provide for themselves. I say kids should be aloud to learn the harsh cruelties of nature.
People die, people fail, animals die and survival is a fight, not a tea party. Kids can get hurt to. Whoopty fucking do. If you don't know how to swim and your dumb enough to fall into the water, you deserve to drown. There a thousand kids more skilled then you who survive out of dumpsters and got to sleep with an ak-47 beside them every night. "BUT OH MY GOD MY KID COULD ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT REAL LIFE IS LIKE INSTEAD WATCHING POKEMON AND EATING YOGURT FROM A TUBE!!!!!1!!!1!!" What the hell is this? This is why your fucking kids are still in your house when there 30 you coddling bitches!!!!!!

Ps. Every meal I eat includes meat.

That was in England.

Also, fuck you. I'm an Eagle Scout and none of the shit you're talking about concerns me.
Also, fuck you. I'm an Eagle Scout and none of the shit you're talking about concerns me.

As am I. I never thought that Scouts would go this low, though. Scouting is supposed to unite peoples of different faiths, not make sure they are personally attended to and not offended.

Why are all the English-speaking countries so stupid?
As am I. I never thought that Scouts would go this low, though. Scouting is supposed to unite peoples of different faiths, not make sure they are personally attended to and not offended.

Why are all the English-speaking countries so stupid?

Well, the BSA needs some serious overhaul in terms of the religious affiliations and aspects of the organization. The protocol and standards are very fucking antiquated.