Damage Done is...

Damage Done is

  • The best album they ever did

    Votes: 46 25.8%
  • Better than Haven

    Votes: 83 46.6%
  • About as good as Haven

    Votes: 33 18.5%
  • Worse than Haven

    Votes: 10 5.6%
  • The worst album they ever did

    Votes: 6 3.4%

  • Total voters
Better than being poked in the eye with a blunt stick, not as good as winning £3,000,000,000 for sitting around doing nothing.
Needless to say, I haven't formed an opinion yet :D
I think this PERFECT album is different from haven, more between mind's I and projector, maybe they thought Haven wasn't the perfect direction, but the keys are damn into haven perspective, with electronic stuffs, THAT'S GREAT TOO because they stiff have their original taste of mind's I and gallery. It's not the best album for me because they have great melodies but a bit lost their folkloric special tone you could hear in mind's I. And SOOOOooo I put it just above Haven, but Haven is still a must-have, GREAT JOB GUYS
I've listened to about 4 songs from Damage Done, that was before AG died....and I've not gotten into it yet. I've actually got Haven, but i've not heard a single song from before that, so I don't have much to go-on. The songs from Damage Done don't have much in them for me on the first listens....but maybe that's because they're shite mp3's....I dunno, either way, Dark Tranquillity aren't anything too special to me. When I get a filesharing proggie to actually work again, i'll ahve to hear more like from the gallery and projector, since everyone seems to have different favourite albums, it indicates Dark Tranqullity as quite a consistent band but able to evolve intelligently and not over-significantly. I'll give those Damage Done tracks another listen-over........
I correct myself actualah, i've got all the songs bar two from Damage Done....but they're all 128 mp3s, I tried listening to them but it's really all quite loud, blurry and unclear. I can barely discern the double bass, the guitars blur together and the keys barely make an audible impact at all! The equalizer settings help sometimes; I usually save a different, optimal (for me) equalizer setting for every band and sometimes each album I listen to on winamp, cuz different producers emphasize different things, for better or for worse. Bolt Thrower for example, on mp3, is a complete mess. It's so bassy my speakers just warble intelligibly on normal settings...my Bolt Thrower eq setting has almost no bass whatsoever...it's the only way I can hear the guitars!

Blah, I really really liked Haven, but like someone before me said, it doesn't last all that long. Each individual song is good, and the overall feel of Haven is comfortably melodic, subtly melancholic and warmly folklike, but it's over quickly and the songs are very short. Haven gives me the sort of wistful, alternating warm/cold moodiness that I get when listening to In Flames TJC; a tangible, textured musicianship that is easy to digest and easy to appreciate. I very much enjoy Feast Of Burden, The Wonders At Your Feet, Not Built To Last and Ego Drama to mention individual songs.....i'd very much like to hear some work from Projector because I like keys and synth creativity. Damage Done sounds much more brisk, but like I said, I can't get much from the mp3's I have. =( S'why I like to buy the albums because they sound so much better.
True, but having Haven and also hearing the intense praise for everything else they've done, I can have a lot of confidence that whatever else I buy from Dark Tranquillity will be if not to my liking instantly, then decent enough to grow on me.
Originally posted by DoAsISayNotAsIDo
i haven't found the cd yet, if whole album is as good as Monochromatic Stains it's great...

I agree, I just can't stop listening to MS. Actually, this is my first Dark T. song I've ever heard :p I think I'm going to download more songs from DD and think later should I buy this album or not.
Mark, I'm a little bit everywhere :p ;) Cob board, Iron Maidens, Sinergy... plus the one you mentioned ;)

Yeah yeah, but I want to know more before I buy anything! And of course I'm still out of money.

I think it's better to continue writing at newbie thread, before mr. rahvin gets...umm... angry with me... :p
@dethroned: :lol: not just because you're a newbie here you have to write exclusively on the newbie thread. that would just be for introducing yourself, but i already know you. :p

rahvin. (cannot get mad because of an ancient curse)
Now having it for a few weeks I went for "About as good as Haven".

I liked Haven, it was a great step in the right direction after the slight disappointment of The Mind's I (but what could you expect after the milestone that is The Gallery) and the dillusion of Projector, though there were definitely songs that were better than the rest. "At Loss For Words" reigns supreme, closely followed by "Fabric", "Haven" & "Not Built To Last".

I was delighted when I heard "Final Resistance" for the first time, they were playing fast again :eek: :eek:, yeah!! And also the other songs I'd heard made me think I would like Damage Done even better than Haven, but now after having been listening to it for some weeks I think I like it about equally as I do Haven. I don't think all songs are equally great, my faves still are "Final Resistance" and "Single Part Of Two", closely followed by "Hours Passed In Exile".

Still I think stylewise DD is another step in the right direction (definitive goodbye to the clean vox, back to more aggression) and I just hope they'll continue to develop towards a more energetic and aggressive style.
I just wonder... If you take out the lyrics in the jewel case version... something stands on the back of the lyric"book" :
........ tell me of the inside? what does the whole sentence say? I can't see the other words...