Fenrir13 said:
i'm the textbook 'i hate everybody' kind of person. Just humans in general because we are going to kill ourselves in the next couple centuries, if that, anyway. and we seem to be the only race capable of that. good riddance in the end i say. then maybe the smart races can actually evolve and prevail. cos we sure as hell ain't it.

that and i tend to think everyone is an idiot until proven otherwise.

aleta said:
it may be experience,but the fact is you said that about all gypsies,and you then said that there are exceptions!
are you gonna make up your mind?

Make up my mind to sound as black and white as you? Thanks not.

If you think that having overall bad experiences outdo meeting a couple of exceptions to the rule then you are more foolish than I thought. And believe me, I tried to find a nice word desperately.

The gypsie situation have been a problem for generations in Hungary and just because you feel like patting a group of them in a dark alley on the shoulder they'll still rape and rob you. But peace is a great thing to fight for of course, it just doesn't exist until there are much deeper problems lying to be uncovered.
aleta said:
how would you feel if you were walking down the street and you run into 10 skinheads!!!
I would move over to the other side of the street, or a different street entirely. But you just proved my point, you just placed a group of 10 gypsies in the same bag as a group of 10 skinheads!

Like I said in my previous post, no one here is talking out of prejudice, people are talking out of experience. Skinheads hate a race, they ignore the fact that some members of those groups may actually be decent persons.
What we are talking about here is not a race, it's about a culture. Racial traits have nothing to do with this, it's their current culture that's the problem.
Hylian said:
There is a significant difference between talking from prejudice about people you know nothing about, and talking from the experience people may have had with those persons. If you notice, no one here is saying anything out of prejudice, everyone is talking from their own experience with them.

but how much experience?
i know people who had one bad experience with like a bus or something and never took a bus ride again...that's not prejudice?
_Zsuzsa_ said:
Please look up prejudice in the dictionary because you have obviously no idea what it means.

Here I'll help

Prejudice is, as the name implies, the process of "pre-judging" something. It implies coming to a judgment on a subject before learning where the preponderance of evidence actually lies, or forming a judgment without direct experience. Holding a politically unpopular view is not in itself prejudice, and politically popular views are not necessarily free of prejudice.

When applied to social groups, prejudice generally refers to existing biases toward the members of such groups, often based on social stereotypes; and at its most extreme, results in groups being denied benefits and rights unjustly or, conversely, unfairly showing unwarranted favor towards others.
aleta said:
but how much experience?
i know people who had one bad experience with like a bus or something and never took a bus ride again...that's not prejudice?
Nearly 22 years in a Portugal.
and even tho some actually agree with what i said, some don't. however, i can back it up as saying ive seen enough of humanity in 28 years to generate enough bad experiences. so yeah, maybe by automatically thinking all people are idiots until proven otherwise, i'm predjudiced against humans.

however...i notice many folks here don't have as much as a problem with that, and even laugh...than someone who say, doesn't like gypsies.

and this predjudice is one of them. it's caused by people acting like assholes and making other people hate them. i can't blame people for that. Humans are capable of rational thought and free will, and have opposable thumbs. apparently 90% of the planet thinks that's that cue to act like the most idiotic beings on the planet. people say lemmings are dumb for jumping off cliffs. humans are worse than lemmings half the time. Give a man intelligence and he immediately invents bigger and better ways of eradicating fellow humans.

again, i'll be sitting on the hill with a bottle of vodka and binoculars with a CD player running as the mushroom cloud expands.
world just isn't good. and why talking things better than they apparently are ? just to make you feel better? I never met any gypsies (except of ektomorf, and i neither talked to them nor they raped me, harhar) and so i won't say anything bout that. the current situation in germany with all the foreigners isn't the best one, and damn, i say that out of experience. am i a nazi now?
let me get one thing straight;if you make an opinnion without experience it's prejudice,but if you make a judgement on a whole race or culture it's not ok to call it prejudice?
that's just great...then this world sucks totally!
Wings of a dream said:
Here I'll help

Prejudice is, as the name implies, the process of "pre-judging" something. It implies coming to a judgment on a subject before learning where the preponderance of evidence actually lies, or forming a judgment without direct experience.

Contemplate on this aleta and what we have been trying to make you understand in a marathon of posts. We have had several (I haven't kept a diary on it, but a lot) DIRECT experiences with low life gyspie scum. Now stop using words you don't understand.