are you left or right handed?

NicodemiX said:
I hope it wouldn't have to come to that, I'd hate to become mortal enemies with my lefty friends

Sure, we have peace with the southpaws now, but it's all over once they start buttering their bread on the underside...
Pyrus said:
You said that? Where'd you get it from? My friend Jack came up with it, last I checked.

My grandma's friend was in the mafia. Last time I talked to him that was the advice he gave me - i was 12 - so i was like "uhhh, thanks, i'll remember that one next time i kill someone and want to know who my real friends are"
NicodemiX said:

OKAY NICO...I'm calling bullshit on this one!

You have resulted to cheating in the race, come on now, this is terrible, this isn't even a real post.


- lol
today i was listening to a mix CD, and i was listening to Curse You All Men by Emperor, and i cranked it on my portable cd player, went up to a random person (who hates metal and gets creeped out by wimpy ass bands like korn) and forced them to listen to it...... hehe what a great reaction
Wolftribe said:
today i was listening to a mix CD, and i was listening to Curse You All Men by Emperor, and i cranked it on my portable cd player, went up to a random person (who hates metal and gets creeped out by wimpy ass bands like korn) and forced them to listen to it...... hehe what a great reaction

Thats always fun!