Final_Product said:
y'know those microwave cheeseburgers? Well if you toast the bun under a grill and microwave the burger, rather than microwaving the whole thing...they taste amazing.
hell yeah man :grin: we get those at the gas station, sooo good :grin:
i think the best to conclude all this would be
Live and LET LIVE!!!

it just doesn't happen in many places in this world,
i have learned from my life experience to let thous fucker be, let them eat them selfs. do not to participate in their games of nationality or what ever prejudicetion, you kill of 'em 10 new will replace the one.

stupidety has no cure
yeah don't bash her poem or you'll be in a poem about a poem, and since nothing will have changed, you'll bash her again and there will be yet another poem and the vicious circle will go on forever. instead why don't you fight in the mud 8)
Ralf said:
Any country east of Germany can beat them in drinking.

HELL no. Alcohol resides in our blood naturally, so when we begin to bevvy we are only topping it up. THUS thats why we end up shit faced and urinating on your car way before the east-europeans. :)
Final_Product said:
HELL no. Alcohol resides in our blood naturally, so when we begin to bevvy we are only topping it up. THUS thats why we end up shit faced and urinating on your car way before the east-europeans. :)

If it resides in anyone's blood those are the russians. And they don't even get shitfaced that easily.
Do you know what race i fucking hate..... its the fucking orks.
You just finish your village or are sitting down for dinner in you cottage,
A party of them walk down the street, and wreck the place, Somebody once told me that orks lission to slipknot and have invested in self harm.
And when they go out of dinner they never leave a tip, fucking cunts kill them all.
TheSeldomlaid said:
You're still wrong :p

As a nation, we handle our drink better. When russians get drunk past their limit, they go decapitate business partners and such. We just shag women and eat scoch pies.