Damnation Re-Visited


My Arms, Your Casket
Sep 29, 2005
Just finished listening to this album. I haven't played it in a long time. Not that I don't like it (I do) but lately I've been into the heavier Opeth albums.

Is it just me or is "Hope Leaves" the best track on the album ? To be honest, I had completely forgotten about this song. I love the atmospheric keys that Per lays down & Mikael's vocals are so smooth. Everything about this song is perfect. It may be my favorite soft Opeth track they've done.

Death Whispered a Lullaby & Windowpane are my next two favorites from this album.

I'm surprised Opeth didn't play more of this album & some other slower tracks at the Chronology shows. I wasn't fortunate enough to be at those shows, but I saw the setlist posted.

Maybe in the future Opeth will do another tour similar to the Damnation tour. That was such a great show. Hearing Damnation in it's entirety, as well as great songs like To Bid You Farewell, Benighted & Face of Melinda. I'm sure it's unlikely Roadrunner would sponsor a tour of all previously released material, but that show was so amazing, that I think it would sell-out most venues if they did it again. Maybe Porcupine Tree can join them again, but this time I think Opeth would headline all the venue's due to their growing popularity.
DWaL hit me like a rock when I listend to it again.

That lone mesmerizing guitar line and then
"Out on the road, there are fireflies circling. Deep in the woods, where the lost sould hide."
Imagine...he first time I heard this song, I was lying in a tent deep in the woods staring up at the silhouettes of trees and fireflies. Creeeepy...or should I say...Eeeveeiil Crueellty! :muahaha:
damnation is good, but i'd still like to hear mikael release a solo effort with stuff like still day beneath the sun on.. just him and his acoustic guitar.. would be awesome imo
My favourites are Windowpane and Closure, but I love the entire album to be honest... great stuff, and it's not better nor worse than any other Opeth album imo, just different, and so Opeth-ish at the same time :)
totally agree with you about all of damnation. All of the album is great and my favourites have to be hope leaves, TRTD, and Closure. But as for the point about them not playing a lot of these songs at the chronologies show, id like to say that Opeth didn't want Damnation to be considered there "sound" or new type of music.

Like Mikael said on Lamentations, Damnation was just a one time deal and there will never be another mellow album like it. Opeth has made their style out of heavy growling and chaotic riffs, and to play more of the songs of what they really aren't all about would be against what the band truly stands for.

The chronologies played 2 damnation tunes as I recall (WP, and closure) like they promised, and although many of Opeth's newer fans were pulled in by damnation it is not what the band is, it is just one side of them that they wanted to express by playing similar music to those bands that influenced them early on in life. Thats my opinion =)
Shit, I forgot that SW played the keys on Damnation. :erk:
I remembered seeing Per live. Good stuff !!
My fave on Damnation used to be DWaL but after I watched Lamentations its gotta be Windowpane. Honestly, that live performance... Mike puts so much heart into it, it's just beautiful.

'given dreams are ridden with pain'