Dan Spitz


New Metal Member
Apr 2, 2005
I personally could give a shit what Spitz looks like. In my opinion he is the best lead guitarist they have ever had. As long as he can stay motivated it will be fine. I look forward to him being back. I do agree that there are some songs that Joey could pull off from the Bush era, but the question is "Do you really want to even tackle that monster?" It would be fun to listen to and compare songs. You can have a Belladonna vs Bush sing off! It would be just as fun as wathcing and making fun of those rediculous "Cookie Monster" bands they show on Headbangers Ball.
I agree about Dan, being the best Thrax lead & not caring what he looks like.
But come on man. John's voice is so much Stronger than Joey's. He'd never pull off Bush Songs
i'll say it again,before he got sick of playing he was one of the best in the business,people forget that he couldnt even look at a guitar let alone pick up one for ages,elton john had a similar problem with the piano!
Yeah, people care too much about how others look, as long as Danny and the others get along they can dress how they choose. People never seem to complain about Scotts bald head and huge goatee. I prefer Bush myself but compairing people by their looks is plain fucking silly. I myself don´t look the way most people think a guy who likes death metal and grindcore should look and yes, some become confused and a few get very annoyed because of that.
dutchy said:
Spitz rules!!! Hope they bring out a Joey/Trax album, Bush back to the Saint and we are all happy!! cause I don't think we'll ever see the Bush and Trax on the same stage!!

u have a way with words bro,when will u see the reunion show?
Danny Spitz is awesome..I have been waiting for him to rejoin the band since he was let go... I think the guitar team of Ian/Spitz is one of the most devastating of all time.....Danny has an original style and his solos take the songs in a whole different direction ....not just a bunch of wanking but well thought "songs within a song"..I can hear classic Jeff Beck through Randy Rhoads type influences in his playing..If he is on, the kids are gonna be blown away by Danny.
After seeing Rob effortlessly play the TGOTE's shit live.... man... i like him better than Dan so it will be great to see Dan play and i am sure that the Downtuning that Thrax will be doing, Dan will sound as good if not better??? Thumbs to all...... Ok the glasses were a little strange .... but shit mine looks crappy too.....
[/QUOTE]people forget that he couldnt even look at a guitar let alone pick up one for ages,elton john had a similar problem with the piano

Elton John had a problem picking up a piano? No shit!! Only joking!!

My thoughts on Dan are he was original in style and his sound was totally different to anybody else, but I didn't think he was amazing IMO
CadillacRockBox said:
I personally could give a shit what Spitz looks like. In my opinion he is the best lead guitarist they have ever had. As long as he can stay motivated it will be fine. I look forward to him being back. I do agree that there are some songs that Joey could pull off from the Bush era, but the question is "Do you really want to even tackle that monster?" It would be fun to listen to and compare songs. You can have a Belladonna vs Bush sing off! It would be just as fun as wathcing and making fun of those rediculous "Cookie Monster" bands they show on Headbangers Ball.

dan spitz is an average guitarist at best ... rob plays circles around dan on the tunes off of "the greater of two evils" ... as a guitar player, i always found dan spitz's guitar work to be very easy to emulate ... a poor man's ace frehley ... :)
I think he should wear those ugly assed glasses all the time. they make him look insane. anyways aren't rock bands supposed to wear strange shit? scott ian's beard, cliff burtons bell bottoms, lemmy's face, etc.
powerhaus said:
dan spitz is an average guitarist at best ... rob plays circles around dan on the tunes off of "the greater of two evils" ... as a guitar player, i always found dan spitz's guitar work to be very easy to emulate ... a poor man's ace frehley ... :)


If you think Dans a Great Player....you no nowt about playing the Instrument!!

Listen to Guys Like Zakk Wylde, Malmsteen,Hendrix,Dimebag, Marty Friedman, Paul Gilbert .....to name Just a Few. (Rock Guitarists)

Spitz isnt even good enough to lace Dave Mustaines Boots!!!!
wow if you people think spitz is so amazing then i really want to know what other guitar players you listen to.
he is at best average with a few quirky melodic ideas (probably that were written by charlie and given to dan.)
DeathsHead said:
If thats the case how is it that Spitz beat Mustaine way back when for the Jackson sponsorship?

That has to do with band popularity.

Check out the Sponsorship deals that Good Charlotte and other sacks of shit have??

And theres a thousand people on this notice board are better players than them.

By the way,

Have you Seen Daves ESP Sponsor Guitars Hes only got a entire Range and a new ESP Axxion on the way out.

Mustaine was sponsored by Jackson back on the So Far So what so good Tour too!!

Oh!.....And he tends to have played a bit since 1990!!!
Some of you guys just crack me up.

Any of you guys slagging on Spitz I want you to post some of your own original music right now, rhytms or solos. If you're going to slag other players the least you can do is put your balls out there and let's see what you got.

Spitz was a good guitar player, and more importantly, had an original style. No he isn't a Malmsteen, Gilbert or whatever "guitar god" you want to throw out there. So!? I could name coutless great guitar players that didn't fall into that league of players. Comparing guitarists is fine to a degree but when you start with the "oh well so and so is better than so and so" that just gets so childish its laughable. There's more to a player than speed and popularity. I could hear a Spitz solo back in the day and most of the time recognize it as HIS, THAT says something.